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Can someone offer any insight?


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Has anyone ever heard of transplanted hair being very different from the donor it was taken from. I am noticing that the hair is thicker...darker....curly, and more wirey. I hate to phrase it this way but it almost looks like pubic hair. Do these things straighten themsleves out after awhile? I am 8 months post op and had 2000 grafts done.



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Has anyone ever heard of transplanted hair being very different from the donor it was taken from. I am noticing that the hair is thicker...darker....curly, and more wirey. I hate to phrase it this way but it almost looks like pubic hair. Do these things straighten themsleves out after awhile? I am 8 months post op and had 2000 grafts done.



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Absolutely it looks weird, wirey, everything!


I just told my wife after 11 months post-op that my hair finally looks like hair!


Give it some time, you'll be ok.


Who was the Doc?

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Sometimes the hair comes in a bit different because of the target skin environment.


But rest assured, the hair follicles genetic code is still the same.


I have some FUs coming out of my donor scar that were planted there when the scar was revised. They are growing fine now, but appear a little curly because of their growth throw the scar tissue.


I'm very confident that over time, they'll be the same as all the other surrounding hair. In the meantime, no one can even notice any difference!



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