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new to this...a few questions..


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i am 27 and am noticing my hairline going back further than i like. it's not bad right now, but i figured i would see about nipping it in the bud so if i did get something done, people may never notice. any advice? i think the hair transplant thing looks great. is it super expensive? any advice or comments would be great! thanks a lot!!

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i am 27 and am noticing my hairline going back further than i like. it's not bad right now, but i figured i would see about nipping it in the bud so if i did get something done, people may never notice. any advice? i think the hair transplant thing looks great. is it super expensive? any advice or comments would be great! thanks a lot!!

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  • Regular Member

Take your time to do your homework before you do anything, especially at 27--you're still very young. At your age, I would first try Proscar (Propecia) to stabalize the hairloss. You can also use Toppik to thicken your hair while you are trying to make a decision. Stay away from the highly publicized hair transplant places like MHR and Bosley. I had mine done by Dr. Keene (an excellent doctor) last year--she charged around $7,500-8,000 (I forgot the exact amount) for 2,000 grafts. Good luck.

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  • Senior Member

Propecia stops progression of hair loss in over 80% of the guys who use it. Side effects are seen in 1-2% of users and are temporary. Those are good odds.


If you get started on Propecia soon enough, you might never need a hair transplant.


In my opinion, transplants are a last resort when treatments like Propecia haven't worked. You shouldn't get a transplant until you are at least a Norwood 3 or higher. Look at "My Recovery Story" and compare yourself to Pat (he was a good candidate). Lucky for you, you are not bald enough to need a hair transplant yet. If you start with Propecia, you hopefully never will be.

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i have read that propecia is only effective in balding around the top of the head and not the front like i am seeing? (receeding)is that true?

also, thanks a lot for the replies! i apprciate it.


Propecia stops progression of hair loss in over 80% of the guys who use it. Side effects are seen in 1-2% of users and are temporary. Those are good odds.


If you get started on Propecia soon enough, you might never need a hair transplant.


In my opinion, transplants are a last resort when treatments like Propecia haven't worked. You shouldn't get a transplant until you are at least a Norwood 3 or higher. Look at "My Recovery Story" and compare yourself to Pat (he was a good candidate). Lucky for you, you are not bald enough to need a hair transplant yet. If you start with Propecia, you hopefully never will be.

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