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Experience with Reapir work


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I am doing some research on doctors that either specialize or generally do a great job with repairing (either excising or filling in surrounding regions) minins and micros ? Anyone had this procedure done? I would really like to hear from you as I am considering this procedure.



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  • Regular Member



I am doing some research on doctors that either specialize or generally do a great job with repairing (either excising or filling in surrounding regions) minins and micros ? Anyone had this procedure done? I would really like to hear from you as I am considering this procedure.



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You might try searching under the Find feature on the site and do a "repair" search. I tried this and received 494 matches to review. I wish I could personally refer you but have been fortunate thus far in not needing any repair work.


You may want to consult with a few of the surgeons recommended by this site to get their input. I'm sure many have performed repair work. Just a thought.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I had repair work done by Dr. Bernstein on January 12, 2006. My repair amounted to taking out plugs in my crown that were placed there in the 1970's so you can imagine how difficult that would be. At 10 days I had the sutures removed and used makeup to dimninish the redness and uneveness of the skin upon retruning to work the next day. After about a month I started using a scar reduction oitment and at this point I don't have any indication of anything on my head where the surgery was done. I am very pleased.

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  • Regular Member

thanks guys , I will go through the pages.


Wesley, fantastic. Which scar reduction cream was it ? You think it could work on the donor scar ? I had micros and minins in the 90's in the front 1/3 of scalp.

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It is called Scar Zone with green tea. It has silicone and some type of onion extract in it, I believe. There are a variety of products on the market to reduce the appearance of scars. As far as the donor scar is concerned, this is my experience. The donor area where the original transplants were taken from in the 1970's never returned to normal. It has been numb for all these years. Dr. Bernstein must have cut out the dead spot because after my surgery the back of my head felt normal almost immediately. The scar I have now in the donor area after 2400 graphs is very minor. In fact I don't see a scar after 5 months, just some minor redness in some of it. Dr. Berstein must use the trico-closure because hair appears to be growing throgh it. I am not certain because when my procedure was completed in January, 06 I was unaware of this closure technique and failed to inquire about it, consequently. Good luck.

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