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Knox gel

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  • Regular Member

When I was in college for music a professor told me to start using Knox Gel. It's unflavored gelatin. It comes in 1.99 boxes with about 3 or 4 packs of powdered gelatin. The reason was it makes your nails AND your hair grow faster. It does not re-grow hair, but it does make what hair you do have grow faster.

You might find this useful if you are just coming out of a HT. You simply pour some (not much, just a half a teaspoon at the most) into some hot water or your morning

coffe or whatever, stir and drink. Do this twice a day.


I thought this might be helpful.

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  • Senior Member

hey it seems harless but doubtful



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Regular Member

I really does work. It just makes your nails and hair grow faster. I notice a difference on my transplant area. The few ones that didn't fall out due to shock have grown quite a bit faster.


It's hard to notice I guess.

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  • Regular Member

I've heard about that somewhere. Knox gel does that, but it's too bad it's not vegan. I've read in another message board that taking 250 mg of L-carnitine and at least 10 mg of CoQ10 together everyday. Your hair and nails will double their growth. I-carnitine is a compound of the amino acids lysine and methionine. CoQ10 is used by our body to turn the energy in food into the energy our body uses. The theory is that that presence of the CoQ10 makes the our body recognize the L-carnitine as protein. That jump starts the production of biotin. That makes your skin excrete keratin which is hair. Both L-carnitine and CoQ10 are widely available at places like GNC and they're cheap (you'll spend less than 20 for both). You will notice the faster growth immediately. And just so you know in advance- this means all your hair.

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