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Details from Transplant scam post....

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After viewing the website below from the gentleman that received a terrible HT from the Oklahoma office, I was curious as to how the office would respond to their work. Here is the clinic's response:






Thank you for your email. I am happy to respond. Three days after the surgery of the gentleman in question, he called and demanded a total refund. He said if he did not get his money back he would "trash" us on the inner net. If you will look closely at the photographs, you will be able to tell the only accurate photo is the one listed as "Three Days After Procedure". The one showing before is a photo that he sent to us 3 months after his hair transplant surgery. I can only take his word for the "6 Months Later" photo.


We now have a lawsuit in Federal Court against this man. His response to the lawsuit was that if we would give him half of his money back and drop the lawsuit, he would take the web page down that you have referred to in your email to us. We obviously declined his request.


Our staff is dedicated to helping every patient that comes to our clinic achieve their goal. We take pride in our work and expect great results for each of our patients.


You be the judge....

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After viewing the website below from the gentleman that received a terrible HT from the Oklahoma office, I was curious as to how the office would respond to their work. Here is the clinic's response:






Thank you for your email. I am happy to respond. Three days after the surgery of the gentleman in question, he called and demanded a total refund. He said if he did not get his money back he would "trash" us on the inner net. If you will look closely at the photographs, you will be able to tell the only accurate photo is the one listed as "Three Days After Procedure". The one showing before is a photo that he sent to us 3 months after his hair transplant surgery. I can only take his word for the "6 Months Later" photo.


We now have a lawsuit in Federal Court against this man. His response to the lawsuit was that if we would give him half of his money back and drop the lawsuit, he would take the web page down that you have referred to in your email to us. We obviously declined his request.


Our staff is dedicated to helping every patient that comes to our clinic achieve their goal. We take pride in our work and expect great results for each of our patients.


You be the judge....

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Thanks for sharing that. I wondered how they might respond.

I don't think the patient did anything outragious, as the writer of the letter seems to think. He thinks he got taken -- and so do I.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Haha, If you paid for a burger, but got one half eaten, you would ask for a full refund not just half. I think the victim has been very professional. Of course, I view all this from the outside and it is just my opinion.

Personally, I think this Oklahoma Hair Mill would have been smart to just settle with the victim. All this lawsuit nonsense sort of points to me, "okay, we've been discovered, but it won't hold up in court". You corner a dog, and it will try to bite you.

That's just my observations on all this. The letter you got still doesn't dissuade me from my support of the victim and my opinion on the whole matter.

Thanks again for inquirying with them and sharing.



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If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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Three days after my transplant from the Hair Transplant Center, I called and asked why it appeared that there was not anywhere close to 2000 grafts. About a week after my transplant I sent an email to the Hair Transplant Center with the photos taken after three days asking why it did not appear that I had received the number of grafts charged for. They did not respond to this. I then called the Tom Campbell, who handles the client business and he said that he had not seen the email with photos. I sent it again. The next time I called they had me talk to the nurse, Betty, who had performed the transplant. She acted like I had no right to question their work, would not respond to why there were no were near 2000 scabs from the grafts, and wanted the name of the Dr. I had talked to for a second opinion so they could sue for interference. They then said that I could not determine the number of grafts and that it would all grow in after 6 months. After 6 months the only hair that had grown was where the original scabs were, no where else, and not even at the density of the scabs. I sent photos of the results and again of the original scabs and the pre surgery photos and asked for a refund. After which they said that they would no longer respond to my emails or phone calls. I then informed them that if this was their manner of conducting business, I would alert others to their practices and only then, 7 months after the surgery, placed up the internet site to warn others. The following is an exact quote from my message to them after 6 months of waiting for hair to grow.


"I am requesting a refund in the full amount of the $6000 associated with this surgery for the reason of failure to deliver the service you were charging for. If, however, you feel the results of my surgery are consistent with what one should expect from 2034 grafts at your clinic, then I will do everything possible to make sure this information is available to every person that could possibly walk through your door."


Everyone is free to decide if they would like to go to this clinic, but they should at least have the opportunity to see the results of an actual patient and the clinics response.

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Here is a photo taken just 5 minutes ago with my digital camera. It has been one year since my transplant from The Hair Transplant Ceneter. If this is what you would expect afer paying for 2000 grafts, then The Hair Transplant Center is your place. Note the goosebump scars from the scabs and the very sparsely spaced hair growth matching the original scabs as seen on the website.


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  • 3 weeks later...
I am writing this response to the accusations from "The Victim" on this forum for The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa. I am a recent patient who had 1300 grafts from their clinic and although it has been only about 4 weeks, I can tell you they do an excellent job. I had my first surgery in Atlanta, GA, with Dr Griffin, who did an excellent job as well. but it cost me twice as much and I got half as many grafts. After hearing and reading what has been said on here, I can see that this situation is very misleading. For starters, you can't look at a picture 3 days after surgery and expect to be able to count the "scabs" to know how many grafts you received. I have my picture up at here Comments are there regarding the misleading ideas concerning "the victims" claims. It would take too much space here to discuss.


I will tell you though that the process most clinics, including The Hair Transplant Center, use to count grafts is they lay them out in rows of 100 as they are dissecting them. So it is very easy to tell exactly how many grafts they are putting in.


I just don't think there is any point in cheating someone out of a few grafts when they are already performing the surgery anyway. It just doesn't make sense and it is certainly not ethical.


Upon my suggestion, The Hair Transplant Center has decided to drop the lawsuit against the victim, as they firmly stand behind their work and have no reason to pursue this lawsuit any further. As they are not very internet savvy and had no guidance in responding to these accusations on this forum until now, they felt they had no other choice. I am sure anyone who has any questions for them can reach them through their web site here. You will also find comments from patients who have previous transplants from the biggest names out there and say The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa was by far the best experience they have had and wish they would have gone there first.


As for the experience and integrity of the staff at the Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa, I think everyone should know their background and it may help you decide what to really think of them. I am posting this to let all intelligent people here who aren't working for some other surgeon form their own opinion. They will be happy to discuss anything with anyone about Hair Transplants and their extensive experience. They can be reached at their company web site


About the Staff at The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa, Oklahoma:


They Hair Transplant Center Of Tulsa has one of the most recognized staff in the industry today. In the Comments by "The Victim," he says that the surgeon did not even do the work, they had a "nurse" do it and the Dr. only removed the incision hair from the scalp. For the record I would like to clarify just exactly who this "nurse" as he said is and let all the intelligent people who might be in this forum who would like to know the truth about The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa come to their own conclusion.


"Nurse Betty" as was called by "the victim" happens to be the Surgical and Medical Director of the HTC who started doing transplants back in 1967, when she started the procedure with O'Tar Norwood M.D. For those of you who do not know who Dr. Norwood is, it may help you to know that he is the Doctor who created the "NORWOOD CHART" everyone goes by to this day as a measure of the hair loss. Her experience is unsurpassed by anyone in the industry and certainly not by anyone on this forum. She was doing hair transplants with Dr Norwood before most of the surgeons commenting here were even born. She has done every type of hair transplant that has been done and has a full understanding of the benefits and pitfalls of each.


She has been doing this very successfully for 36 years, 30 of those working beside Dr. Norwood. She personally trained Clara Prather who has been her assistant for 20 of those years and is currently assisting her at The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa. So between them, they have done more transplants than probably any other single team of Doctors in the industry.


Betty Ann Studier was also instrumental in the development of The Norwood Classification Scale, which is used by most hair transplant surgeons and staffs. She has been involved in teaching many who were interested in starting in Hair Restoration Surgery. She also assisted in training the successor to Dr. Norwood's clinic, Dr. Blaine Lehr, when he started in Hair Restoration Surgery.


She has seen the entire gamut of Hair Restoration from its inception. Whatever technique you may care to mention she has been there and done it.


She has also done teaching and training around the world. She still has requests to teach new procedures in Hair Restoration, such as teaching the latest in Microscopic Disection and Follicular Unit Transplantation with Microscopic Disection. Any surgeon in this forum would have been blessed to have had the opportunity to be trained by Betty.


Betty has assisted in gathering information for several articles written on Hair Restoration. Her name is well known in the Hair Restoration community throughout the entire world. Dr. Norwood wrote the first book on hair transplants, "Hair Transplant Surgery" and dedicated it to Betty Ann Studier. Dr. Norwood also filmed the first training instructions and was assisted by Betty.


She was acknowledged for her contribution to the introduction of Hair Transplant Surgery in "The Forum" in 1999, a magazine published by The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.


This incredible woman has dedicated her life to the advancement of Surgical Hair Transplants, much to the delight of thousands of lucky recipients. She utilizes the latest technological advances and has been instrumental in developing a lot of them.


So ask yourself, "why would one of the most known and respected hair transplant staff in the world tell you they are giving you a certain number of grafts and then give you less?"


To be honest with you, in my experience, you wind up getting a few more because they always plant every graft that is harvested. You just don't go as far in this industry as Betty and her staff has and cheat people. I am sure she would have no problem standing by anything she has ever done and have a line of respected names in the industry behind her.


So, anyone who is serious about having hair transplant surgery at a price that is way less than most less experienced clinics offer, need look no further than The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa. This is not just ONE of the cosmetic surgeries they do at The Hair Transplant Center. It is THE ONLY thing they do.


I am writing this because I recently had a hair transplant from them and found them to be the most honest, straight forward team of people, who truly enjoy bringing about positive results in their clients. I had 1300 grafts and am very excited by the current results. I had them done on Jan 17th 2003. I went to get a hair cut about 2 weeks after the procedure and my barber, who has seen many hair transplants come through his chair said mine was the best one he has seen and could not even tell I had anything done by looking at it. Only the short hairs he could feel. This is my second procedure. The first one I had done with Dr. Edmond Griffin in Atlanta, GA. He did a great job for anyone looking to him for their hair transplant. He is just way more expensive. I currently live in Dallas, Texas now and chose the Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa to do my next HT because of their experience and price as well as their proximity, although they have the most generous travel allowance in the industry. I got twice as many HTs for half what I spent before.


As for the victim: His picture says it was 3 days after surgery. I can tell you from recent experience that

1) Many of the FU and Micrografts do not even leave a scab, just a little bump that is barely visible immediately after.

2) After 3 days there are lots of smaller scabs that have already fallen out.


I am posting my pic from immediately after surgery and you can see that there are some scabs, and lots of grafts where there are no scabs. So it is very misleading to want to count the scabs 3 days after surgery when a lot of them are gone and some grafts made such small scabs they were really just bumps, as you can see from my picture. Now from this picture I can tell you that after about 10-12 days all my scabs were gone and there was barely any evidence I even had a transplant, only a slight pink color in the skin, and after 2 weeks there was no evidence other than the little hairs you could feel if you rubbed my head. Those all fell out over the next couple weeks and now the new hairs have started growing. The second pic was taken today and you can obviously see you can't see anything. Which is definitely a sign of a great procedure.


So when I see comments about their work ranging from "poor type work" from a Dr. who has been doing hair transplants for maybe 10 years if he is lucky, it makes me wonder just how much he thinks he knows.


And about the "horseshoe" comment, that is called a hairline. If you have ever seen anyone with a shaved head, it has the same shape as you see in the picture.


And another comment from someone who was happy with the work but thought they should get a different clinic with more experience to do the hair line that they want, I don't think you will find one.


As for the other comments from potential patients of a hair transplant procedure; I can understand your apprehension and wanting to make the right decision about such an important part of your life. You want to gather all the information you can before making that decision.


Make the educated decision and at least consult with the clinic that has THE MOST EXPERIENCE in the industry, The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa, and judge for your self.


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I am writing this response to the accusations from "The Victim" on this forum for The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa. I am a recent patient who had 1300 grafts from their clinic and although it has been only about 4 weeks, I can tell you they do an excellent job. I had my first surgery in Atlanta, GA, with Dr Griffin, who did an excellent job as well. but it cost me twice as much and I got half as many grafts. After hearing and reading what has been said on here, I can see that this situation is very misleading. For starters, you can't look at a picture 3 days after surgery and expect to be able to count the "scabs" to know how many grafts you received. I have my picture up at here Comments are there regarding the misleading ideas concerning "the victims" claims. It would take too much space here to discuss.


I will tell you though that the process most clinics, including The Hair Transplant Center, use to count grafts is they lay them out in rows of 100 as they are dissecting them. So it is very easy to tell exactly how many grafts they are putting in.


I just don't think there is any point in cheating someone out of a few grafts when they are already performing the surgery anyway. It just doesn't make sense and it is certainly not ethical.


Upon my suggestion, The Hair Transplant Center has decided to drop the lawsuit against the victim, as they firmly stand behind their work and have no reason to pursue this lawsuit any further. As they are not very internet savvy and had no guidance in responding to these accusations on this forum until now, they felt they had no other choice. I am sure anyone who has any questions for them can reach them through their web site here. You will also find comments from patients who have previous transplants from the biggest names out there and say The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa was by far the best experience they have had and wish they would have gone there first.


As for the experience and integrity of the staff at the Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa, I think everyone should know their background and it may help you decide what to really think of them. I am posting this to let all intelligent people here who aren't working for some other surgeon form their own opinion. They will be happy to discuss anything with anyone about Hair Transplants and their extensive experience. They can be reached at their company web site


About the Staff at The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa, Oklahoma:


They Hair Transplant Center Of Tulsa has one of the most recognized staff in the industry today. In the Comments by "The Victim," he says that the surgeon did not even do the work, they had a "nurse" do it and the Dr. only removed the incision hair from the scalp. For the record I would like to clarify just exactly who this "nurse" as he said is and let all the intelligent people who might be in this forum who would like to know the truth about The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa come to their own conclusion.


"Nurse Betty" as was called by "the victim" happens to be the Surgical and Medical Director of the HTC who started doing transplants back in 1967, when she started the procedure with O'Tar Norwood M.D. For those of you who do not know who Dr. Norwood is, it may help you to know that he is the Doctor who created the "NORWOOD CHART" everyone goes by to this day as a measure of the hair loss. Her experience is unsurpassed by anyone in the industry and certainly not by anyone on this forum. She was doing hair transplants with Dr Norwood before most of the surgeons commenting here were even born. She has done every type of hair transplant that has been done and has a full understanding of the benefits and pitfalls of each.


She has been doing this very successfully for 36 years, 30 of those working beside Dr. Norwood. She personally trained Clara Prather who has been her assistant for 20 of those years and is currently assisting her at The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa. So between them, they have done more transplants than probably any other single team of Doctors in the industry.


Betty Ann Studier was also instrumental in the development of The Norwood Classification Scale, which is used by most hair transplant surgeons and staffs. She has been involved in teaching many who were interested in starting in Hair Restoration Surgery. She also assisted in training the successor to Dr. Norwood's clinic, Dr. Blaine Lehr, when he started in Hair Restoration Surgery.


She has seen the entire gamut of Hair Restoration from its inception. Whatever technique you may care to mention she has been there and done it.


She has also done teaching and training around the world. She still has requests to teach new procedures in Hair Restoration, such as teaching the latest in Microscopic Disection and Follicular Unit Transplantation with Microscopic Disection. Any surgeon in this forum would have been blessed to have had the opportunity to be trained by Betty.


Betty has assisted in gathering information for several articles written on Hair Restoration. Her name is well known in the Hair Restoration community throughout the entire world. Dr. Norwood wrote the first book on hair transplants, "Hair Transplant Surgery" and dedicated it to Betty Ann Studier. Dr. Norwood also filmed the first training instructions and was assisted by Betty.


She was acknowledged for her contribution to the introduction of Hair Transplant Surgery in "The Forum" in 1999, a magazine published by The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.


This incredible woman has dedicated her life to the advancement of Surgical Hair Transplants, much to the delight of thousands of lucky recipients. She utilizes the latest technological advances and has been instrumental in developing a lot of them.


So ask yourself, "why would one of the most known and respected hair transplant staff in the world tell you they are giving you a certain number of grafts and then give you less?"


To be honest with you, in my experience, you wind up getting a few more because they always plant every graft that is harvested. You just don't go as far in this industry as Betty and her staff has and cheat people. I am sure she would have no problem standing by anything she has ever done and have a line of respected names in the industry behind her.


So, anyone who is serious about having hair transplant surgery at a price that is way less than most less experienced clinics offer, need look no further than The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa. This is not just ONE of the cosmetic surgeries they do at The Hair Transplant Center. It is THE ONLY thing they do.


I am writing this because I recently had a hair transplant from them and found them to be the most honest, straight forward team of people, who truly enjoy bringing about positive results in their clients. I had 1300 grafts and am very excited by the current results. I had them done on Jan 17th 2003. I went to get a hair cut about 2 weeks after the procedure and my barber, who has seen many hair transplants come through his chair said mine was the best one he has seen and could not even tell I had anything done by looking at it. Only the short hairs he could feel. This is my second procedure. The first one I had done with Dr. Edmond Griffin in Atlanta, GA. He did a great job for anyone looking to him for their hair transplant. He is just way more expensive. I currently live in Dallas, Texas now and chose the Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa to do my next HT because of their experience and price as well as their proximity, although they have the most generous travel allowance in the industry. I got twice as many HTs for half what I spent before.


As for the victim: His picture says it was 3 days after surgery. I can tell you from recent experience that

1) Many of the FU and Micrografts do not even leave a scab, just a little bump that is barely visible immediately after.

2) After 3 days there are lots of smaller scabs that have already fallen out.


I am posting my pic from immediately after surgery and you can see that there are some scabs, and lots of grafts where there are no scabs. So it is very misleading to want to count the scabs 3 days after surgery when a lot of them are gone and some grafts made such small scabs they were really just bumps, as you can see from my picture. Now from this picture I can tell you that after about 10-12 days all my scabs were gone and there was barely any evidence I even had a transplant, only a slight pink color in the skin, and after 2 weeks there was no evidence other than the little hairs you could feel if you rubbed my head. Those all fell out over the next couple weeks and now the new hairs have started growing. The second pic was taken today and you can obviously see you can't see anything. Which is definitely a sign of a great procedure.


So when I see comments about their work ranging from "poor type work" from a Dr. who has been doing hair transplants for maybe 10 years if he is lucky, it makes me wonder just how much he thinks he knows.


And about the "horseshoe" comment, that is called a hairline. If you have ever seen anyone with a shaved head, it has the same shape as you see in the picture.


And another comment from someone who was happy with the work but thought they should get a different clinic with more experience to do the hair line that they want, I don't think you will find one.


As for the other comments from potential patients of a hair transplant procedure; I can understand your apprehension and wanting to make the right decision about such an important part of your life. You want to gather all the information you can before making that decision.


Make the educated decision and at least consult with the clinic that has THE MOST EXPERIENCE in the industry, The Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa, and judge for your self.


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