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early growth

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  • Senior Member

Good signs good signs..... It was about that same time frame I had that pinching feeling and those little pimple started popping out. Some on this site have been known to soak a cloth in very warm water and let it rest on your head, over time it will break down those pimples. Being that your so far out of surgery you probably could pop the pimples, but I wouldn't, go the soaked cloth route. From the characteristics of your hair it looks like your gonna have an amazing result.

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  • Senior Member

thanks, i'm hoping everything turns out how i imagined it. so far everything has gone great. i was looking at your weblog and had a question. what percentage of your transplanted hairs would you say shed? you still had a fair amount left after the first couple months and i assume they didn't shed at all. Im kinda in the same boat, alot of mine didn't shed, but it's hard to tell just how many stayed and how many shed.

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I'm really not sure, I thought most of them shed at the 1 month mark, like you though if you see my right sided profile shot at the 1 month mark I had some pimples and signs of growth. My grafts began to she around 9 day mark and went pretty quickly by the first month. Its more that I was a lucky one that had quick growth of my grafts. If your like me the next two months are gonna go by slow and then all of a sudden by the fourth month you'll be considered on of the lucky ones with early growth. Its so weird how it works but we all know this HT things takes time, even though four months is still considered early and luck, ITS STILL FOUR MONTHS! Trust me I know how you feel, you'll be pimping the day before thanksgiving going to the clubs....

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  • Senior Member

you got any more updates for your weblog? im sure your hair is looking great now. i kinda had a feeling i would be an early grower just cause im still young and active. i work out like 3-4 times a week and play sports and stuff. its weird when im working out and my blood is pumping i can feel these tingling sensations in my recipient area. it just feels like early growth. although i dont want to jinx myself so im gonna shutup about it now. anyway, ya its gonna be fun feeling confident and picking up women again.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks I am extremely happy with my results, I am saving all my updates cause I am going to SMG to visit them for my one year results and Janna is gonna start a thread with a bunch of pictures. Yeah were lucky I guess being young with a virgin scalp definitely has its advantages. Just be careful not to work out to hard cause you still might stretch the scar, unless you got FUE.... Either way its gonna be a great year for you.

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  • Senior Member

Early growth is good, and if use rogain after surgery it tends to shorten the dormat period.

DO NOT pop your pimples as they are infected pores and you dont want infection. Typical treatment is apply a warm heat pad and neosporin. It will subside or drain itself and the neosporin helps with infection.




MSM/Saw Palmetto



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