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Propecia questions:

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  • Regular Member


I have only seen people saying propecia works. And I agree it works. But is there no one who had side affects with propecia? If yes, did they stop once you stopped using propecia.


And people using propecia:

Doesnt it worry u that you can never stop it. Since u might risk losing the hair. And does transplanted hair also get affected by propecia usage? I mean do you lose it if you stop propecia?

And does propecia help retaining hair in the middle and front of the scalp?


And is anyone taking any nutrition related medicines like Fabao 101 etc.What is the best medicine for selenium and zinc?

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  • Regular Member


I have only seen people saying propecia works. And I agree it works. But is there no one who had side affects with propecia? If yes, did they stop once you stopped using propecia.


And people using propecia:

Doesnt it worry u that you can never stop it. Since u might risk losing the hair. And does transplanted hair also get affected by propecia usage? I mean do you lose it if you stop propecia?

And does propecia help retaining hair in the middle and front of the scalp?


And is anyone taking any nutrition related medicines like Fabao 101 etc.What is the best medicine for selenium and zinc?

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  • Senior Member



propecia is a real hot topic in all hair loss communities. Propecia blocks 70% of DHT(what makes hair fall out) therefore signifficantly slowing down the hair loss process.

When tested, 2% of men expirenced sexual side-effect, altough many debate that it is more common that just than 2%. The people that I know personally who take it have not experienced eide-effects. If you expirence theses side-effect and stop there is a more than likely chance that you will return back to your normal self.

As far a being chained to propecia the anwser is yes and no. It is true that if you stop using the drug you will lose the hair you had maintined. On the other hand during use, an alternative may prop up that allows you to stop using propecia.


Transplanted hair is not effected by propecia becasue the hair on the back of your scalp is stronger than that of the top. Propecia does help the front of the scalp although it is probably alittle more effective in the crown area. It certainly helps both areas though.


I have never head of fabao 101 but im highly doubtful it will have any effect on your hair.

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