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Been off Minoxidil 5% for 7 months, however erectile dysfunction still persists...

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Ive read other threads of ppl experiencing erectile dysfunction from using the 5% minoxidil solution, HOWEVER no one has ever followed up and stated if their sexual function had ever returned to normal.


I first started off using the 2% solution and was on that for maybe 5 months. During that time I did notice that my erections were becoming a little weaker, but I never gave the minoxidil a single thought as a cause. Then I got off the stuff just because it was making my head itchy. When i discontinued it my sexual functioned returned.


Then about a month later I bought 5% minoxidil solution (remeber I didnt attribute my erectile dysfunction to the minoxidil when I was on the 2% so dont tell me i shouldnt of started using again as I DIDNT KNOW). About a week into being on the 5% I had noticed my erections were becoming EXTREMELY weak. Sex with my girlfriend was difficult due to not being able to sustain a real hard erection. I started waking up in the mornings without erections which was not normal at all. After about 2 weeks total of using the 5% I stopped completely.


Heres the problem now: This was 7 months ago! I still am NOT waking up with erections, having difficulty achieving/maintaining erections during sex, and not getting random erections at all throughout most days. Im 28 years old. Up until ever using any minoxidil I had an extremely high sex drive. And I would ALWAYS wake up in the mornings very hard--now nothing.


So here my question for those of you who have experienced these side effects: HOW LONG DID IT TAKE FOR YOUR SEXUAL FUNCTION TO GO BACK TO NORMAL? Like I said its been 7 months for me now and im getting extremely sad/depressed about this. I dont even want to imagine that this is permanent. My doctor says I seem healthy otherwise. He recommended a urologist but Im pretty sure the urologist is just gonna prescribe me an ED med.


Serious answers please and only respond if you have gone through these symptoms.

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  • Senior Member
Ive read other threads of ppl experiencing erectile dysfunction from using the 5% minoxidil solution


All I have seen about minoxidil and ED was either just anecdotal (random cases on the net, with no real diagnosis or follow up), or popular lies spread on the net by companies selling snake oil as an alternative to minoxidil.


Topical minoxidil has been around since the 70's, its safety profile and side effects are extremely well documented since it's an "old" medication... and it's not known to produce erectile dysfunction (ED) or a libido drop "at a regular dose".


It's actually been used to "treat" erectile dysfunction.


But who knows... the human body is a complex machine and you might have won the lottery and be one of a million.


He recommended a urologist


First I would do the only wise thing to do, which is what your doctor said, and ask the urologist (who probably have seen "hundreds" of cases of ED before you) about minoxidil to reassure you.


After blood tests and other physical exams are done to rule out "mechanical" problems (which are rare at your age), I would consult a psychologist and/or a sexologist specialized in such problems (very very common and easy subject for them).


You might be surprised at how FAST they could help you get rid of your ED (after they ruled out "mechanical" causes).


I would also do some serious research about "the psychology of impotence" and "Performance Anxiety" (instead of digging the net for nebulous undiagnosed minoxidil ED cases).


You mentioned you felt sad and depressed at the moment... after much research you will start to understand the endless cycle of the "trigger/anxiety/vulnerability/physical symptoms/depression" process in aggravating ED problems.


I know that's not what you want to hear, and I know you're probably stubborn and focus on "that one easy target" as a cause for your problem (I won't start an endless debate about this), but I do believe that the link between your "persistent" ED problem, and your "past" use of topical minoxidil (7 months ago), is just coincidental.


Even if you are one of a million, and the minox was a "trigger" for your problem... another process has most probably taken place as a source for your "present" erectile dysfunction problem.


It takes a bit of work, but you will come out of that situation wiser and better.


Best of luck

Edited by SERIOUS
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By the way, in the meantime you might want to try some herbal supplements designed for ED... you can do a quick research and find some interesting reviews about some of these daily supplements that can have a powerful effect on blood flow. I know some of them work really well, having heard about it from a close friend. Checking for underlying causes such as diabetes, hormonal or cardiovascular diseases would be wise as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Thanks, but this thread was not posted for an open debate. Look, I understand that the MAJORITY of people who use Rogaine do not experience these side effects, and that's great for them. However, I am one of the people who is.


Before using the Rogaine I was perfectly normal sexually. It has had some kind of reaction in my body. My testicles have literally shrunk, and the last time I woke up in the morning with an erection was just before I used the Rogaine.


When I was on the 5% minoxidil is when I noticed the symptoms bad. I believe it got into my bloodstream as I used enough to where it caused my scalp to redden severely. I regret the day I ever touched the stuff. And NO, this is NOT just in my head. I never even attributed the Rogain to the ED while i was on it. The only reason I even stopped was because how bad it was irritating my scalp.


I just want to know from the people who HAVE gone through this--> how long did it take to recover if ever? Its been 8 months now that Ive been of it and there has been little improvement.

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I understand.


But while you're waiting for these people that "have" gone through this after using rogaine to come up... why don't you be proactive and get tested for "every-single-possible-causes"?


What fascinates me to the highest degree, is that you were able to convince yourself that minoxidil is the "one and only" possible cause for your problem "without even going for a single test." That's totally unscientific and it won't help you in the end.


Get tested by a specialist for every single possible causes is what everybody told you to do, including your doctor. How many more months are you going to wait? Maybe you have an underlying problem that's just going to get worse, or even get to the point of no return, because you waited to do the only wise thing to do.


Vascular disease


Hormone imbalances

Neurologic conditions

Venous leak


Diabetes mellitus

High blood pressure

High cholesterol



Testosterone deficiency



Just a small list of "little" things that may cause such a problem...


Good luck

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  • 4 months later...
  • Senior Member

are you sure its due to minox as i use both 5mg oral minox and 5% solution per day every day and dutas and have no ed?


i cant even see how minox solution on the scalp can even result in ed as the amount actualy absorbed is minute??


i suggest you go and have a full hormone and blood test carried out as you may be suffering from excess oestrogen or diminished test levels??


i agree with what seriouse has posted! look for al other causes as i highly doubt its minox related!!!


some men take minoz tablets up to 45mg a day and have no ed? so a little solution on ur head isnt gunna giv u ed

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  • Senior Member

Hey guys,


I just wanted to suggest that those individuals suffering from, what they believe is, minoxidil induced erectile dysfunction see a physician and undergo a thorough evaluation. It's my understanding that, in certain cases, erectile dysfunction can stem from psychological issues and should be evaluated by a physician. Please, keep us updated on the situation and feel free to keep researching and asking questions on the hair restoration forums!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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You may want to have your doctor test for low testosterone.


Hypogonadism can be the cause. Your mention of atrophied testicles is a clue to this as well as no AM erections. If T goes lower you may watch out for loss of body hair and eventually hot flashes or sweats.


Insist on your doc testing for low T in the blood test. At your age they may not order T levels even though they are checking other blood levels.


I had the issue and know what I am talking about. Even if it is in the low range of normal you may need treatment and many doctors realy resist doing this because of abuse by body builders and young adults just wanting to be macho. Had to go to 2 more docs before they would even address the issue. I understand the lower range of normal is a male in his 80's ... or something similar but you get the idea.

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often the true reason test is low id due to high oestrogen, if you take exogenus test such as tablets or replacement methods you will make the matter worse. try and restore you test levels naturaly with out test suplementation as test replacement therapy is for life!!!!!!!!!!!


if you manage the oestrogen if your nuts are not dead the test levels will rise as estradol and oestrogen reduces....


get bloods and post results and i can help you further

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Many men have experienced ED and low libido after use of rogaine. This occurs when too much is absorbed in the body. This absorbsion is toxic to the adrenal gland, thyroid gland and pituitary gland. Some people absorb more than others and some people's body's are able to detoxify the rogaine, but people with compromised detoxification systems become negativly affected by the rogaine.


Had Side effects from rogain? I recomend you have your prolactin, LH, FSH, TESTOSTERONE, and TSH levels measured by a doctor. The more people that share their story and labs the better we can treat the side effects and possibly sue rogaine for their life damaging product.

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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i would say more than likely many individuals where suffering from a hormaonal inbalance initialy before the rogaine was used... and then the rogaine MAY have been responsible for the final straw ont he camels back for example....


but even so i say this is still highly unlikely


if you get bloods done the following are important


serum test

total test

free test

androgen levels



lutanising hormone LH

follicle stimulating hormone FSH



they key to many problems of the healthy mans endocrine system is the oestrogen levels...........


many middle aged men actually produce more oestrogen that women of the same age and when you take the strongest androgen DHT which opposes the oestrogen build up out of the equation via dht blocker finest etc this when problems start..........


think of it like a seasaw with test on one end and oestrogen on the other end!!! if oestrogen is to high or low ED starts!!!!!!!!


another intresting fact is men who actually have to go on test replacemnt therapy for life due to andropause, need to take exogenus test such as injections or gels


now, if you use gel the test comes in to contact with the skins hair follicles and this makes DHT and for this reason men who use the gel do not have oestrogen side effects ED,GYNO,LIBIDO problems


how ever men who inject the test dont have as much DHT conversion as its not getting contact with hairs and its these men like body builders who get the oestrogen build up so a anti oestrogen is then used!!!!!!!!!!




blood tests will reveal all and its relitively easy to restore natural levels if you can identify the problems

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  • 3 years later...

I have the same problem. Used minoxidil 5% for 8month now I have no more hard in the morning which is not normal at all and have much weaker erection. I have been off minoxidil for 3 month and it has not got better. Did you get any better?? Did you see a doctor??

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  • 10 months later...
Ive read other threads of ppl experiencing erectile dysfunction from using the 5% minoxidil solution, HOWEVER no one has ever followed up and stated if their sexual function had ever returned to normal.


I first started off using the 2% solution and was on that for maybe 5 months. During that time I did notice that my erections were becoming a little weaker, but I never gave the minoxidil a single thought as a cause. Then I got off the stuff just because it was making my head itchy. When i discontinued it my sexual functioned returned.


Then about a month later I bought 5% minoxidil solution (remeber I didnt attribute my erectile dysfunction to the minoxidil when I was on the 2% so dont tell me i shouldnt of started using again as I DIDNT KNOW). About a week into being on the 5% I had noticed my erections were becoming EXTREMELY weak. Sex with my girlfriend was difficult due to not being able to sustain a real hard erection. I started waking up in the mornings without erections which was not normal at all. After about 2 weeks total of using the 5% I stopped completely.


Heres the problem now: This was 7 months ago! I still am NOT waking up with erections, having difficulty achieving/maintaining erections during sex, and not getting random erections at all throughout most days. Im 28 years old. Up until ever using any minoxidil I had an extremely high sex drive. And I would ALWAYS wake up in the mornings very hard--now nothing.


So here my question for those of you who have experienced these side effects: HOW LONG DID IT TAKE FOR YOUR SEXUAL FUNCTION TO GO BACK TO NORMAL? Like I said its been 7 months for me now and im getting extremely sad/depressed about this. I dont even want to imagine that this is permanent. My doctor says I seem healthy otherwise. He recommended a urologist but Im pretty sure the urologist is just gonna prescribe me an ED med.


Serious answers please and only respond if you have gone through these symptoms.



Hi, I am a 27 year old male from India facing the same sorts of problems which u have mentioned regarding minoxidil. I stopped using it 4 months back and sexual sideeffects are still remaining. I m gonna do a blood test in this week to check my T level and prolactine serum. Please update your condition and the steps you have followed? Are you ok now or still having any sexual problems? Please rreplay

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