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My Experience at Transmed in Turkey - Day 2


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I thought I would share my experience for my HT done with Transmed in Turkey 2 days ago. Given everything I have taken from this site, it is only fair that some 'payback' is due, and I can help someone else make an informed decision. Hence this long post, there are not too many items like this on Transmed on this Forum so hopefully this will provide much information to the those still making their mind up - the silent lurkers as I once was.


I had it done on Monday, two days ago, after much research on the web. My research was based on the websites of Transmed, ISHRS and much of it here. My goals were to achieve a realistic result with a recommended Clinic within a budget ??“ in Europe to reduce travel. I was somehere around a Norwood 3 to 4. I had sent them some photos earlier and they estimated that I would need somewhere between 2500 to 3000 grafts.


Between my initial contact and HT itself, I sent numerous questions to their English speaking rep ??“ Zeynep. She answered my many questions usually the next day, I also spoke on the phone. We agreed a small deposit ( approx 10% ) and then sorted out travel arrangements and date. I booked my own flights and hotel accommodation, which I emailed to Zeynep.


She arranged for a driver to pick me at the Airport on Sunday and drop me at my Hotel. Nice to see a man waiting with your name on a board, you feel quite welcome. I was again picked up at 07:45 at the Hotel by their driver the next day and had my consultation with Dr Emirali. He checked my laxity and rigged a magnifying sensor to a PC to check my donor density, which I could see, amazing seeing 2 and 3 unit FU's. He said he would need 2800 FU's for my objectives. He drew a curved line on my forehead as my new hairline, which was what I mentally had already planned wished for and was happy to agree. He gave me a Valium tablet to help me stay calm. I then went downstairs and paid the balance in Euros and photos were taken for their own records. I was back up and on the surgical couch at 08:45. After a trim in the donor area, then came the worst bit, the application of anethestic to the donor area. It was not at all pleasant and I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes whilst a kind Technician Lab held my hand ! It is 30 seconds of pain. With that over, the next stages of strip removal and being stapled were painless, you can sense tugging and movement but it does not hurt. Then the strip was handed to five technicians, who got to work straightaway dissecting grafts into Units under the microscopes with binocular style viewing pieces. At this point, I was happy watching the TV with the remote in my hand watching my favourite weekend football matches, slightly spoiled by knowing Manchester United had won ! Then came another 30 second of pain as the anethestic was applied to my forehead region and recipient areas. Dr Emirali then created the sites for the FU's ??“ I did not feel any pain. Then the team of Technicians set to work on my scalp and started to place the FU's ??“ there were usually 3 or 4 doing this work. Dr Emirali would come periodically and inspect the work and then leave. I must have dozed off 2 or 3 times whilst this was being done. I had no problem with this as Transmed have been long established ( 1994 ) and have claimed to have done thousands of HTs and the team of Technicians have many years of experience ??“ I felt I was in safe hands. They brought me drinks and the Technicians swopped around a little ??“ for their lunch and other breaks I guess but the work continued well into the afternoon. At that point Dr Melike ( founder of the Clinic and Surgeon ) herself came and did an inspection. She then came back with full Surgeon Gown with Dr Emirali and did the last 30 to 45 minutes of work. I was told the strip yielded far more grafts ??“ 3172 in fact. I was aware that further sites were then created and FU's inserted ??“ no waste and no extra cost ??“ a nice gesture of goodwill. It was pleasing to see these two Doctors working on my HT, it felt as if they were refining and polishing the final parts of the procedure. Just before 3.00pm ??“ I was done, one painkilling jab in the buttock was given. I went to another room where my hair around the donor was washed. Zeynep came back and offered me some late lunch in their canteen, which was also a nice touch. I left with a bandage on the donor site and tennis band to prevent swelling and a hat to hide my peppered head. Again, their driver took me to my Hotel. I was given a bag with medications , lotions and shampoos provided as well as gel packs ??“ for painkillers, antibiotics, swelling.


Next morning, their driver picked me up again for a wash at the clinic and more photos. Then I was off to the airport and back home to England. Today, the swelling has kicked in ??“ its not pretty ( some may argue was I ever !!! ).


Overall, everything Transmed say on the website and said to me in emails was done as promised. The one slight change was that I had staples instead of sutures. What I gather from opinions here, they are probably better. I have no issues. The Nurse I booked in England to remove the sutures does not have staple remover so I ordered one off ebay ready for day 10 and removal.


I was a long way from home ( Istanbul spans both Asia and Europe ) but I was very well looked after by Transmed and cannot fault what appears to be a very proffesional outfit. Obviously the end result is what defines success and I will keep posting and add pics as well so we will have to wait 9 ??“ 12 months for that I understand. I feel very positive about my experience so far.


It cost me ??142 for flight and accommodation. Add a bit for other things such as meals and the trip is quite cheap. Distance should not be a barrier when doing big sessions. If I had gone to London, it would probably have cost me more !


My only regrets ??“ firstly staying in budget accomodation. Whilst OK, the lack of a room fridge / freezer for the gel packs was a problem but I kept asking the hotel kitchen and staff to freeze them for me. Secondly, forgetting to take off those blue plastic bags you place over your shoes in medical facilities. I did take them off just outside the departure lounge at the airport, I think the armed security guards were slightly bemused by the slight of a man wearing a tennis sweat band, a funny hat and plastic bags over his shoes. Good job they did stop me and ask to look check out my head ! Now that would have taken some explaining !!!

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Hello Mop,


Good to know you had a pleasant experience. I am in a similar situation to yours, probably about the same scale of hairloss and from UK.


Not sure whether i should stick to europe or go usa.


Can you show some pictures of before/after, that will be great.

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Congratulations on your recent hair transplant with Dr. Melike Kulahci. From what I've seen in the "Results Posted by Leading Hair Transplant Surgeons" forum, her technique is ultra refined and her results are excellent.


I hope you'll take the time to create a hair loss weblog to document your progress with photos.


Happy Healing and Growing :-)



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Bill - Thanks for your words of encouragement. Whilst Dr Melike was present for the closing stages, Dr Emirali was my main Doctor - cant complain given I had the benefit of two good Doctor's experience for my HT.


Edge333 - thanks for your post. All of us want a great natural result at the best possible price ! When I did my research, there are places offering HT for as little as ??1 per graft but they dont have impressive web sites, before/after pictures, may not be recommended, may even pass off other Doctors work as their own, or be members of the ISHRS. You have to be careful mate ! You need to read patient posts, see if the Clinic are well equipped, have experience and a whole load of other factors.


When I researched the UK, there was not alot of positives for UK Clinics no matter where I googled. The exception was the Farjo Clinic in Manchester. Belgium and the USA were other alternatives but the costs rise quite abit averaging $4 per graft. In the end, I discovered Transmed and they ticked the boxes for what I wanted and a price somewhere between the bargain basement ??1 Clinics and the more established Clinics in Belgium and USA. There was alot of material showing their attendance at International Conferences, winning awards for research, many years of experience for Doctors and Technicians, impressive before after/pics, good communications, professional microscopes and graft dissection techniques, tricho closure etc...


Not everything is black and white and there is a leap of faith involved. I am happy to share any more info to help you but the end result for me is 9 - 12 months away. If you are young and hair loss is slow then I suppose it would pay to hold fire and do some more research. To slow down hair loss there are many natural products apart from Propecia and Avodart. Natural DHT blockers include Saw Palmetto, Green Tea, Soya Products etc..Believe me, I spent 20 odd years trying all sorts of crackpot lotions and potions before I read about the science and our greatest enemy - DHT !!!

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  • 1 year later...
  • Senior Member
Bill - Thanks for your words of encouragement. Whilst Dr Melike was present for the closing stages, Dr Emirali was my main Doctor - cant complain given I had the benefit of two good Doctor's experience for my HT.


Edge333 - thanks for your post. All of us want a great natural result at the best possible price ! When I did my research, there are places offering HT for as little as ??1 per graft but they dont have impressive web sites, before/after pictures, may not be recommended, may even pass off other Doctors work as their own, or be members of the ISHRS. You have to be careful mate ! You need to read patient posts, see if the Clinic are well equipped, have experience and a whole load of other factors.


When I researched the UK, there was not alot of positives for UK Clinics no matter where I googled. The exception was the Farjo Clinic in Manchester. Belgium and the USA were other alternatives but the costs rise quite abit averaging $4 per graft. In the end, I discovered Transmed and they ticked the boxes for what I wanted and a price somewhere between the bargain basement ??1 Clinics and the more established Clinics in Belgium and USA. There was alot of material showing their attendance at International Conferences, winning awards for research, many years of experience for Doctors and Technicians, impressive before after/pics, good communications, professional microscopes and graft dissection techniques, tricho closure etc...


Not everything is black and white and there is a leap of faith involved. I am happy to share any more info to help you but the end result for me is 9 - 12 months away. If you are young and hair loss is slow then I suppose it would pay to hold fire and do some more research. To slow down hair loss there are many natural products apart from Propecia and Avodart. Natural DHT blockers include Saw Palmetto, Green Tea, Soya Products etc..Believe me, I spent 20 odd years trying all sorts of crackpot lotions and potions before I read about the science and our greatest enemy - DHT !!!


hi im considering them do u have the englih speaking reps details so i can contact as im only found another peron not to keen lol

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