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Transplanted Hair Growing in White Colour

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  • Senior Member

I have only black hairs and no white hairs before HT. But I observed one transplanted hair growing in white colour. I am not concerned about it as it is only one single hair at temple area. But I would just like to know why this hair is coming in white colour. Is it due to some problem while transplanting? or due to less blood supply or something else? Also will it become black after some time?



Ravi Vide

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  • Senior Member

I have only black hairs and no white hairs before HT. But I observed one transplanted hair growing in white colour. I am not concerned about it as it is only one single hair at temple area. But I would just like to know why this hair is coming in white colour. Is it due to some problem while transplanting? or due to less blood supply or something else? Also will it become black after some time?



Ravi Vide

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  • Senior Member

I am an "older guy" (46) icon_frown.gif. I haven't noticed any change in color as my transplanted hair grew - most of my hair came in the same light-brown color it was in the donor area. The techs said I had a few white donor hairs and asked if I wanted them or not, I took them, better white hair than no hair icon_smile.gif The only white hairs I have are the ones that were white already before the HT.

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  • Senior Member

hmm. I am just 28 icon_cool.gif and I had only black hairs before HT. I was just surprised from where I got this white hair. The doctor has good amount of white hairs. It seems by mistake he transplanted one of his white hairs. icon_biggrin.gif

Ravi Vide

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OK, some are coming in white or more to the point they seem to be much lighter in color. I understood the hair developed more pigmentation as it matured. But hey, I will take white or whatever.



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jagdish, my husband is 42 and has only a handful of white hairs in his very dark brown hair (he's of Hispanic descent). Seriously, I could probably count all his white hairs on one hand. And he only started sprouting those within the past few years.


So maybe it's just an oddball hair. You could pluck it if it annoys you. I wouldn't necessarily say you're headed for a head full of white hairs anytime soon.


Even if you were, no big deal...just color it! I've been coloring my hair for 14 years, since age 21 (early gray runs in my family). They make good products "just for men" these days (though I personally think the only difference is in the packaging and marketing).


Anyway, I seriously doubt it has anything to do with the transplant. You may have just had a sneaky little white one back in your donor area, and you never noticed it before because it was on the back of your head.

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  • Senior Member

Angel, I think you are right. I would not have noticed this white hair which was already there before HT.


Thanks all for your comments. Especially PB who scared me that I am getting old icon_mad.gif

Ravi Vide

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