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A question as I am 6 weeks out...


Is it normal to lose a couple a graphs? I have a few spots (2 or 3), and only in the mid to back of my scalp (the thicker hair), a couple of dandruff spots and i rubbed one very lightly(not scratched it!) it came free, and i noticed a follicle. There has been one or two - isolated to only the back. I am very careful, but think a couple just didn't take. Anyone have this happen?


I am shampooing and conditioning normally, but very gently and have been pickup up volume.

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  • Regular Member

A question as I am 6 weeks out...


Is it normal to lose a couple a graphs? I have a few spots (2 or 3), and only in the mid to back of my scalp (the thicker hair), a couple of dandruff spots and i rubbed one very lightly(not scratched it!) it came free, and i noticed a follicle. There has been one or two - isolated to only the back. I am very careful, but think a couple just didn't take. Anyone have this happen?


I am shampooing and conditioning normally, but very gently and have been pickup up volume.

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  • Senior Member



Well if you are six weeks post-op we know that your epidermis is healed so possibly what you found was a dried up graft that was maybe stuck to your scalp and finally came off during your patting, etc. Very doubtful that you actually pulled a graft out from the recipient site. When that happens it usually occurs in the first three days or so post-op from overly agressive scrubbing too early, picking, scratching, etc. There is almost always a stream of blood that oozes out from the hole (recipient site) once the graft is pulled out.


No one retains 100% of their placed grafts post-op but with proper post-op care, one can help to avoid losing any grafts as much as possible. Best wishes to you!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Regular Member

I called the Doc as well and he said the same thing, and it only has been two or three, and from the back which doesn't bother me HALF as much as the front ones (mostly in the front, touch up in the back). I also would figure that by now, everything had bonded so what was attached would stay put and so forth. And there was no blood and no open wound, just dandruff - just wasn't aware.


I had a 1200, and I suppose they all couldn't make it icon_frown.gif


Poor hairs, they served me well (even if they were in the wrong spot)!


Thanks for the support!

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