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Propecia Shedding vs Hair Loss


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(I have my other thread about Accutane, so I thought I'd separate this out.)


I'm almost 28, and have been on Fin for 11 months. The past couple of months, I've been noticing a lot of hairs around the sink, etc. I've read about sheds, except that it seems like they usually happen earlier than 11 months in. It's hard to tell because I've done a bad job taking pictures and such, but it looks to me like I've got a lot of thinning going on in the hairline over the past month or so.


So my question is, is there any easy way to distinguish regular hair loss from propecia-caused shedding? and is shedding mostly concentrated in the area where you have been losing hair (for me it's the hairline)?

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(I have my other thread about Accutane, so I thought I'd separate this out.)


I'm almost 28, and have been on Fin for 11 months. The past couple of months, I've been noticing a lot of hairs around the sink, etc. I've read about sheds, except that it seems like they usually happen earlier than 11 months in. It's hard to tell because I've done a bad job taking pictures and such, but it looks to me like I've got a lot of thinning going on in the hairline over the past month or so.


So my question is, is there any easy way to distinguish regular hair loss from propecia-caused shedding? and is shedding mostly concentrated in the area where you have been losing hair (for me it's the hairline)?

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I would check with your dermatologist about it if you can. The one thing you need to know is if it is a shed they will probably come back.


I doubt that the meds are doing this now as your system has had the meds working for sometime now. I would not stop taking the Fin, but see your doc.





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I agree with nobuzz. I doubt you'd be experiencing any kind of medical shed unless you've either increased the use of fin OR started using Minoxodil (which could be causing the shed). Unfortuntately, I really don't know of any way to differentiate between shedding and hairloss. But check with your dermatologist and see what he/she says.



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Thanks for the replies. There's a small possibility the "Procure" stuff from Israel I was on from October to December wasn't the real deal, so I could be sort of starting over as of this past December with Generic Costco Fin. More likely it's just hair loss icon_frown.gif


I'll check with my derm, but I was still wondering about my follow-up question: in case it is shedding, would that be mostly concentrated in the area where you have been losing hair (or does it happen all over)?

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