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Shock loss outside of donor/recipient zone

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  • Regular Member

Can anyone attest to shock loss that was in an area not touched upon after having surgery? I had a small procedure that focused on the frontal third of my scalp. Months after the procedure I noticed thinning in my crown area that was not evident prior to surgery. I have read that the trauma inflicted upon the scalp can not only affect the donor and recipient zones, but also in areas not touched during the surgery. I'm just curious if anyone else experienced something similar. The thinning that I experienced has not since returned, but doesn't seem to have gotten any worse. Shock loss in the recipient/donor zone is bad enough, not to mention areas of the scalp that are not even part of the surgery. icon_confused.gif

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  • Regular Member

No, I'm positive there was no thinning prior to the surgery. I have read that trauma from both the incisions to the scalp and anesthesia can cause shock loss that can spread beyond the recipient and donor area. I have only read this in articles and not actually seen other members share a similar experience. This is what I believe to have happened to me, and by having the surgery I triggered the MPB gene in my crown early causing the thinning I see now. I just wanted to know if anyone else shared a similar experience.

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It is more likely to occur in areas adjacent to the donor or recipient areas. Shock loss is usually temporary unless those hairs were genetically programmed to fall out in the near future. Anything is possible, but it would be very uncommon to have permanent hair loss in the crown from a transplant performed in the frontal zone.

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  • Senior Member

From a few days after my procedure to around 1 month post op I was shedding from all over my head and this did worry me because I thought I looked thinner on top than ever before (this was a crazy amount of shedding that I hadn't ever experienced). This was all outside of the recipient and donor areas.


However, since then the shedding has stopped and my hair seems to be back to normal thickness. I won't be able to fully judge this until I have a short haircut again though.

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