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dissolvable stiches - 1 month post-op

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ok the title of the thread is a little misleading as i wont be removing the entire stiches exactly. at 1 month post-op, my dissolvable stiches have (in some plces) formed a hard crust on the surface which is a combination of the stiches and scabs. now everytime i take a shower and wash my hair, this exterior part of the stiches become very soft and with just a slight wipe, the bits of stiching and scab come off and leave clear skin underneath.


my question is, is it advisable to slowly remove this exterior mix of stiches and scabs or should i just wait it out and let them come off themselves. a doctor told me that they usually take 2 months to completely go away, but i thought id get some views from you guys.



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ok the title of the thread is a little misleading as i wont be removing the entire stiches exactly. at 1 month post-op, my dissolvable stiches have (in some plces) formed a hard crust on the surface which is a combination of the stiches and scabs. now everytime i take a shower and wash my hair, this exterior part of the stiches become very soft and with just a slight wipe, the bits of stiching and scab come off and leave clear skin underneath.


my question is, is it advisable to slowly remove this exterior mix of stiches and scabs or should i just wait it out and let them come off themselves. a doctor told me that they usually take 2 months to completely go away, but i thought id get some views from you guys.



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  • Senior Member



You might also be experiencing a knot that does not seem to dissolve? That can be snipped and removed if so. Also sometimes there are ingrown hairs that can appear at the suture line and may have to be opened to allow the hair to come through.


If you are close to your surgeon, possibly go in for a follow-up if you have any any discomfort in the area. Happy growing!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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thanks for the advice guys.


i am using vitemin E oil on the scar every night which has helped alot. since i started using it the satures are almost flat. the parts where the satures had become knots, either fell off after gentle shampooing or i already snipped off.


i wish i could go back to my surgeon but i live abroad and my operation was in the USA.


thanks again

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  • Senior Member



Good to hear things are improving day-by-day. You will find that over the next several months, things will start looking and feeling normal.


Now the best is yet to come, GROWTH!!! Keep us posted on your results when you can. Take care.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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