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first big step of the path-my consultation with Dr. Kulahci-Transmed


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hello everyone,


Really thanks that all of you have encouraged me and most importantly make me feel like i'm not alone,especially thanking thanatopsis_awry,Swampdonkey, BeHappy and wanthairs.So I booked a consultation from Dr.Melike Kulahci for today and went out like an hour age.


I went there about 5 minutes to my appointment(14:55). Everything about the place was nice,fresh and classy and the lady at the reception was friendly. I filled a information form and started waiting, about like 10-15 minutes.


After that, they take me to Dr. Kulahci's office. She was very friendly in encouraging manner, listened all my questions and answered them (i believe) honestly. She explained my options about various types of treatments. Since I'm 23 , she told me that it is too young for an transplant and offered me a treatment named "reversa".I really don't have any idea about it and she also added that if I wished ,she could to transplant(FUE) about 1200 grafts. At the end, she didn't fee any charge for consultation, which is good for someone just to have an idea.


So, as a result, I'm not sure how i feel about this. It was very good in a sense that I had some ideas and some numbers (by the way my donor density was 80 /cm2, exactly 76,22 that i saw in her pc) from a professional without a charge. On the other hand, I really don't know anything about this "reversa" treatment and she suggested 1200 fu's (when I sent some pictures to rahal clinic, Adrian was talking about app.2500 grafts) which I thought is very less. Also she was suggesting to have like bw 25-35/cm2 will be enough to cover up the baldness , but I believe in having the most natural look with great density.Also she was encouraging about FUE, which I believe have worse results than FUT, when I told her about it she agreed with me but she was concerning about the scar. It made me feel like they do not give a good results about the scar.


So at the end, it does a little repulsive for me to prefer this place. She was talking in a manner that it's something that can be decided easily, or i just felt it like that because this will be the biggest decision in my life. On the other hand, it's very informative to get some knowlegde from a good doctor. So i'm planning on getting more consultation from different doctors to increase my knowledge about it.

By the way, what do you guys think about my donor hair as 80/cm2? Is it good? It's also brown and normal thickness.

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Thanks for sharing the details of your consultaiton with Dr. Kulahci.


Is Dr. Kulahci talking about Reversa, the alleged anti-aging formula? I don't know much about it, but in my brief research, I see nothing about it reversing the effects of genetic hair loss.


80 FU/cm2 donor hair density is about average. Scalp elasticity will play a major role in how many grafts you have available if you opt for strip. And hair characteristics will play a major role in the appearance of density/fullness when transplanted hair grows in.


In my opinion, think long term, not just short term.


At 23, I'd rather see you get on proven non-surgical treatments like the Big 3 (Propecia, Rogaine, and Nizoral) for at least a year or two to see if they improve your situation.


When you finally consider your options for hair transplant surgery, consider the pros and cons of strip and FUE. Typically, more donor hair is available via strip than FUE alone and it's more consistent. FUE is also more expensive. The primary benefit of FUE is that it produces no linear scar and healing time is typically faster.


FUE in my opinion is better for those who probably will only ever need a couple thousand grafts maximum to meet their goals or used for additional donor hair after someone is stripped out. I don't like the idea of young guys getting FUE. Due to the risk of excessive future hair loss, they may have to get strip eventually anyway which defeats the purpose of most people getting FUE in the first place.


Feel free to post some photos showing your hair loss if you'd like some input as to how many grafts you might need given your current situation. That said, I still advise you to try medical therapy for at least a year or two before considering surgery.


Best wishes,



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