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Everything posted by folko

  1. rogaine doesn't really work for the front and middle area of a scalp right? Only the crown? Any point for me to be applying it to the middle and front or will it make matters just worse?
  2. Did you quit? Seems like I have some mild ones, but I think it might become a problem, so might as well quit now before it gets worse.
  3. Man... I don't know, while you tying to inspire people, this is making me actually scared! I am in the same boat as you, 24 years old, started propecia 2.5 months ago, and hair shadding so freaking fast. It is so depressing, I have so much less hair now and I was hopping shedding at least stop after three months. But six months? I will be freaking bold if this amount of shedding continues. Sad thing, even if I get off the drug, my hair probably still will shad, but now I have much less of it. I feel like I accelerated my balding process, by paying money for it as well. So stupid, I don't know what to do at all. 4 years to see results? Uh...
  4. By the way, if I split propecia in half, making it 0.5mg daily, would it be enough? Anyone done that?
  5. What kind of results? I been taking it for two months now and my hair is falling out still, I assume I should wait until 3 months until seeing if there are any results or not? (by results I mean hair doesn't fall out anymore?)
  6. Thanks for the info guys, shedding did slow down, it still happening but much less. Hopefully it will go away all together as you guys saying.
  7. I been using rogaine foam for almost an year and it didn't slow down my hair loss much. I decided to go to my doctor again and he he recommended to use propecia along side as well. I been using both of drugs for a month now, but seems like I am shedding like crazy. When does this stop, if ever? Seems like my stupid middle eastern gene is fighting me, heh.
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