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The other AZ Doc?


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Hey guys, does anyone here know anything about Dr. Alexander in Phoenix, AZ? He is the other HT surgeon listed on this website for Arizona other then Dr. Keene. I've had a HT with Dr. Keene which I was very happy with. However, I am considering another HT for the future with Dr. Alexander in Phoenix. His office is about 100 miles closer to me than Dr. Keene and the fact that he is listed on this website gives me some comfort as to his reputation. However, I have not seen anyone here talking about him.


I did have a consultation with Dr. Alexander and he seemed to be pretty straight forward. I did not feel like he tried to give me any false expectations or over-hyped sales pitch about what he could do for me.


He did tout the superiority of his procedures in terms of very close placement of graphs. He showed me the blade he uses to make the slits in the scalp and then he showed me the blade that most other HT surgeons are using. Well, his was a lot smaller and somewhat different in shape--which he said allows for much closer placement of graphs together. He did show me pictures of other procedures he has done also, which all looked pretty good.


He also mentioned that he has trained with Dr. Feller, which rang a bell becuase I have seen Dr. Feller discussed here in good terms. Anyhow, if anyone has any experience with Dr. Alexander and feedback, please share it with me. I would greatly appreciate it. icon_smile.gif

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Hey guys, does anyone here know anything about Dr. Alexander in Phoenix, AZ? He is the other HT surgeon listed on this website for Arizona other then Dr. Keene. I've had a HT with Dr. Keene which I was very happy with. However, I am considering another HT for the future with Dr. Alexander in Phoenix. His office is about 100 miles closer to me than Dr. Keene and the fact that he is listed on this website gives me some comfort as to his reputation. However, I have not seen anyone here talking about him.


I did have a consultation with Dr. Alexander and he seemed to be pretty straight forward. I did not feel like he tried to give me any false expectations or over-hyped sales pitch about what he could do for me.


He did tout the superiority of his procedures in terms of very close placement of graphs. He showed me the blade he uses to make the slits in the scalp and then he showed me the blade that most other HT surgeons are using. Well, his was a lot smaller and somewhat different in shape--which he said allows for much closer placement of graphs together. He did show me pictures of other procedures he has done also, which all looked pretty good.


He also mentioned that he has trained with Dr. Feller, which rang a bell becuase I have seen Dr. Feller discussed here in good terms. Anyhow, if anyone has any experience with Dr. Alexander and feedback, please share it with me. I would greatly appreciate it. icon_smile.gif

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I had a ht with alexander on June 20th and have to say the experience was great! He is a very caring guy who really seems like he is out for your best interest. His staff was great too and were very nice the whole procedure. Alexander did all the slits for the grafts and was in the room every couple of minutes checking on the assistants placements of the grafts to make sure everything was going correctly. He is a perfectionist and makes sure it is done correctly. I had lunch with the doc during the procedure and just talked about everything. very down to earth guy. Any questions I have had since the ht he or his staff have answered and always encourage me to call them if I have any other questions. He's got one of those memory foam chairs that was so comfortable for the procedure and I just sat back and watched ASU in the college world series! I have had a previous procedure with a doc I need not mention and my experience with Alexander was far superior. He densed packed about 2500 grafts in the front and middle and it healed so quick! within 5 days there was no sign of a ht! I had no redness in the recipient area at all, which I had a lot after my first procedure. I don't know how the results will look yet being only maybe 6 weeks post op so far, but I already feel a bunch of short stubble. But the procedure and the doctor himself were great! Hope that helps

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Both physicians are comparably excellent. I am sure that you have done your homework, but I'm posting both of their recommendation pages below.


Dr. Sharon Keene


Dr. Scott Alexander


Also, check out a recent procedure performed by Dr. Alexander for one of the forum members here:


Dr. Alexander's Gift of Hair


Check out the latest news coming from Dr. Keene's clinic:


Dr. Keene offers 5,000 FU Megasessions





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Harve, what areas would you be transplanting this time? Just some thickening, adding to crown, etc?


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Yeah Gorpy, the next HT will be to thicken just a little to the hairline, but focusing mostly on the midscalp. That's where the hairloss seems to be most signigicant.


Originally, I talked with the doc about adding more density to the front and hairline. But in the last few months, it seems like I've lost a lot more hair in the midscalp region. It's starting to get to the point where a lot of scalp is showing through there.


Although more density up front would definently be nice, I'd rather have more overall scalp coverage.


The next procedure should be around 1500 graphs.

Maybe 500 to the hairline and 1000 for midscalp.

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I think both docs are very good. But I think Dr. Keene holds the advantage in hairline work. That's why I chose Dr. Keene. I'm getting mostly hairline work done. There are subtle difference like that among the top docs.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Hi Harve

I can't add anything to the discussion regarding doctors in Arizona. But if you are still losing hair, it makes me wonder if you are on a regimine to prevent hair loss? Are you using Propecia (Finasteride) by any chance?


I'm sure you know that a transplant doesn't do anything to stop future hair loss. Getting a transplant without putting your hair loss in check, is a losing proposition. 99% of guys can never "keep up with hair loss" with surgery alone. I hate to keep using the same line, but it's like bailing water out of a leaky rowboat.


The more of your original hair you can keep, the better off you're going to look, in the end. Propecia is not all that good at regrowing hair for most guys, but it is usually very good at helping you keep the hair you still have. Are you using it?

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Well arfy, I'm having a real battle with the notion of using propecia. I don't know. I actually have a prescription for it sitting on my desk right now that I have'nt filled yet. I guess I'm overly paranoid about the effects it could have on my body. I guess I just need to get over it. I know your right that transplants are'nt going to completly solve my problem.


I guess I'm just about ready to go ahead and do it. The hairloss definently has moved ahead.

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Well, getting on Propecia is a serious decision, just like getting on any drug long-term. But it's not any more serious than deciding to get a hair transplant, where you can't change your mind afterwards.


I think the odds with Propecia are pretty good, if you can believe Merck's stats. About 80% of guys get some benefit, and side effects are in the 5% range.


If you are unlucky enough to have side effects, there are some tricks or options you can try, by cutting your dosage down, alternating days, and so on. Some guys report that the side effects were temporary, too.


Keep your doctor in the loop if you have any Propecia concerns or problems, and you can always turn to the 'net if you want someone to bounce your comments or questions off of.

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It has been reported that Propecia can be just as effective, if only temporarily so, at a reduced doseage if the user is just starting the medication. Taking 3 to 4 mg per week when first may be the answer. Speak to your physician about this option and also inquire as to how long you could continue on this reduced doseage before the medication begins to lose efficacy. I seem to remember that it is around 5 months for most.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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