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Swithing Propecia to every other - how long until sides disappear

23 years old

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  • Regular Member

Hi all:


I have a quick question. I have been having one hell of a time figuring out if my lowered libido is in my head or if it is a result from the Propecia...I missed a dose of propecia and the next morning I woke up with "morning wood" (first time in a while)....I was wondering if switching Propecia to every other can have that immediate of an impact...


I have only been on Propecia for a month and am experiencing the lowered libido (but it could be in my head)...Wish I had a way of knowing for sure...


Another thing is my semen seems to be more watery than usual...Is this a side effect? In either case I am going to go on an every other regiment and see if my drive picks back up..


I appreciate all input!

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  • Regular Member



Usually it's hard to know if a decrease in libido is as result of the drug itself or as a result or the placebo effect. Many note that side effects subside after a few months on the med.


Water semen is a well documented side effect of propecia.




These views are from my own learned experience. I am NOT a Doctor, but people say that I do look like one from a distance.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the input..For my EOD brothers: Can you notice that the days you dont take Propecia your sex drive is higher than the days you do have it...Its kind of funny, every other day I seem to have a high sex drive...I definately think this is trues!

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  • Senior Member

its moost likely not gonna make a difference, atleast the difference you want, either stick with it or quit it i say.(i can almost guarentee its in your head)

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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