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questions about not shedding?


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  • Regular Member

maybe a strange question, but for someone who has lost as much hair as I have over the last 15 years, I've never been one to have excess shedding. well when I first starting losing, especially at the hair line, when I combed it there would be a fair amount in the comb, but i'd say over the last 10 years, i may only see one or two hairs after combing, I rarely see hair in the shower and even when i run my fingers through my hair or pull at it, I don't seem have much of a fall out. yet over the years my hair has gotten increasingly thin. maybe i'm losing quite a bit in the shower and the hair is so thin that it just doesn't clog the drain, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

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  • Regular Member

maybe a strange question, but for someone who has lost as much hair as I have over the last 15 years, I've never been one to have excess shedding. well when I first starting losing, especially at the hair line, when I combed it there would be a fair amount in the comb, but i'd say over the last 10 years, i may only see one or two hairs after combing, I rarely see hair in the shower and even when i run my fingers through my hair or pull at it, I don't seem have much of a fall out. yet over the years my hair has gotten increasingly thin. maybe i'm losing quite a bit in the shower and the hair is so thin that it just doesn't clog the drain, but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

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  • Senior Member

that sounds pretty much like me. I have never lost enough at one time for it to be noticable or be able to see it in the drain or comb. It has taken about 15yrs for it to go; very slow! I just think its impossible to notice at that rate. It would be like watching a tree die over 15yrs. It might always seem as if it has always looked exactly as it does at any given moment. The one day you see a photo from a few yrs back, go look in the mirror, and go "holy shit"!

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  • Regular Member

thanks pushing 40, any suggestions or have you had any success with products that help thicken the hair, I've been using toppiks lately that seems to help, but I'd prefer a thickening shampoo or a treatment to help, currently using propecia, dr lees minox w/aa and spiro along with nizoral 1%, anything else you would add?

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jdlosing and pushing 40,


My loss was the same..........gradually from age 23-38 before my first HT. Very, very slow and most of mine was in the crown so it didn't both me as much. Unfortunately, I didn't seriously consider a hair and scalp regimen until after my first HT.


jdlosing- you might try Nioxin for scalp and hair care. I alternate it with Nizoral and like how it makes the scalp and hair feel. I've heard some say that it makes it appear thicker but I'm not sure since my shocked hair is still on its way back after my 2nd HT.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Regular Member

thanks hairbank, ironically enough i just ordered some nioxin, it's currently sitting at the ups warehouse waiting for me to pick up, good to know i seem to be taking the right steps and so far i've been pretty good with avoiding the snake oil products. I like the idea of thickening shampoos, becuase although toppiks does a nice job and i don't have to apply too much, i think the pyscological impact of applying "fake Hair" effects me, with thickening shampoo i can trick my mind into believing i'm just washing my hair, yes I've got issues!!!!!

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