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Hello All,


I am new to this forum and gone through few discussions, still I am confused icon_confused.gif


I'm 28 yr old from chennai, India and my hair density is reducing since 5 years but very slowly. Now it is clearly visible when I exposed to sun/light focus. So, I decided to do something for this. Ofcourse I have taken homeopathy treatment,not get the desired result,after that went for laser treatment to stop the hair fall from well know cosmetic clinic, but not get the good results.


now i'm searching for the best treatment which can help me to get the most possible results. Few suggested to go for the drugs like minoxidil/Xandrox etc. and few suggest to go for surgery. really confused.


Could anyone suggest me which is better for my age?

Also, if opt for surgery, how many months it will take to grow the hair naturally?Is this implanted grafts is distinctly visible? if yes, for how many months? what is the total process? Please, even this question is common in this forum, send me the answers or relevant links so that i can easily check.


awaiting for your kind advise/answers.

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Hello All,


I am new to this forum and gone through few discussions, still I am confused icon_confused.gif


I'm 28 yr old from chennai, India and my hair density is reducing since 5 years but very slowly. Now it is clearly visible when I exposed to sun/light focus. So, I decided to do something for this. Ofcourse I have taken homeopathy treatment,not get the desired result,after that went for laser treatment to stop the hair fall from well know cosmetic clinic, but not get the good results.


now i'm searching for the best treatment which can help me to get the most possible results. Few suggested to go for the drugs like minoxidil/Xandrox etc. and few suggest to go for surgery. really confused.


Could anyone suggest me which is better for my age?

Also, if opt for surgery, how many months it will take to grow the hair naturally?Is this implanted grafts is distinctly visible? if yes, for how many months? what is the total process? Please, even this question is common in this forum, send me the answers or relevant links so that i can easily check.


awaiting for your kind advise/answers.

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  • Senior Member

Consider yourself among the luckiest of hair loss victims if you're 28; and the thinness can only be seen in the sunlight!! Many guys who've come here before you were balding at 21.


But anyway, I'm not a doctor but I'd say you should consider the procecia and Rogaine for a year or so since you are only 28.


Second, check the Find a Surgeon button up top and look at the closest coalition doc to you. Do you mind going to Pakistan? How about Turkey? Those guys look to do great work.


With the hair loss you've described, I'd bet you could move in and out of society within a week of a ht and remain unnoticed; as it appears you have native hairs to cover it.


It takes four months for the transplanted hairs to grow, but your hair will be much fuller at about 9 months.


Keep reading here. Check out the Hair Loss Questions and Answers tab above too, and visit some of the doctor's websites of which links are provided on this site.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • Senior Member

I would do 3 things, in ascending order of importance:


Post a bunch of clear pics to the forum, and you can get a wide range of honest feedback.


Look into getting on BOTH propecia (aka finasteride) and rogaine 5% foam (aka minodixl).


Get in contact, even if it is online, with some reputable hair-transplant clinics that do good online consults (e.g. Feller, H&W, Shapiro....among others, but you couldn't go wrong by looking into those three to start things off).


Re: transplanted hairs....it takes 12+ months for the *complete* results to come in; however, by the 6th month, many experience a good deal of growth, and in the following months the hairs "mature" and look better and better.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Thanks you Dewayne,thanatopsis_awry, and djdennis for your information.


Right now I don't have any pic's to upload.I will upload as soon as possible.


How do we go for the non-surgical treatment?on what basis? do we need to consult a doctor or directly we can use the medicine Propecia (finasteride) and/or Rogaine (minoxodil) with ketoconazole shampoo?

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Hello Mr.thanatopsis_awry and all,


thank you verymuch for ur explanation. I have uploaded my photos and waiting for feedback.


How long do i need to use BOTH propecia (aka finasteride) and rogaine 5% foam (aka minodixl)? What is the chance to get hair and howmuch desity may i get?


I read somewhere around in web that if we use the Minoxixl/finasteride,body hair also reacts.TRUE?

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  • Senior Member

Ya, you look to be pretty deep in MPB. I'm not sure how effective the meds will end up being for you -- this isn't to say they can't be effective and positive, but they generally work best at maintaining native hair...particularly in the crown/vertex. Basically, be realistic and don't expect a ton of density and your problems to be solved from the non-surgical treatments...in my opinion.


It is often said that you should be on propecia and/or rogaine for 12+ months before really beginning to gauge their effectiveness for you. Propecia is prescribed by a doctor; the rogaine and ketoconazole shampoo is over-the-counter.


Also, your donor looks to be very strong.....as I previously mentioned, I would strongly suggest you do an online-consultation with at least one hair restoration clinic.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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