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Hey All, 21yrs, Tru/Dorin procedure set, oh my....

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Hey All,


Long time "listener", first time "caller"!


So, I am 21 years old and the past ~12 months of my life has been just total emotonal and psychological turmoil with the -- now blatent -- loss of hair to my frontol region (specifically, a really bad "thinning" effect). My hair, however, began thinng around the age of 18, though it didn't become noticable until the age of 20, and at around the age of 21 began reaching a stage where it couldn't be "hidden". My hair is pretty thick and healthy virtually all over, and I even have a relatively intact hairline, but the "thinning" just reached new heights of horror that I could never have imagined happening to me. Needless to say, I have not taken well at all to my loss of hair, and it has really reached a point where its a major part of my daily psyche and has wrecked havoc on my social life (dating, being comfortable outside, etc.)


Well, today I officially began the major steps for my Hair Reclamation War and scheduled a surgical date w/ Tru&Dorin for 8/1/07....during my discussion with him today he stated a ~1200 graft transplant to be done initially, and we discussed a "long-term" outlook of 2 to 3 procedures. I have been on Propecia for 6+ months now to preserve what I have; it even appears to have actually halted further damage in the front, though I could be wrong; as well, I will be starting with the foam Rogaine tomarrow.


My question is: does 1200 seem like an abnormally conservative treatment? Does anyone have any first-hand experience with how dramatic an effect 1200 can be?


I will say, it is difficult for me to not want a "mega session", and I don't fully accept the conservative, long-term approach (1200 really does seem quite small), but I respect the doctor's judgement and intelligence. Every day I battle the present reality of my hair(loss) and its difficult to fathom waiting 1, 2, 3+ years for "ultimate" results. I will be posting pre-op, and eventually post-op photos.






*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

Hey All,


Long time "listener", first time "caller"!


So, I am 21 years old and the past ~12 months of my life has been just total emotonal and psychological turmoil with the -- now blatent -- loss of hair to my frontol region (specifically, a really bad "thinning" effect). My hair, however, began thinng around the age of 18, though it didn't become noticable until the age of 20, and at around the age of 21 began reaching a stage where it couldn't be "hidden". My hair is pretty thick and healthy virtually all over, and I even have a relatively intact hairline, but the "thinning" just reached new heights of horror that I could never have imagined happening to me. Needless to say, I have not taken well at all to my loss of hair, and it has really reached a point where its a major part of my daily psyche and has wrecked havoc on my social life (dating, being comfortable outside, etc.)


Well, today I officially began the major steps for my Hair Reclamation War and scheduled a surgical date w/ Tru&Dorin for 8/1/07....during my discussion with him today he stated a ~1200 graft transplant to be done initially, and we discussed a "long-term" outlook of 2 to 3 procedures. I have been on Propecia for 6+ months now to preserve what I have; it even appears to have actually halted further damage in the front, though I could be wrong; as well, I will be starting with the foam Rogaine tomarrow.


My question is: does 1200 seem like an abnormally conservative treatment? Does anyone have any first-hand experience with how dramatic an effect 1200 can be?


I will say, it is difficult for me to not want a "mega session", and I don't fully accept the conservative, long-term approach (1200 really does seem quite small), but I respect the doctor's judgement and intelligence. Every day I battle the present reality of my hair(loss) and its difficult to fathom waiting 1, 2, 3+ years for "ultimate" results. I will be posting pre-op, and eventually post-op photos.






*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Hello thanatopsis_awry,


Welcome to our community.


Those of younger age getting a transplant always attract a lot of attention because most doctors won't touch younger patients except for extreme examples.


Knowing that Dr. True and Dr. Dorin are both ethical doctors, I'm sure they have a good reason.


Do you have any pictures that you can post for us?


Depending on your level of hair loss, 1200 grafts may be conservative, however, typically a conservative approach should be taken with younger patients, especially those with minimal loss.


Though you already booked an HT, I recommend you read the following thread which will give you some principles to think about


Am I Too Young For a Hair Transplant?





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Guest wanthairs



1200 grafts is a very small number. However maybe your doctor is concerned about conserving your donor supply for added sesssions which is important as your loss has started so young, like mine, and I eneded up a NWD6 at 30 years old........get on the Big three, propecia, rogaine and nizoral to try and stabilise things.......ohand, Good luck !!!!!!!

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Thx for the words, guys!


I don't have a picture(s) to post at the moment, but its on my to-do-list and I will update within this thread with them for sure. I have "healthy" hair everywhere but the frontal region, which has thinned dramatically and the very beginnings of thinning in a small area of my crown which I hope to keep on pre-emptivlly attacking via the Pro and Rogaine.


WantHairs -- one of my biggest fears right now concerns just that....where is my hair-loss naturally disposed to move towards....in 5 years will it have become to wreck havoc on my crown, etc.


Just read the "Am I Too Young" link, its fantastic....I beleive that Dr. Tru was very adamant about adhering to the principles listed throughout -- with the exception being to be on Propecia for 1+ year....currently it has been 6 months for me, though he did mention that "ideally" he would have me be on it for 1+ years.....I just don't know if I could deal with another 6 months of "innaction" before even beginning the transplant, and whether the extra 6 month wait would have the juice be worth the squeeze.


I hate to sound overly dramatic, but I really just have not reacted "smoothly" to my hair loss at all...I am, and have been, very resistent emotionally and psychologically.....which I suppose is a double-edged sword in that I have reached the point where I am committed to taking action and do whatever I can. My biggest regret is not getting on the Propecia and such *years* ago, but for various reasons it just didn't go down like that. icon_frown.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I think this is alraming! The # of 20 something year olds thinking about mega sessions!

Or any session at all when they have an intact hairline but they are thinning a little.


That is not what hair restoration is about.




It's out of control.


The doctors are being irresponsible IMO.


thanatopsis, you should wait 7 to 10 years before thinking about it before you throw away your money only to be chasing your hairloss for the rest of your life.


If you are wondering I had a HT at 49 years old.

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While I agree somewhat with Folica and the young HT patient I think it is important to look at the invidual & the approach.

We all know the devestating effects of hairloss and what it can do to an individual. In addition, 1200 and a long term strategy is the best plan for this, due to the risk of future hair loss consideration..If he was going in to have 4000 grafts i might be a bit scared.


While i do thing having a HT at a young age may be questionable, this strategy will not hurt the long term goal of the patient at hand.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Hey thanatopsis_awry,


I think you are in good hands: this isn't 1990; you're not getting plugs, and there is medication now that can arrest your hair loss before it becomes out of control. Ironically, had you posted before receiving confirmation from Dr. True, a Coalition member, it is likely that not one person would have said you had any chance of having the procedure done with a respectable surgeon. However, now that Dr. True has been mentioned, your feedback will be slightly more encouraging. The reality is that our generation will be able to reap the benefits of modern hair restoration at an earlier age, and that revered surgeons are doing this on younger patients (those with reasonable expectations) more than people think or are willing to accept. It is unfortunate that many have had to suffer for decades with hair loss; however, that does not mean that you have to, especially when you are in the hands of one of the top (and more conservative) doctors. You shouldn't have to "pay your dues" and suffer for years when the issue of your hair loss can start to be addressed in a conservative and holistic fashion right now. Good luck!



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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Guest wanthairs



its up to you of course what you do. I do think you are a bit too young for this and should try the big three for a bout two years. You can also use TOPPIK to completely conceal any loss visually. HTs are evolving so rapidly and coming down in price so much that it may be much better for you to wait, so you can stabilise everything and still cover it up. If for some reason the meds dont work you are going to keep chasing your hairloss and it could look worse that way. I understand your depression over this. I was a total mental wrek at 21 over my hair loss but im really glad I waited till 35, as technology and cost value have improved so much and Im basically having to restore my hair from sctratch. I just wish i took the meds all the way back then....

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Waiting "7 to 10" years to do this, while perhaps being the route that most minimizes potential risks is simply not feasible for me....to say that my hair loss has wrecked "silent havoc" on my life would be an understatement; to wait years longer for a HT would essentially be me acquiescing to a life that I 100% do not want, and can't fathom accepting.


As ridiculous as it may sound, my hair loss has really made me appreciate life, and how great it is to simply be in a place where you are happy with yourself and can experience what life has to offer....forfeiting over years, even mere days, where I am afflicted with a general malaise of depression, resentment, and longing over my hair loss (and identity) is just totally appalling to me....so much so that I am more than willing to accept some inherent, potential risks regarding getting HT done "too soon".


But, like some have noted, I am undergoing a gradual, long-term (e.g. 2-3+ years, 2-3 HTs) HT plan where ~1200 grafts will be administered, with a particularly conservative approach applied to my hairline; as well, though it has been but 6months on Propecia, my hair loss does seem to have been mitigated....I hope to get some pictures up soon....again, my hair has thinned considerably in the front, and my hair loss is no longer just an issue of "aww shucks, I don't have the omni-thick hair that I can style like Elvis".


Big thx for the "Toppik" referal....seems almost too good to be true, but I am going to order some asap.






*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Finasteride will defintely work for about 5-8 years. After that, Merck didn't do any studies and some of the actual users are reporting a dropoff in benefits. This stuff is buying you some time, but not stopping time.


You're not the only one who is so drastically affected by the hair loss. But IMHO it's really necessary that you "come to grips" with the fact that your hair loss will be a part of your life for the forseeable future.


It's great that you're not rushing out into a Bosley office the second day you notice some thinning. But that doesn't mean you are automatically being realistic about this just because a better doc has agreed to work on you.


I'm just saying this stuff because you sound like you have such a feeling that you will be able to "get rid" of this problem soon. Good doc or bad, NW#2 or NW#7 . . . if you're dealing with cosmetically-noticeable hair loss at age 21, then you won't ever get MPB out of your life with the existing technology. I just think you don't sound very ready to buckle up & begin the process of dealing with permanent hair loss problems. HTs will hide some of the loss but they won't cure it.





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I wasn't aware of Fina's effects having such a finite timetable; I try to be not overly optomistic, nor pessimistic with regard to the hair loss....my primary (and only) aim is really to do everything in my power to combat hair loss as much as I possibly can.


I've (slowly) come closer to the "coming to grips" aspect w/ regard to the fact that hair loss will indeed be an ongoing issue for me, at least in the forseeable future, as you say. I also know that the ~1200 HT will not be anything close to a panacea; I do, however, see it as a vital step in the "solution" to my hair loss woes.


It's impossible to say for sure right now where my hair loss is headed, and how much of it can be halted or compensated for -- my hair loss' origins date back appox. 3-4years and it has all been focused upon a thinning in the frontal region. I am committed to doing all I can to give myself the best shot at achieving a "follicular state of being" that I am content with. Perhaps I have come off (as I am sure *many* "young guys" have) as having outlandish expecations that I think will take hold after but one HT.....while I try to keep my hopes high, I also know that it is a war, not just a battle, and that getting a HT is one of many steps spanning years.


I guess I'm just trying to strike the right balance between getting "quick" results and long-term satisfaction....Between my personal, albeit "unprofessional" philosophy; the advice and consent of Dr. Dorin; and my committment to giving myself the best shot (e.g. Propecia, Rogaine, Nizoral, LaserComb, Biotin, helpful shampoos) I feel like attacking the hairloss in an ASAP-fashion makes sense.


Whether or not the HTs...the Propecia...the Rogaine...etc...will be a help, a cure, or something in between it will still be a help, no?


Like "youngsuccess" mentioned: "You shouldn't have to "pay your dues" and suffer for years when the issue of your hair loss can start to be addressed in a conservative and holistic fashion right now."


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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thanatopsis, sorry I went off on a rant but it is hard to believe how many young men are getting hairtransplants that don't yet need one.


I haven't seen you picture so I don't know if you are one of them.


I can certainly understand the agony you are experiencing as I have suffered with my hairloss for almost 20 years!


Do I wish I would have done it sooner? NOPE!

Bacause when I was considering it in the late 80's they were still using micro/mini grafts.

A decision many here have come to regret.


I said 7 years because I think of how far technology might advance sparing you from such an invasive procedure.

And even then you will still only be in your twentys.


Just my input, but do what will ultimately make YOU happy.



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The finasteride timetable is certainly an issue to consider; however, it has not been proven that all users will become acclimated to the drug's effects . They should really do a study on those who have noticed a dropoff and the extent to which the drug's potency has decreased. I suppose we will find out in the next few years, when a greater number of finasteride users will have been on the drug for 7-10 years, and we can hear from a majority of users rather than a few. Also, even though it is merely speculation, I don't think it's an entirely groundless assumption that there will be even more effective medications in 10 years, since many companies are investing serious time and dollars in it as we speak. I know this is just positive thinking, but I do feel that the dark ages of hair restoration are for the most part behind us.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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As you can see, there are two opposing viewpoints and many in-betweens. Whereas I have a tendency to lean toward what Folica is saying generally speaking, I believe he is on one extreme end of the debate whereas some (mostly younger people) are on the opposite extreme.


I think pictures will help clarify your situation if you are willing to post some.


I'll add that 1200 grafts is far from a megasession and MIGHT be acceptable given certain circumstances. BUT, it's important for you to realize as someone else has said above, MOST LIKELY hair loss is going to be a part of your future, so you will most likely need to go back in the chair several times to "keep up" with your hair loss.


Whereas this approach MIGHT be acceptable based on the conditions I posted in "Am I too young for a hair transplant", it may not be the best approach.


I HOPE, however, if you go into surgery, that Dr. True plans a very conservative hairline. In 10-15 years, if you don't experience that much more loss, you can always get it lowered.


But I would have to agree that the best approach is probably to wait for some time and give the medication a try.



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Thx for the words, everyone, much appreciated.


Without a doubt, I will always keep in mind the "two schools" of thought on this subject and make sure I never make a decision without thoroughly thinking it out and going with a trusted doctor!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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