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7 Days post-op 1500 grafts and a little paranoid

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Hi guys (and girls),


I've been a stalker of the site for some time, defiantly a big fan of guys like Bill, you all do good work. It is not easy to bring men together in any number on any sort of sensitive issue, even online, but I think there is something special going on here. Or maybe hair loss just really cuts straight to the bone, I know it has caused me some serious anguish.


I also picked my doctor, who is highly regarded here, Dr. Ross of San Diego. He is a good guy, an artist with a MD, and also bunch of other degrees that probably don't help him restore hair, but hey, education is cool and there are always single women around campus.


Any way, I'm 7 Days post-op 1600 grafts and a little paranoid. See, shortly after my operation I got sick. It was a confirmed sinus infection, usually I get this illness in varying severity around this time of year when the Santa Anna winds hit Southern California and cause fires. I was just really unlucky get this bug right after the operation, this coupled with the Chargers losing to Buffalo, I mean come on, a bad week end for me!


As far as I know this had no effect on my grafts or scar, which is good because I vomited rather violently a few times which really contorts the face and muscles around your head and stuff. Mainly because of the nausea, I didn't get to wash my scalp until today when I felt much better, 7 days after the surgery. Dr. Ross recommends you do this the day after the surgery and then obviously continue.


I rubbed gently the grafts with water and baby shampoo and a bunch of this thick white gunk was every where. If these are the scabs, they don't look like ??em. Perhaps worst of all, there was a lot of grafted hair in this stuff, aprrox 25+. I freaked out, and called the Doc. He said it was normal, and while the hair was lost, the graft wasn't and that's all that mattered. He said even though the graft hole is small, you would see blood pour out if you pulled an actual graft. There was no blood and its not like I don't believe Dr Ross, so maybe its just unwarranted anxiety of something, but I'm still really nervous about it, I go later this week for suture removal but this is still killing me mentally. Usually things don't get to me like this, but my hair is really near and dear.


Agian, I guess I have no reason not to believe him, but then I read from various docs websites that it takes 5 days, or 10 days, or even 2 weeks for grafts to be permanently in place. 7 days seems pretty reasonable that most have probably set firm root in their new home, but 7 ain't 10 days nor 2 weeks.


Maybe I'm just looking for the choir to preach to me, that in all likely hood, I didn't pull any grafts out there wasn't any blood or anything just white flaky stuff, and that every thing is going fine.


Either way, there has to be some one else out there who had a similar scare or who knows what I'm talking about, I'm just hoping I can get some feedback from them. Funny thing is, logically I keep telling me self nothing is wrong, but that is of little comfort because here I am typing a short essay on the last 1 hour of my life and my mini emotional roller coaster. Humans can be so irrational some times, but any help you can give me, I'd really appreciate it!


P.S. the best camera I got right now is the one on my cellphone, so as soon as I get hold of my parents digital camera I can put up some pictures if any one cares.

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Hi guys (and girls),


I've been a stalker of the site for some time, defiantly a big fan of guys like Bill, you all do good work. It is not easy to bring men together in any number on any sort of sensitive issue, even online, but I think there is something special going on here. Or maybe hair loss just really cuts straight to the bone, I know it has caused me some serious anguish.


I also picked my doctor, who is highly regarded here, Dr. Ross of San Diego. He is a good guy, an artist with a MD, and also bunch of other degrees that probably don't help him restore hair, but hey, education is cool and there are always single women around campus.


Any way, I'm 7 Days post-op 1600 grafts and a little paranoid. See, shortly after my operation I got sick. It was a confirmed sinus infection, usually I get this illness in varying severity around this time of year when the Santa Anna winds hit Southern California and cause fires. I was just really unlucky get this bug right after the operation, this coupled with the Chargers losing to Buffalo, I mean come on, a bad week end for me!


As far as I know this had no effect on my grafts or scar, which is good because I vomited rather violently a few times which really contorts the face and muscles around your head and stuff. Mainly because of the nausea, I didn't get to wash my scalp until today when I felt much better, 7 days after the surgery. Dr. Ross recommends you do this the day after the surgery and then obviously continue.


I rubbed gently the grafts with water and baby shampoo and a bunch of this thick white gunk was every where. If these are the scabs, they don't look like ??em. Perhaps worst of all, there was a lot of grafted hair in this stuff, aprrox 25+. I freaked out, and called the Doc. He said it was normal, and while the hair was lost, the graft wasn't and that's all that mattered. He said even though the graft hole is small, you would see blood pour out if you pulled an actual graft. There was no blood and its not like I don't believe Dr Ross, so maybe its just unwarranted anxiety of something, but I'm still really nervous about it, I go later this week for suture removal but this is still killing me mentally. Usually things don't get to me like this, but my hair is really near and dear.


Agian, I guess I have no reason not to believe him, but then I read from various docs websites that it takes 5 days, or 10 days, or even 2 weeks for grafts to be permanently in place. 7 days seems pretty reasonable that most have probably set firm root in their new home, but 7 ain't 10 days nor 2 weeks.


Maybe I'm just looking for the choir to preach to me, that in all likely hood, I didn't pull any grafts out there wasn't any blood or anything just white flaky stuff, and that every thing is going fine.


Either way, there has to be some one else out there who had a similar scare or who knows what I'm talking about, I'm just hoping I can get some feedback from them. Funny thing is, logically I keep telling me self nothing is wrong, but that is of little comfort because here I am typing a short essay on the last 1 hour of my life and my mini emotional roller coaster. Humans can be so irrational some times, but any help you can give me, I'd really appreciate it!


P.S. the best camera I got right now is the one on my cellphone, so as soon as I get hold of my parents digital camera I can put up some pictures if any one cares.

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  • Senior Member

Masz,Welcome-You dont need to worry,that white gunk is just dead skin.I have lost a graft 4 days after my first HT and it bled like i was stabbed.People always freak out when they see the hair come off with the scab but this is perfectly normal cause the follicle is still embedded into the skin and this is just part of the shedding fase.Everything is alright. icon_wink.gif

Dr Hasson 2-08

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  • Senior Member

fixing-it is spot in. Its totally normal. There will be more "white gunk" as the scabs start to come off, and all the grafts will start to shed. Though most docs agree that grafts are completely set at 10 days, but day 7 they're pretty secure. You'd have seen blood if you lost a graft. Btw..its totally natural to be paranoid in the first couple of weeks! Heal and grow well!

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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