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some questions

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Hi guys! had a few questions


I recently went to a follow up consult with Dr. Pak ( had been to him 2 years back & he put me on propecia ). He measured the degree of miniaturization or something & said that it has improved a great deal! not seen ny of his work on this forum but would appreciate some comments from somebody who has been to him


he said my donor area is not that great but lesser number of grafts would be needed to help my diffuse thinning, but he was worried with shock loss & told me it would be tough to predict! ( which really scares me since i have considerable native hair )


also is it possible to keep your hair really short after the transplant & further( using demrmatch to hide the scar ). I like the receding look with short hair...


my hairline is very low & i have really good density in my hairline with diffuse thinning behind the hairline. i am not really sure if this is good or bad because 1 way i don't need any work for my hairline where as more grafts would be needed to fill the space behind my low hairline.


also, demrmatch works great for me but it always looks better the next day of application which is totally weird!


great forum guys! keep the good work going!

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys! had a few questions


I recently went to a follow up consult with Dr. Pak ( had been to him 2 years back & he put me on propecia ). He measured the degree of miniaturization or something & said that it has improved a great deal! not seen ny of his work on this forum but would appreciate some comments from somebody who has been to him


he said my donor area is not that great but lesser number of grafts would be needed to help my diffuse thinning, but he was worried with shock loss & told me it would be tough to predict! ( which really scares me since i have considerable native hair )


also is it possible to keep your hair really short after the transplant & further( using demrmatch to hide the scar ). I like the receding look with short hair...


my hairline is very low & i have really good density in my hairline with diffuse thinning behind the hairline. i am not really sure if this is good or bad because 1 way i don't need any work for my hairline where as more grafts would be needed to fill the space behind my low hairline.


also, demrmatch works great for me but it always looks better the next day of application which is totally weird!


great forum guys! keep the good work going!

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have you tried other doctors on the forum and ask them about your concerns? I had an appt with Dr.Pak a month ago. From my screening with him, he said I will eventually be a NW5, which currently im a NW3a and have been for the past 4-5 years. After posting questions and concerns on this forum, members have suggested that I ask for second, third, fourth, fifth opinions from other clinics that are not necessary located in my backyard. Ultimately, the decision to go with which HT doctor is up to you and who will suit your needs the best.

I am going to refrain from saying who's the best HT doctor because i, myself, am still searching for that one doctor who will suit my need. After researching, I have a few doctors that I want to go to for my operation.

So research, research and research to find your doctor.

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