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Questions to Ask in Consultation?


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Newbie here and my first post,


After waiting several years, I've finally taken my first big step in deciding to schedule a consultation appointment with a hair surgeon.


I was wondering what are the most important (and typical) questions I should ask during the consultation? (Besides talking about cost) I'm sure many of you had experience this and prepared lots of questions in meeting a surgeon for the first time.


I am 25 in Sept, Asian, around Norwood 2 or 3, and no significant loss of hair in the last 3-4 years. Anyone here similar to my situation?

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Newbie here and my first post,


After waiting several years, I've finally taken my first big step in deciding to schedule a consultation appointment with a hair surgeon.


I was wondering what are the most important (and typical) questions I should ask during the consultation? (Besides talking about cost) I'm sure many of you had experience this and prepared lots of questions in meeting a surgeon for the first time.


I am 25 in Sept, Asian, around Norwood 2 or 3, and no significant loss of hair in the last 3-4 years. Anyone here similar to my situation?

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Thanks for taking the time on sharing me these valuable advice and suggestions.


For me personally, I really want a hair transplant "to do little touch-up jobs" at this time at my current age. I am in the "Golden Years" of my life, and I want to look good during these few years. Either I get a HT now or I'll never consider doing it. By the time I turn 35-40, I'll have other things to worry about than my hair. I can always shave my head bald if I never get a HT. But at my current age and in my business profession, I feel it doesn't look professional if I shave my head bald in a business environment.

If I choose to get a HT now, will I be able to get another HT 10-15 years later?


I've tried Minoxidil, it's useless in frontal areas and I wasted too much time applying this stuff on a daily basis. I prefer to avoid Propecia because I don't want to think about pills in my daily life, and most importantly, I don't want to experience that side effect. In addition, I rather save the money on a HT instead.


As far as FUE or strip excision is concern, I hanv't decided which approach would be better for me. From what I've researched so far, it looks like FUE is (and look) better because the scars are not visible in the donor area. I hanv't read the benefits for strip excision method. Any difference in cost?


The doctor I choose seems pretty good. I've researched his credentials and his memberships, and it turn out to be all legitimate. The only way to be sure is for me to visit his clinic and see how he'll discus my situation.


If I choose to get HT at my age, is there a conservative approach? What would that be? Just lesser dense?


I am aware of the risk and most of you have negative opinions on my decision. Just like the negative reactions on Microprose. Of course, I'll accept all opinions graciously in preparing for my permanent decision. Thanks for reading.

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If you are only considering touch-up go with FUE ONLY (the only downside is that it will cost you 2-3 times the price of strip). You don't want to risk all the problems associated with scar after strip - and if you do get a strip - forget about shaving your head EVER. I would really advise you to try Propecia (or the cheap generic). Side effects are rare (I haven't seen one in my case either), and taking a pill every night is not a big deal - certainly much less of a pain than using rogaine. The reason I say use Propecia is because if you do get an HT, and then continue to lose hair, you'll spend much more money catching up than anything else. I'm not sure but Propecia can also minimize the effects of shockloss. In any case - in my opinion it's worth it, you have too much to lose (literally) not to give it a chance. If you're really that much worried about side effects - you should realize that they are temporary, and once you stop taking Propecia they will go away (as will your saved hair).

As far as going conservative - it would be not doing your temples. I don't think going low on density is a good idea. In my opinion the higher the density the more natural your HT will look. Give us some more info on what exactly you want done? Which doc are you considering if you don't mind asking?


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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The side effects for propecia are under 5 percent of users and are temporary. Also, the cost is about 600 dollars a year. A hair transplant will cost you about ten to twenty times that amount, just to get started. You could easily spend 20 to 50 thousand dollars on hair transplants.


Propecia will also help prevent shock loss.


I would think very carefully on the Propecia issue. Again, think of the "leaky rowboat" analogy.


For you the risks of a hair transplant are various. Besides the usual "watch out for bad work" here is a couple...


One would be that you get a hairline now that will not look appropriate when you are older. This is a serious problem to have, and one that is very difficult to fix. I cannot stress enough that you need to watch out for this.


Another is that you continue to lose hair, and are unable (for whatever reason) to get enough grafts to achieve a normal look. Having the "floating islands" of hair... Since you are not on prentative drugs, there is a good chance you will keep losing hair.


Be careful, whatever you decide. This is a huge life-altering decision. Sometimes the negative impact is not felt until years later. Think long-term and plan for your future.

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After searching through many thread on this website, the only risk I can see for me is that I'll continue to lose my original hair on top of my head as the years progress, while still having permanent transplant hair on the front hair-line area.


If I choose to do HT now on my hairline, will I be able to do another HT ever again in around 10-15 years, just to fill in the other future balding areas?

I assume I have enough donor grafts to fill in the front (and possibly top) because no one in my family has the history of balding on the crown.

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