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shock loss

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Hi this is rikky it is my 5th month running now i had 1300 grafts done with mhr in hartford from doc boden. he repaired my hair line and put all the remaining grafts on the top. Doc BODEN worked on my hairline and then some schoolkids worked on the top of my head, now my hair line is looking ok but on the top it looks like i had a severe shock loss one can see my scalp fromtop of my head, shock lossed hair dint come up nor the transplanted hair,ilook worse now. i dont know what to do, i am not using any medication or rogaine but using the laser comb from the past 4 months, last month iwent to boden and he said i got only 20% of hair and theres still to come and gave me another appointment after another four months. even my stiches look bad one trainee rubbed it while removing them now they bulged making my head more worse, can any one advice me plzz


do you think my shocklossed hair and the transplanted hair will come. i am not completely bald before but as its geting thinner i thought of improving before hand but i spoiled every thing now. even after some time if i get back all my hair i will be happy ,is there any thing like permenent shockloss and do you think its effecting me as i read in many articles in this blog and found out that the shocklossed hair should come back within 4-6 months.

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  • Regular Member

Hi this is rikky it is my 5th month running now i had 1300 grafts done with mhr in hartford from doc boden. he repaired my hair line and put all the remaining grafts on the top. Doc BODEN worked on my hairline and then some schoolkids worked on the top of my head, now my hair line is looking ok but on the top it looks like i had a severe shock loss one can see my scalp fromtop of my head, shock lossed hair dint come up nor the transplanted hair,ilook worse now. i dont know what to do, i am not using any medication or rogaine but using the laser comb from the past 4 months, last month iwent to boden and he said i got only 20% of hair and theres still to come and gave me another appointment after another four months. even my stiches look bad one trainee rubbed it while removing them now they bulged making my head more worse, can any one advice me plzz


do you think my shocklossed hair and the transplanted hair will come. i am not completely bald before but as its geting thinner i thought of improving before hand but i spoiled every thing now. even after some time if i get back all my hair i will be happy ,is there any thing like permenent shockloss and do you think its effecting me as i read in many articles in this blog and found out that the shocklossed hair should come back within 4-6 months.

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Welcome to our community.


Unfortunately, I have never heard of Dr. Boden and cannot give you a heads up on his/her practice - perhaps another member can.


I'm a little confused what you mean by "school kids" worked on the top of your head. Are you referring to the technicians or were they students?


5 months is still early yet to be able to tell how your result will come out. Shocked hairs may still come back depending on a number of variables but it is still too early to tell. Read more about shock loss.


All you can really do at this point is wait it out and see what happens.


In the future, I strongly recommend selecting a hair restoration physician who has a strong public record of producing positive and consistent state of the art hair transplantation.


I hope you'll consider posting photos or creating a hair loss weblog to share your journey with us.


Best wishes,



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If indeed these technicians were really teenagers, certainly they couldn't have had a lot of experience.


Placing grafts in the recipient area is delicate work and must be done with extreme care and done correctly otherwise the grafts will be damaged and not grow.


If indeed what you are telling me is accurate, I would be concerned as well.


As I said however, all you can do now is wait it out and see what happens, and choose a hair restoration physician known for producing consistent quality if you choose to undergo a second hair transplant procedure.


We're pulling for you!



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  • Senior Member

Bill? 1300 grafts isnt alot right? would you expect alot of shock loss with such a small HT (I am considering getting a similar amount)



Rikky? you got some work done on your hairline? and where else on your head exactly?


Are you experiencing shock loss near the recipient area? the donor area? or just randomly everywhere?

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  • Senior Member

Shock loss tends to occur both in the recipient and in the donor areas as far as I know. It's a normal response to trauma to the scalp which is surgery. However, permanent shock loss, while it can also happen if the hair that was shocked was going to fall out anyway due to MPB, sucks and can be a sign of a bad HT.

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  • Senior Member

what do you mean deffuse thinners/ receeders?


Spex what are your tips on avoiding/minimising shock loss?


I wish to get a ht to my hairline, So i hope i can avoid transecting the existing hairs? have you heard of anyone leaving a small buffer between the existing hairs and the HT? just a little one to reduce shockloss?



Do you think its better to take propecia/rogaine 2/3 months before the HT or from the day of the HT?


I am concerned about over stressing my hair, with transplant plus medicines - what do you recommend?


thank u

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