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ht with no propecia help please

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hi there im 25 thinnin throw front and bit on vcrown. there is no way that im going to pescribe to peopecia dur to obvious reasons and the length of use, had a consult with a doc today and they advised me about it but noway im gonna get on it. i want to thicken throw middle and lower the hairline, can anyone advise on this and help thanks alot, can anyone recc any uk docs as many as poss as want to check the lot lol thanks people

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As far as meds go you could use regain, also getting a laser comb/helmet may help thicken the hair.


Are you searching for a hair transplant doc in the UK to lower the hairline (or a regular doc to advise on meds) - if so for the HT the hospital group are based in the UK but I dont think anyone would advise a HT in the UK this could be done by someone like Dr Feller is New York or Hasson and Wong

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As 1982UK has stated, Minoxidil (Rogaine) is the only real proven option open to you if your mind is made up regarding Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar). You should be aware though, that Minoxdil like Finasteride is also a life long commitment. You could also consider trying ketoconazole (Nizoral/Revita).


The only clinic/doctors I'd consider in the UK is the Farjos' in Manchester.

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Hi Darren,


I also didn't want to take Propecia - but it was strongly suggested I do by my surgeon, so I did.


Big mistake :( Cue 2 years of getting back to normal... shudders.


Anyway, in those 2 years my hairline hasn't really receded anymore (a tiny bit at most) and I just had a "top up" HT now.


I know it could all go horribly wrong for me, but I'm very optimistic that there will be a better solution here before I need to worry about HT #3.


Just wish I had stuck strongly to my beliefs in the beginning! I only took it for 3 months!

My Hairloss Website


HT#1 - Dr Pathomvanich - 2900 Grafts

HT#2 - Dr Pathomvanich - 1500 Grafts

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As 1982UK has stated, Minoxidil (Rogaine) is the only real proven option open to you if your mind is made up regarding Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar). You should be aware though, that Minoxdil like Finasteride is also a life long commitment. You could also consider trying ketoconazole (Nizoral/Revita).


The only clinic/doctors I'd consider in the UK is the Farjos' in Manchester.


thanks for reply so this nizoral revita is this lotion or oral what are effects benifits etc. yeah might have a one 2 one with farjos dr rogers suggested meds but there is no way im takin the risk even as low percent as 2

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Hi Darren,


I also didn't want to take Propecia - but it was strongly suggested I do by my surgeon, so I did.


Big mistake :( Cue 2 years of getting back to normal... shudders.


Anyway, in those 2 years my hairline hasn't really receded anymore (a tiny bit at most) and I just had a "top up" HT now.


I know it could all go horribly wrong for me, but I'm very optimistic that there will be a better solution here before I need to worry about HT #3.


Just wish I had stuck strongly to my beliefs in the beginning! I only took it for 3 months!

mate i feel for u truely glaad all good now, so where and how did ur ht go, yeah i thinnin on top and thats exactly what i want thicken and hairline but i know could look wired at later date, could this not be fixed with surgery thanks

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Darren smith,


I think writing off Finasteride without at least trying it is a mistake and as I have said many times in the forum, I believe having a transplant without first stabilizing or dramatically slowing the loss is something you will only regret.


Nizoral, Nizorelle and Revita are all shampoos that contain the same active ingredient ketoconazole. Here in the UK you can buy Nizoral and Nizorelle from the chemist and Revita can be purchased online. Nizoral contains 2% ketoconazole where as Nizorelle and Revita contain 1%. It is advised that you only use Nizoral 2% 2-3 times a week, however Nizoelle and Revita are safe to use daily. Both 1% and 2% have been found to show similar results.


Ketoconazole acts as a DHT inhibitor (albeit a weak one), It's been long time since I read anything on Ketoconazole but I believe in studies the 2% concentration was found to be as effective as 2% Minoxidil.

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Darren smith,


I think writing off Finasteride without at least trying it is a mistake and as I have said many times in the forum, I believe having a transplant without first stabilizing or dramatically slowing the loss is something you will only regret.

Maxxy - I think that's a dangerous thing to say - a lot of people for sure have no side effects, but a large amount of people do. You really need to weigh up the pros and cons before you do it, not just "give it a go"! Believe me, you will regret losing the function of your man bits a lot more that you would about losing some hair!


I would also say definitely don't take it if you have a "worrysome" or slightly negative mind - as this will play havoc with you.


If you have the patience, then I would try the Minodoxil foam - this seems to have no sides? But I couldn't be doing with the hassle of that everyday.


As for me - first HT was to lower my hairline by about 1.5cm, get rid of the widow's peak and also create some temple points. Second one (2 months ago) was to build up the density in the newly transplanted frontal area.


I will create one of these blog things once I get a proper internet connection - maybe a week or so :)

My Hairloss Website


HT#1 - Dr Pathomvanich - 2900 Grafts

HT#2 - Dr Pathomvanich - 1500 Grafts

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Maxxy - I think that's a dangerous thing to say
Hey Monkey,


I don't believe it's a dangerous thing to say. In starting a thread the OP/viewers can expect to read peoples opinions and mine is that ruling out Finasteride without trying it is a mistake.


I didn't try and change his mind nor would I ever try to do so, I agree with you that anyone thinking of trying a new drug should be aware of any and all possible side effects and take them into account before making a decision.


Also, I think you'll find most if not all the doctors on this and other hair loss sites along with clinics around the world will recommend a patient tries Finasteride if they still have native hair to lose, where as my words were only my opinion, your statement would mean their advice is dangerous. All that said, I respect your opinion and I'm sorry you had a negative experience with the drug.

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Hi Maxxy - I just would hate for darren to fall into the same situation I did. If he is already worrying about side effects now, then there's a much higher change he will have problems - a lot of it is psychological.


Also it sucks that there is no test for if you will be affected, once you've started taking it - you can't do anything about it if it all goes pear shaped.


Saying that, if you did change your mind - I would keep the dosages very small. I wish I had started on say .25mg instead of 1.25mg - it might have been the difference between happy and very sad!

My Hairloss Website


HT#1 - Dr Pathomvanich - 2900 Grafts

HT#2 - Dr Pathomvanich - 1500 Grafts

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thanks for reply guys all v informative. well for me it is ruled out to many things i have heard from people it seems a much larger 2 per cent. there are people worse off who would love to just have baldness as aproblem so im not puttin something in my body that can have a bad effect on me, thats just me i guess

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