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3-5000 fue


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I have been thinning on the top third of my head for 23 years and I still manage to hide it as I have a forelock but it is getting thinner. I have curly hair and a alot of it, which helps to style but want to know if I have 3-5000 fue done will that be enough and if so is it possible to get more denser than the 50 fu sq cm? If you have enough donor hair what is stopping a great surgeon from doing say 70 fu sq cm to get as close as possible to what I have lost or thinned?

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I have been thinning on the top third of my head for 23 years and I still manage to hide it as I have a forelock but it is getting thinner. I have curly hair and a alot of it, which helps to style but want to know if I have 3-5000 fue done will that be enough and if so is it possible to get more denser than the 50 fu sq cm? If you have enough donor hair what is stopping a great surgeon from doing say 70 fu sq cm to get as close as possible to what I have lost or thinned?

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  • Senior Member

Good questions. First we'll need your stats, age, Finasteride or not and pictures of top and sides and even back to make sure your donor supply is adequate.

Then some of us will be able to give you some estimations as to how many FU's you'll need for good coverage.

Density is more tricky, with curly hair you are likely to have a definite advantage and you might be able to achieve a good appearance of density with say about 30FU/cm2 or maybe even a bit less. Recently there was a post by Dr. Nakatsui with pictures showing a density of 60FU/cm2, I have not heard of more than this. The limitations being the instrument size, the increased risk of transection and also maybe the vascular supply overload. With coarser hair you can attain a good appearance of density with much less per cm2, in my case of thin hair, I was barely at 20FU/cm2 and it was too sparse but I know that I would have been happy with this density if my hair were thicker.

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First note, keep in mind that doing 3-5000 FUE will take multiple sessions and will be very expensive. FUE typically costs about $9-$10 per graft and a megasession typically consists of 1000 at a time. You may want to consider strip surgery to get it all in one shot. Ok, now that out of the way, if you are indeed only needing a transplant in the front third of your scalp, 3-5000 grafts should give you excellent coverange and density. It would be difficult, however, for me to try to give you a density count in fu/sq cm, but I imagine, you could get at least 50 fu sq/cm is given areas...but that's just a guess.


Try to remember also, that when talking about FU/sq cm, that it will make a big difference having single hairs placed at 50 FU/sq cm verses double or triple hairs placed at the same density. It might be best to talk about hairs/sq cm as opposed to grafts. The hairline should be made up of single FUs and then going back adding 2s, 3s, and 4s, etc. I'm sure a doctor would be able to give you a better evaluation of what he/she thinks they could give you in hairs/sq cm, etc, however at the very least they'd have to see pictures...but truthfully, an in person consult would give you a more accurate estimation.



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  • Senior Member

Good advice, HK and Bill.


HR - I'd side with Bill on FUE...........very pricey and could take a few sessions to do what you want, but yes, 3000-5000 grafts in the frontal third should give you plenty-o-density. icon_cool.gif I'd opt for STRIP to save some money and unless you plan to clip to less than 1/2" you shouldn't have scar issues.


I do remember a patient of Doc Hasson's that received density of 65-75 grafts per sq cm so I don't believe that density is unattainable in the hands of a qualified surgeon.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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