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Get your pictures and mail them to as many doctors as possible. You should get a good idea from that. And they dont charge for online consults. icon_smile.gif

In India, Dr. Arvind is one I would recommed having met his patients in person.

I am waiting for capricorn's post. He was going to get a ht with Dr. A.

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Hi All,


I had my HT with Dr A on May 21st, I was on vacation to india and it coincided well, I got 3561 FUHT strip(There were also 23(Chest hair) & 11(Chin hair) he did free to see the BHT results on me. I have to get another HT for my CROWN, In this session only the frontal line has been covered(50 grafts/sq cm).


My overall experience is good.

He answered all my questions in a gentle tone, He puts sutures and not staples, he gave me the painkiller & antibiotic for 10 days, so far the healing seems to be fine, I feel confident.

I did my due diligence and felt that he was a better option than all others in India. Had I not gone to him I would have chosen Hasson & Wong.


I am just eager to see the results.


I got prescription for Finpecia 1 mg(Much cheaper in India).


I am gently pouring water with a mug from the next day on the head(not shower) to feel better & clean(Summer in India, sweating a lot), They have put some type of jel/glue on the top so that the hairs do not get dislocated during the 1st 2 weeks. I am still not rubbing/massaging with fingers.

I will slowly remove this gel after 3 weeks(dont have courage to do so now). Lokking forward to trim my rest of the Hair to keep it even and get rid of this cap.


Can anyone pls tell me how I can post multiple pics in 1 message.


Once again I WANT TO SAY that had I not seen this forum, I would have not got a HT done, as I was unaware of that HT works.


If anyone has any questions I can answer on HT experience, I will try to answer.

By the way I Live in Florida, working in a major Bank working as a PM(just to clear any suspicions people have about paid posters).


I will post my pics regularly and keep all updated.


Thanks all,



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Congratulations on your HT. From what I've seen immediately post op from Dr. A, he does good work. I have yet to see any results from his patients in full, so I hope you'll be willing to go the distance with us and post the final result.


Your immediately post op results look nice and clean. Keep us posted.




P.S. Why is your head red in your before HT shot?

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If you're using microsoft office picture manager there is a compression feature...............just click edit pictures, then compress picture.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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To create a photo album, go to the top left hand corner of this forum and go to "new" than "photo album" and follow the wizard. You will, however, have to resize each picture to less than 3mb before you use this wizard.


Hairbank is right...there are many picture editors including Microsoft Picture Manager that will allow you to compress and resize the photos. Just poke around your software and look for the options.


If you need any help, feel free to PM me.



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I think there is a provision of making your photoalbum or blog on the site.

Try that. That way all the pix will be at one location and easy to access later.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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The transplanted grafts usually start shedding around 2 weeks to a month or so. All my shedding was pretty much done around 30 or 40 days I think. Then, new growth can start anywhere from 2 to 6 months later; it often varies from person to person.

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Hi I am post HT-6 WKS now, I now see the grafts falling rapidly, so far I did not experience that.

I still have the tenderness in my scar in the backside of my head. Probably the scalp exercises before the HT ere in-adequate(Feeling bad now).

I can feel that tight nck / pulling feeling still with my scar. Is it normal. I got so psyched up now that I am not thinking of going for 2nd HT for the crown(If I go I will probably go for FUE to cover the scar).

Your cmments pls.



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All of what you describe is normal! I had the neck/head tightness for weeks; it will go away soon. One small area of the donor scar is still a little tender and I am at 3 months post ht. Its getting better and better as time goes by. Try your best to be patient. All normal and it WILL get better.

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Pushing40 is correct.


Everything you are experiencing is normal.


I am glad to hear that you have a long term strategy in place as well.


Keep FUE in mind for the scar, but don't decide on it yet. See what your scar actually looks like after you complete your hair restoration procedures. There may be enough hair growing through it if you have been given a trichophytic scar.





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Hey, Capricorn! Nice to read more from you.

How bad does the scar hurt? Does it create problems with work? How long did you need to go back to work without people staring or asking stupid questions?

You got some fue grafts too. From the face? How did that heal?

Lots of questions I know, but hope you will find time and understand and answer.

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Hi all,

actually the scar tenderness has reduce this week, but still have that tightness, On the back and the sides the scar has healed well now.

The FUE grafts from the chin healed in 3 days, the chest FUE healed in 7 - 10 days, but I can still see the red dots(Probabl takes a little more time). Now the grafts seem to be falling rapidly, Pate is shining again, hopefully the hairs should grow soon.


I was on vacation to India, I wore a cap for the 1st 10 days, later I got a buzz cut, so people were finding my scalp with the triangle HT a bit different but couldnt really notice, because the HT hairs were looking like normal hairs. When I returned to work after 4 wks nobody actually noticed.


I will post some more pics this weekend, nothing changing much so dint load any pics past week.


I started FINPECIA 1 mg(PROPECIA sold in India)and MINOX, from yesterday I changed to 0.5 mg (making the tablet into 2 pieces & using on 2 days) I read in the forum that even 0.25 mg PROPECIA has same affect as 1 mg(Wanted to avoid the loss of libido, It is actually reducing my desire but I am active in making love and the capacity is fine)


Thx for all your feedback guys.


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  • 5 months later...

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