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direct question to falceros,

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  • Senior Member


i can be considered new to this site so i couldn't find a way to directly get in touch with you but i'm sure some of the members are curious about this. are you and Pat planning to visit anywhere in Europe? Recently I was reading about adding Dr. Keser in recommended surgeons so any plans to come to Turkey? If so, please let me know that I'd be more than deligted to meet with you ( and Pat of course) which for me will be like meeting a celebrity icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

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While I don't have any immediate plans to fly to Europe, I believe Pat has some intention of flying East in the next year or so to visit with a few clinics. Whether or not he'll make it to Europe specifically, I'm not sure. That said, if Pat and/or I happen to be in your neck of the woods, I'm sure we could work out something :-).


Thanks for the reminder as I do still want to call Dr. Keser in the next week or so to learn more about his experience, technique, and philosophy. So far, it seems like they're producing excellent FUE work.


Best wishes,



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