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Propecia side effects coming back


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I've been on Propecia for about 5 months now, and for the first few weeks I was on it, I started having mild testicular pain, which I understand is a known side effect of the drug, but it eventually went away.


However, it recently came back. I can't recall exactly when it started back up again, but I'm guessing probably a month ago.


I hate going into private details, but I should probably mention that I noticed the side effects seemed to come back during a week where I masturbated a bit more frequently than usual, though certainly not excessively. Lately, I really haven't done it at all, yet the sides still continue. Apologies if this is too much information.


The other thing I'm noticing is that my chest (nipples) seems to be a little more sensitive than it was before, though I haven't noticed any change in appearance, nor have I found any lumps.


The sides aren't severe enough to interfere with my day-to-day functioning; they're more or less just a nuisance. But I am worried that they could be symptoms of something more. What if the drug is affecting my system in more serious ways than I'm aware of? I really don't want to have to go off the drug if I don't have to, because that might create a whole separate set of issues. If given a choice, I'd really rather just ride this out. But...if the drug is doing more harm to my body than good in the long term, then I think that's probably important to know. I feel kinda stuck on what I should do. Are these side effects something I should be concerned about?

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Doctors need to much more honest with their patients about the severe sexual side effects that propecia causes. The 2 percent figure that is circulating that have low libido and erection difficulties is just not true. Its just not. Not sure if you noticed, but doctors tend to be slightly arrogant and tend to discount the claims by propecia users that this drug has adverse effects on the male sex drive.

I took propecia for 17 days and then I flushed it down the toilet; reason being Lost ALL desire for sex and couldnt get an errection. Its been six months since and Im slowly getting back to normal. It took 3 months before I could get an errection.

Now am I being accounted for in this 2 percent number? Are you? This two percent number is not true and do not let anybody tell you differently. After my experience, I was talking with friends and many of them tried it also at some point and stopped because of the severe sexual side effects. I guess we are all part of the 2 percent.


Lets look at what propecia does. Propecia (Finasteride) was developed to treat enlarged prostates by reducing DHT levels. Some patients taking finasteride to shrink their prostates noticed that their hair loss was stopping and SOME hair was regrowing on their head. WOW. What a breakthrough for the drug companies. Lets use the same drug, the one we use to treat a serious medical condition and market it as a hairloss drug. Do you think there might have been some financial reason for them to do this? Thats what all good businesses do. They try to find additional uses for their products to increase sales. Trust me people, thats the way the world works.

DHT is a integral part of the male sex drive. If you have prostate problems, finasteride is necessary to lower DHT, and losing your sex drive is something youll have to deal with. Usually men needing finasteride are in their 50's or older and sex drive is not as crucial to them as it is for a man in his 20's.

Yes DHT attacks some men's hair follicules causing hairloss. But guess what else it does. It is part of your sex drive, part of you being a man. Plain and simple. Do you want to know who has no DHT and doesnt have to worry about hairloss? Hermaphrodites that who. DHT is crucial in the male sex drive.

Now some men are not as sensitive to the loss of some DHT and can still function sexually but alot of men (much more than the 2 percent) are affected by the loss of DHT. DHT is crucial in your sex drive. Doctors and endocrinologists and uroloists are not exactly sure of just how the male sex drive works. Do you know that? Lowering your DHT to try to regrow hair is a horrible idea. I want to lose weight. Should I take up bulimia? It works.

Take a moment and think if it is worth losing your sex drive, erection and your manliness to save some hair. We are men. Who gives a flying you know what if we have hair. Be a man. Keep your sex drive and erections. Much, much more important. Doctors need to dispense this information rather than writing scripts to healthy 20 and 30 year olds a powerful drug used to treat prostate problems for men in their 60's.

Why would doctors write scripts to 20 and 30 year olds you ask? Doctors always have the best interest of their patients at heart right? Doctors dont care about making money right. Guess what? They do care about making money. they care alot about it. Doctors, get kickbacks from drug companies for writing scripts to their products. They are some laws to keep this in check, but not many. It happens all the time. Pharmacutical reps make a living "convincing" doctors to use their companies drugs. They educate them. Doctors typically get free merchandise and trips from the drug companies. Things are changing here but there are still loopholes. Doctors think, hey whats the harm. Propcia is FDA approved. Lets give it to everybody. 50 years ago, doctors would endorse cigarettes by the way.

Propecia is too risky and should not, in my non medical opinion, be used for hairloss. There is a chance (greater than the 2 percent I'll assure you) you will have sexual dysfunction. Read what I say. Be proud. Hairloss sucks, but losing your sex drive and erections is a million times worse.

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Sharpy,I have the same problem as you with the aches,however after doing much research on Fin I discovered even small doses lower DHT as much as larger ones and over many days.So I take .5mg every 48 hours and for 5 months the aches have dissappeared virtually and sex drive while maybe a little lower but is still acceptable.When I started on 1mg everyday my nuts were getting severe aching after 2 weeks but as this drug works in smaller doses its worth trying.Merck dont have any interest in testing Propecia in samller doses because they would loses money.

HT 2006/7

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I know about what Propecia does and how it works, and I went into it knowing what the risks were. I decided to try it anyway, because personally, I have more peace of mind knowing I'm doing something to keep my hair, than keep my sex drive (although I haven't been noticing much difference there either, so far). Sure, if I had a choice, I'd keep both, but everything has a price. I know there a lot of guys who wouldn't be able to relate to my decision, but everyone is different. My concern is more with my health overall.


I'm willing to consider the option of going off it, or maybe lowering my dosage, however, I've heard that going off the drug afer having been on it a while causes accelerated hair loss. My hair loss was never that severe, and so far, my hairline appears to be holding steady, so I fear messing with the dosage may have adverse effects. Maybe I shouldn't have gone on the drug to begin with, but nonetheless, I've already started, and what's done is done. So my question is about what the best option is right now, going forward.


I may consider seeing a dermatologist and have him lower my dosage. I also have an appointment with a hair physician in two months, so I can ask what my options are. If he tells me I have no other option than to continue exactly as I'm doing, then I guess I'll have reason to be suspect of his opinion. But till then, I'm just looking for feedback on the best way to move forward at this point. I've only been on it 5 months, so nothing's set in stone just yet.

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Had similar problems as you... unfortunatly.. the side effects were to much for me to handle and I decided to get off the drug. You should really look into PRP as another option.. Its a very new procedure and seems very promising, im going to have my first one the 31st...



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The thing I'm most concerned about with the sides is that while it's generally understood testicular ache and erectile disfunction are side effects of the medication, which to me are annoying at most (although I understand they can be devastating to some), there seems to be little information about what the underlying cause is. Ignoring it would be the easy thing for me to do, but I'm aware that pain in general is the body's natural way of signaling that something isn't right. If I'm doing some kind of damage to my body, then of course I should stop.


My main concern is that playing around too much with the dosage could actually accelerate the hair loss, and end up becoming more severe than if I'd never gone on the drug at all. My hair loss, if any, was mild to begin with. Apart from maybe some recession along the hairline and temples (and it's tough to say how much, since I've only really been paying attention since last year), I still have a pretty full head of hair. So I'd like to get a bit more info on the effects before I decide to cut my dosage or go off it altogether.


Has anyone actually noticed more severe or accelerated hair loss after going off the drug or cutting their dosage? I know everyone's different, but I'd just like to know if that kind of effect is typical or not.

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No side effects other than my hair not falling out anymore.


Been on it for close to 9 years or so



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are you guys not worried about how it could effect unborn kids and women when they come into contact with it. Doesanyone know how long you have to be off it for it to be out of your system if you are trying to have kids because I read that it can effect a male feotus.

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Havesnt thought about that as I am not having kids anytime soon. I would speak to a doctor.



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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Sharpy, ive read on here people have had shedding from messing with the dosages, but I would assume that the hair that is shed will grow back, hense it is called shedding. I played around with the dosages and never experienced a shed, i never experienced a "shed" from this drug ever. My hair just fell out as it normally did untill the meds started working.. Now bc ive never experienced a shed before switching the dosages mean that i will not experience one, i do not know. I guess it all depends on the person.. hope this helps

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