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Surgery with Dr. Glenn Charles


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I just had surgery yesterday with Dr. Glenn Charles. Thank you to all that post on this site. I wouldn't have felt comfortable with my choice if it hadn't been for reading through comments and concerns for Doctors in South Florida on this website. I had originally had a procedure done with Dr. Lawrence Shapiro in Delray Beach about 2-3 years ago. His ads are on the radio constantly and must have been a marketing major with his blanketing of the medias. I'll start with him since I've never written on this forum before.


I was new to the whole hair replacement thing about 2-3 years ago. I didn't know to fully research different doctors nor did I find this site. I did know I wanted to do something about my hair loss. I went into Dr. Lawrence Shapiro's office and he is extremely outgoing for a doctor. He has you sit in his office and has a pretty hard close. It's tough to get out of there without leaving a deposit of $200, which I ended up doing. I signed up for a session for a month later and had 2000 grafts done. Looking back now I'll give you my input to compare and contrast my experiences to date with Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Charles.


Dr. Lawrence Shapiro has many people having transplant surgeries in the same day. In this way my guess would be it helps keep his costs down. Kind of like the McDonald's of hair transplant surgery. It's quick, efficient and like fast food. If cost is your only concern then he's probably your man. You have to hope that the procedure is done well. They remove the donor area from the back and place it in the front. No frills.


Dr. Glenn Charles has one patient a day. You are it. No HMO service here where you have limited time with the doctor because he has to see other patients. They spend all the time of their day with you. Their procedure goes into way more detail. They use microscopes once the donor area is removed to perfect each graft. They take their time and don't make incisions as deep so you heal faster. They take the time to make sure the hair around your donor area is not touched so you can have it cover the scar while it heals and actually have the hair come through the scar. In Dr. Shapiro's office they just shave the area in the back of your head and your left for weeks having the stiches and scar showing which is quite uncomfortable if you want to go out in public without a hat. Even with a hat you have to make sure the snap-on part of the hat matches up with the shaved area so you can't see it. Not fun. Also the procedure is so quick with Dr. Shapiro when they say you are getting 2000 grafts, who knows what you are getting. Looking at what Dr. Charles did it looks like he did double the amount of grafts that Dr. Shapiro did yet both were for the same amount of grafts.


Dr. Charles prices are a little more but way worth it to me. He is an extremely nice guy and not pushy. When you are the only patient getting full attention for a procedure that has lasting looks I'd definately recommend Dr. Charles.

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Thanks for sharing your story. What a help to those who may be considering a "fast food" HT Doc of sorts. It's such a difference going to a surgeon who's in it for achieving patient-desired results with a high level of expertise. I've heard nothing but great things about Dr. Charles.


Are you going to set up a blog or post pics in a photo album here? It'd be nice to see more of his work.





1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Hi, I'm new to this forum also, but when I read your post I had to register and comment. I echo your assesment of Dr. Charles, I had my first procedure in December of last year and was very impressed, He and his staff are "Top Notch". I will be seeing him again in August to evaluate and schedule another procedure. I do have a long way to go.....

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Hi southflorida411,


I'm glad you had a much better experience with Doctor Charles. He has had many happy patients over the years so your good experience and eventual results comes as no suprise.


Just for clarification, when you mention your experience with Dr Shapiro I am assuming that you had your procedure with Dr Lawrence Shapiro who has had many unsatisfied patients over the years and not with Dr Ron Shapiro of Minnesota who is considered one of the worlds best surgeons where you would have been guaranteed an equally pleasant experience as you had with Dr Charles.


We'll I am about just over 1 month ahead of you and as you know from your previous HT we have a long wait in front of us for our growth to sprout!


Happy Growing!

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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