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6 years of Propecia - my story


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Just rounded 6 years with Propecia and I thought I would share my story - I know I read many of these early on prior to starting and occasionally through out the years. This type of information truly helps, so here is what I can tell you about my experience.


In 2004, at 24 years of age, I started taking Propecia. I had noticed a slight thinning of my frontal hairline as early as 19, but nothing that anyone but me could notice (i.e. slightly evident with wet hair out of the shower under very bright lights) However around 23 I noticed for the first time that I could visibly see a recession in my corners / temples. Again, this wasn't something very noticeable to others yet, but if I pushed my hair straight back I could easily tell that the temples had receded perhaps 1/2". By this time I also noticed an accelerated amount of shedding over what I had known to be typical growing up.


I got the RX with a single doctor visit and started taking brand name Propecia 1mg. Over the next year, but most specifically the next 6 months, I went through the most intense hair loss I've had to date. I can't tell you how much of it was the genetic timing (as it was obvious the loss was getting more aggressive before starting medication) or how much is attributed to the loss-cycle that is frequently discussed, but it was bad. In fact, I can say that was a low point in my life because I was certain I would be bald by 30. My pillow was covered with hair every morning and I started to HATE washing my hair because of how much would pile up by the drain. It was so unnerving.


The good news is that was 6 years ago, I am now 30, and not nearly bald. I've most certainly lost some hair since then, but nobody on the street would say I looked remotely bald. My shedding eventually stabilized and while I won't say I grew back hair that was lost prior to treatment, a good portion of what was lost during the intense shedding phase gradually came back. I would confidently say my hair looked better my second year on Propecia than it did 6 months in.


My hairline has receded the worst in the temples, and much higher on one side than the other which is typical, and my frontal hairline is slowly but surely thinning. Don't get me wrong I am still going bald, its just on a very long arc as opposed to the fast track that started in my early 20's. I started using Rogaine foam on the crown somewhere in the middle, perhaps 3 years ago. I haven't lost much back there at all and have no visible bald spot, but I can 'feel' that the hair is thinning there and I felt this would be a good supplement. I can't really comment as to effectiveness because I'm more or less where I am at on the crown 3 years ago when I started.


I have had absolutely ZERO side effects with 6 years of Propecia. I always had a healthy sex drive and function, so I don't know how much that plays into it - perhaps those with a weaker disposition to start have more trouble, but more likely its just a numbers game. When I read this horror stories about people have bad reactions, I think to myself "what drug are they taking??"


I know lots of people don't like to read long posts, and the reason I contributed this is because I remember looking for stories like these many years ago when I first started and was in a full blown panic. My opinion after 6 years is that PROPECIA WILL SLOW AND STABILIZE YOUR HAIR LOSS, and very well may give you a difficult-to-live-with shedding phase for many months before it gets better. The trick is to start early - start as early as possible with a doctors review as soon as you believe you are experiencing MBP. Early, early early. Can't stress that enough. I wish I started at 21.


I've read lots of stories over the years about the various means of generic drugs and pill splitting etc, and it sounds great, but the truth is I am fortunate enough to make a good living and I don't feel pressure to change from buying the brand name from a guranteed legit pharmacy. I mostly read these boards now occasionally to see information about HT / hair restoration. I believe I will want to get some HT done to my frontal hairline by my mid to late 30's.




- six years on propecia with ZERO side effects

- started at 24, currently age 30

- always used brand named Propecial 1mg daily

- big shedding phase followed by a stabalization period

- looked my best in year two

- was CERTAIN at that rate i would be bald at 30, i still have a nice head of hair

- used Rogaine for 3 years on crown, not certain if it does anything

- loosing hair slowly, perhaps 1/4th the rate i was prior to Propecia


And thats my story. : )


I'm up for any questions anyone may have.



also - There is a great wealth of knowledge on the daily blog of Dr. William Rassman at http://www.baldingblog.com for those of you who are not aware. He answers questions and is more or less one of the foremost experts in the country.

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Man... I don't know, while you tying to inspire people, this is making me actually scared!


I am in the same boat as you, 24 years old, started propecia 2.5 months ago, and hair shadding so freaking fast. It is so depressing, I have so much less hair now and I was hopping shedding at least stop after three months. But six months? I will be freaking bold if this amount of shedding continues.


Sad thing, even if I get off the drug, my hair probably still will shad, but now I have much less of it. I feel like I accelerated my balding process, by paying money for it as well.


So stupid, I don't know what to do at all. 4 years to see results? Uh...

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  • Senior Member

Folko, You have to realize that results vary from person to person... I had zero shedding from this drug and saw increased thickness and regrowth within only 4 months..My problem was I had the sexual side effects... I'd say if you're not having any side effects, just stick with it.

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Originally posted by folko:

Man... I don't know, while you tying to inspire people, this is making me actually scared!


I am in the same boat as you, 24 years old, started propecia 2.5 months ago, and hair shadding so freaking fast. It is so depressing, I have so much less hair now and I was hopping shedding at least stop after three months. But six months? I will be freaking bold if this amount of shedding continues.


Sad thing, even if I get off the drug, my hair probably still will shad, but now I have much less of it. I feel like I accelerated my balding process, by paying money for it as well.


So stupid, I don't know what to do at all. 4 years to see results? Uh...


To clarify, it was not 4 years to see results. By my second year I think I looked better than when I STARTED. Like I said, I think the shedding phase (for me) was hard to deal with but it did end and I was better for taking Propecia at the end of it. Judging from the speed of my hair loss before (and now during for 6 years) Propecia, I'm certain it's helped and I would hate how I looked today had I never started.

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  • Regular Member

My hair had shed a bunch for me as well, but I am sticking with it to see if my theory is correct.


My MPB is aggressive and it started when I was almost 24. My theory is this if Propeica does what it is designed to do. (Once my body and scalp I guess you would say, gets used to my new Hair Shed Phase Cycle). (MAYBE I will start regrowing some of the hair that I lost). To see results with Propecia, I would have to take this drug for at least 14 more months.


Butt that is my theory to this drug and MY body. Lastly, Everyone DOES react different to medicine.

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