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Re:Dr Mahadevia

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Dear all,


I am going for hair restoration in India. I have been in contact with Dr. Mahadevia. He advised me for Strip Hair Transplants as it costs less than FUE. Moreover, the follicular units that are developed from strip grafts are often more healthy than FUE because they are thoroughly dissected under microscope.


Dr Mahadevia advised me for 6000 transplant in 2 sitting at a total cost of ??2200. I think that the cheapest one could ever get. Is it too good to be true?


Can anybody please tell me about the quality of his work?


Is he a reputable physician/ surgeon with high quality of work?


Is the quality of his Trichophytic closure good??¦Which mean is it almost invisible.


How his clinical setting is like


How his technicians are like


I would really appreciate if anybody who has undergone hair restoration with him be in contact with me ASAP. I have an array of questions to ask??¦..Please help me if you can.




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  • Senior Member

Well i have heard a thing or two about him too. If i am not mistaken, Dr Mahadevia does his practice in ahemdabad and also specializes in BHT [body Hair Transplant].. Well why dont you ask Dr Mahadevia to give you the contacts of couple of his patients..

Done done.. Check out my blog..


2785 grafts by Dr. Humayun Mohammad


My Hair Loss WebLog

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Hi Javy, thanks for responding...


Has Dr Mahadevia got a good record. You are absolutely right about the geography and the services he offers.


To be honest I am not sure if he will be willing to give me the contact of his client because of confidentiality reason.

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If the doctor is unwilling to give you the details of his clients then how in the world will you be able to make a well informed and confident decision.. I am sorry pal, if thats the case, then i wont be going to him for my Surgery...Having said that, i think you must at least ask him to give you the contacts, of which i am sure he will and if he does not then bid him adieu...And one more thing. Dr Mahadevia is not on the recommendation list of this forum so the information you might get here [including that of mine] can not be trusted for 100 percent accuracy...

Done done.. Check out my blog..


2785 grafts by Dr. Humayun Mohammad


My Hair Loss WebLog

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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Hello everyone...


I'm sure everyone fully knows the 'doctor-patient confidentiality' protocol RsT. We don't want people's contact details for fun...


IF ANY DOCTOR works in this field (or alike) AND IS PROUD/CONFIDENT of their work, they would have NO problems to contact past patients to ask their permission for potential patients to have a word with them. Happy past patients would also have no problems to talk to anyone wanting this treatment. Simple.


I do not believe in pretty, pre-written, glorified, "he's-the-best", inaccurate Testimonials. Most of them are probably fake.


I had a chat with Dr. Mahadevia via email, and it was clear he was not willing to back-up his ability. He actually became rude, which I found pretty funny since this is quite a competitive business to be in and I know quite a few others I can go to quite easily.


Dr. Mahadevia might be quite cheap in comparison to other Practices, however, "if something is to good to be true, it probably is". I've read enough comments from unfortunate past patients that I am happy to pay a little extra somewhere else.


I recommend people remind Dr. Mahadevia who runs this industry; WE DO, the treatment seekers.

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  • Senior Member

Unclebenjie, I recall seeing posts from some of Dr Mahadevia's patients. Some of them seem very happy with the outcomes, while a couple are not.


Do a search on these forums for Dr Mahadevia, and you'll see what these patients have to say. I think I saw recent posts from someone with the name of saifuddin (spelling incorrect?) who seems very happy with this HT with Dr. Mahadevia. Send him a private message and he can give you his first hand experience with Dr Mahadevia.


Good luck!

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In my opinion, if you are going to India for a HT, you should consider Dr Madhu in Hyderabad. Dr Madhu is recommended on the HT network and also he has posted a lot more of his work for the forum to see than mahadevia has done, also I think the price would work out to be the same. It is better to go to a doctor who has a more established track record, which I feel is Doctor Madhu in this case.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Unclebenjie well dont ever go to mahadevia he is a hack doctor or a quack he is totally useless and all your exisiting hair too will fall off his grafts have a 30-40% growth rate and he will give you a very poor density of 15 grafts per sq cm and you will curse yourself and be like me and repent . i would rather you saved up and go to the top docs from US or Canada or even bangkok could be cheaper but please take my advice and dont ever go to dr mahadevia

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