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Question about signs of growth

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  • Regular Member

Hello all,

It has been exactly 2 1/2 months since my transplant of 1500 grafts, too early to expect any growth im sure , however i have a question , is the sighting of the small pimples and other lumps that people often report nessacery to know that growth is on the way , to explain more , would the absense of any such visible marks be a worry , or can some patients grow without any pimples or signs of hair breaking through.

Im sorry if this is a silly question but i am not dealing with the waiting game too well , very depressed about large amount of shockloss and no sign of anything happening , also my scalp healed remarkably fast following surgery, after 10 days it was fully healed which also concerned me that perhaps the grafts had not taken and the sites had just closed up and healed.

i hope in the coming months i see a positive change.

i dont have any photos to share as i took none after surgery which i regret , and right now there is nothing worth photographing.


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  • Regular Member

Hello all,

It has been exactly 2 1/2 months since my transplant of 1500 grafts, too early to expect any growth im sure , however i have a question , is the sighting of the small pimples and other lumps that people often report nessacery to know that growth is on the way , to explain more , would the absense of any such visible marks be a worry , or can some patients grow without any pimples or signs of hair breaking through.

Im sorry if this is a silly question but i am not dealing with the waiting game too well , very depressed about large amount of shockloss and no sign of anything happening , also my scalp healed remarkably fast following surgery, after 10 days it was fully healed which also concerned me that perhaps the grafts had not taken and the sites had just closed up and healed.

i hope in the coming months i see a positive change.

i dont have any photos to share as i took none after surgery which i regret , and right now there is nothing worth photographing.


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Not everyone experiences pimples before growth. Those that do however, typically see signs of new growth within a few weeks to a month.


But if you don't get pimples, consider yourself one of the lucky ones, since they can be a bit painful icon_smile.gif


I can certainly relate to feeling depressed about shock loss. Read through my hair restoration journey linked below, and follow the link especially to my first and second surgery. You'll see my photos with extensive shock loss between 5 and 10 weeks. In the discussion thread, I express very similar concerns to you.


All you can do is hang in there and garner as much support from veteran patients who've been through it like several of us on this forum.


Hang in there!



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Fast healing is a plus. The faster you heal the better it is for growth, not the other way around.



What are you talking about seeing signs of growth within the first month? From what i have seen, it is rare there is any sign of growth before the first 2 months.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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I think Bill may have meant 1 month after the pimples appear.


Giles - Have you tried any concealers with the shock loss? It can make a big difference. I have found dermmatch to be very good, and I think nanogen also would have been a big help if I wasn't using the dermmatch.

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  • Regular Member

Good, than I should have GREAT growth.


Geez, I'm getting more pimples than I had as a kid. icon_eek.gif


I got so many that I used my dog's benzoyl peroxide shampoo yesterday to soak on my head. Then I coated the little buggers in neem oil.


It helped just like it helps my big dog when he has his occasional flare-ups!! icon_biggrin.gif


I know it ain't a bad thing but GEEZ!!

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