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Does hair grow back in the donor areas as before HT?

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This is a great question.


The answer is no. Not only are hairs removed at the donor site, but the entire follicle and surrounding cells. Because the hair follicle is removed, the hair cannot grow back.


In FUT/FUSS, the donor area is sutured/stapled back together to create the most cosmetically pleasing thin scar as possible. With the trichophytic closure technique, scars can be even less evident because because one edge of the wound overlaps the others, existing hair follicles (that have not been removed) can grow through the scar.


in FUE/FIT, hair follicles or follicular unit grafts are removed one by one and will create a small roundish white scar that is typically easily camoflauged assuming small intrumentation is used to extract the instrument and not too many hair grafts are removed in one single area.


I hope this helps.



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