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emu oil as a carrier oil for minoxidil?

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  • Regular Member

I have been reading about emu oil and its use as a carrier oil since it penetrates the scalp and skin so easily. I have started using emu oil on my scalp and then putting the rogaine liquid on top of that. There are a few articles I located through google about this. The thinking is that since it is so penetrating that it can help carry the minoxidil deeper into the scalp thereby causing it to be more effective. I've started this in the past 2 weeks and will keep everyone posted. In the mean time has anyone else tried or heard of this? Thanks.

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  • Senior Member

Interesting application of emu oil as transfer agent for rogain. I dont know if it has a "transfer or dilation" property, but please keep us posted as many successes come from unusual avenues and positive side effects from other things.



5HT 15yrs/ Shapiro

Propecia/Rogaine xtra

MSM/Saw Pallmetto

Zrii daily

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