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Would not stop MBP. The only proven way (based on many documentated cases over the years) to completely stop the progression is to eliminate the production of testosterone (or at least most of it).


It's not a pleasant thought, but men who are castrated (physicially or chemically) do not lose any more hair due to MBP. It's also well documentated that the vast majority also don't grow back much hair that was already lost. Although some do grow back quite a bit - maybe because it hadn't been gone that long and comes down to a timing thing.


Chemically, there are drugs that eliminate almost all production of testestorone. These are known as very powerful antiandrogens. They are often used by transgender (M to F) people and also used to treat sex offenders. Some men just choose to use them because they have an out of control sex drive and want relief.


Obviously there are some major side affects.


The most popular, mainstream oral drug used around the world is probably cyproterone acetate. It's not approved for use in the US. It's prescribed for females to treat hair loss in some cases. Obviously it's not recommended for males. Transgenders use it a lot as well as sex offenders and guys who just choose to use it.


There are guys out there who take this drug and/or spiro (orally) to try and stop their hair loss. I haven't researched what type of results thay are haviong.


I read an account of a guy who started taking this because his wife never wanted sex and he wanted to eliminate the frustration and desire. He says he felt great on it. One of the side affects is he says he was almost completely bald from the crown forward to the front but you would never know it because now it's all covered by hair. Obviously no pics.


Here's the link:



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That's certainly interesting... I know a couple of friends who are on it, and both see some changes... like a more feminine voice, clearer, smoother skin, and an increase of hair quality. I can actually see it on "her" now. And honestly, being the kind of guy I am, I'd rather be an androgynous man, than a bald one.


...something to think about as a last resort, I guess.

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I've been reading up about this a lot over the past couple of days, and it seems everyone who uses cyproterone acetate, for whatever reason, experiences less body hair and more head hair (Great news for me! I shave my body anyway) as well as the obvious side effects... neutralizing a sex drive completely. But it's better than having to be castrated, right? =P


If I don't see any results with Propecia within a year's time, I'll probably switch to something extreme... something like this. The problem would be having someone prescribe it. I refuse to do online stuff.

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I ordered some of this early last week. I'm hoping it will arrive this week some time. I researched the online pharamcy and it had very good reviews. I was on a transgender's blog and he (she)...lol...had been ordering it from there along with others and had no problems getting it.


I'm just at a point in my life where I want to try it. I'm getting divorced, in my forties (so no more kids, etc.) and have been losing hair rapidly for two years. I'm still probably an nw3 but there's a lot of miniturization going on. I've been on minox for about 16 years and on fin for 11 years.


I stopped both for a few months a few years ago and lost tons of hair. Some of it came back, but since then I've never been able to stablize again. I feel it's because I've been using a propylene glycol free solution and also just becuase I'd used those drugs for so long that stopping them allowed MBP to really take hold.


Anyway, even though I take half a proscar a day (2.5 mg of fin), and have been for over two years now (I switched from propecia) I still have a very high sex drive so I don't mind at all if that is curtailed some.


Also, I have a very oily scalp. I've researched in the past what can be done but it's basically just shampooing twice a day at least. One of the other side affects of cyproterone acetate is a reduction in sebum production in the scalp and face. I would welcome that.


I just think I have a high T level. I work out quite a bit and have no problem building muscle and getting ripped.


So, bacially I'm just gonna try this and see what happens. There seem to be some good benefits. If it stablizes and strengthens my hair then I may go for a HT (around 2-3K in the hairline).


If you want, I will keep you posted on my results.

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Well, after some more consideration, if Propecia doesn't work for me, I'll have to try Estradiol. I've noticed my hairline significantly thinning, and the big of scalp showing on the crown is getting a bit bigger. If finasteride doesn't do anything come August next year, I'll have to switch. Avodart sounds good to keep the crown/some vertex, but if it wrecks your hairline, what the hell! Haha. I just don't know any more.

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Originally posted by KeepingWhatIHave:

If I don't see any results with Propecia within a year's time, I'll probably switch to something extreme... something like this. The problem would be having someone prescribe it. I refuse to do online stuff.


Your right! No ethical doctor in the world would because it is crazy!!

I think you guys need to seriously think about the long term consequences of what you propose here. Hair is very important to me - but it's certainly not worth screwing up your body over. What girl will respect someone who has castrated themselves in a vanity attempt to stop hair loss? I guess if you were chemically castrated you probably wouldn't care as you essentially are a man no more! And if not for attracting more girls but to improve one's own self confidence/wellbeing ??“ then I would seriously recommend counseling.

Estrogen use is likely to lead to breast enlargement, increased risk of breast cancer and feminine fat distribution ??“ depending on amounts taken/absorbed etc. Do you guys do you really want to be a big boobed, curvy, ball less man with a some hair left? ??“ Think about it seriously, there's more to life!




PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


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Noo, not castration, but taking Estradiol... after thorough discussion and careful preparation of course. It's extreme, but it's the only way to really slow down hair loss. I'm honestly willing to do it since it seems like a last resort if Propecia does nothing.


I go in early November for consultation with Dr. Feller. I'll bring it up and see what he thinks... I know Estradiol has been used before for hair loss - with great results, but it gave them smoother clear skin and very small breasts. I'm going to start emailing people who are doing this, just so I know the effects. If that's the price to pay, honestly, I could deal.


The problem with castration (besides the obvious, almost impossible for sex after) is it can lead to serious bone loss problems, in which you have to take testosterone pills to stay healthy... what's the point of that one? Haha.

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