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Hairfalling medicine natural


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Hi, check this website out:

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I dont know if its true, it says it stops hair loss . Dr Shah's medicine. Natural tablets.


What do you guys think about it? is it true or just advertising?


please advice.


waiting for reply's.

Propecia .5mg

1/2 tablet of hairscript formula


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That's ok.


It's just that many people who come here for the first time and post external links are often promoting a product.


What is the name of the product they are selling? Homopathy medicine? What are the ingredients of the medication?


The best way to evaluate a product and as to whether or not it's effective is to find out the ingredients and see if there is any reported efficacy as a hair loss treatment.


Many of these "miracle cure" products never release the ingredients which makes it impossible to study - however with enough digging, one can find out.


Keep in mind however, that marketing at best will over-hype a product in order to make a sale. Rarely does a product produce the type of result that is marketed.


The only PROVEN hair loss medications still remain Propecia and Rogaine and possibly ketoconazole - since there is some scientific backing.



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