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Question for Pat about NIDO at ISHRS conferance


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Pat, you attended the recent ISHRS conferance. I understand that Dr. Shiells did a presentation on the NIDO process of artificial hair implantation. Could you comment on this procedure and could you have Dr. Knudsen comment on this process.


Do you know if the NIDO artificial implant procedure is available in Australia? There is also an artificial implant process from Italy and you can view this procedure at www.biofibre.com


Was the Biofibre procedure presented at the ISHRS conferance this year.

Please advise,




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It says it can be removed with "no lasting scars". I didn't know there was such a thing as a temporary scar.


Every surgical procedure results in some type of scar. It appears that they are surgically "anchoring" the filaments. How can that NOT create a scar?

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The short answer is yes I saw the artifical hair fiber hair transplants and I was not at all impressed. In my opinion the results did not look natural.


In addition, these artifical fiber transplants have a notorious history of serious infection, scarring and pain. Of course, those advocating for it are claiming that their process and fibers are now improved. But fundmentally they seem to be the same concept - anchoring (like hooks) artificial fibers in the scalp tissue.


Many hair transplant surgeons, especially those from Italy, were not happy to see it given any serious consideration at the meeting. But in the interest of open discussion and free speech they allowed it on the agenda for discussion.


My sense is that most hair transplant surgeons were very unimpressed and would not go near it. I suggest you do the same.




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