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Surgeons near or in Seattle


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I'm looking to do my first HT I'm 28 and have been looking locally around my home town of Seattle as well as on the internet. Every DR I talk to in seattle has quoted me $4.50 a graft, which comes out to about $12,000 for me. I've seen places on the internet that quotes around around 2.50/graft. I am REALLY scared to have a crappy doctor mess up my hair and I end up looking like a doll or something, so I am very leary about travelling to thailand or something to get a good deal.


Any recommendations?

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I'm looking to do my first HT I'm 28 and have been looking locally around my home town of Seattle as well as on the internet. Every DR I talk to in seattle has quoted me $4.50 a graft, which comes out to about $12,000 for me. I've seen places on the internet that quotes around around 2.50/graft. I am REALLY scared to have a crappy doctor mess up my hair and I end up looking like a doll or something, so I am very leary about travelling to thailand or something to get a good deal.


Any recommendations?

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Welcome to our community.


Though certainly I can understand your desire to get an HT at the most affordable price, please understand that quality should come first.


In other words...it's better to pay more money for quality work than go to an unknown doctor because they are more affordable. It's not worth the risk IMO.


If you are in Seattle, WA, you are near some excellent surgeons:


Be sure to check out these elite surgeons who are closest to you, in no particular order:


1. Hasson and Wong in Vancouver, BC Canada

2. Dr. Rassman in Los Angeles, CA (though he is a bit more pricey)

3. Dr. William Reed in La Jolla, CA

4. Dr. Sharon Keene in Tucson, AZ


If you don't have the funds currently, consider waiting...


Have you consulted with anyone yet?


Where are you on the Norwood scale?


Are you on any medication to prevent future hair loss?


Do you have any pictures you can post of your hair loss situation?


Let us know how else we can assist you.



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I have visited the Seattle/Washington area on three occasions over the years and I still haven't found a physician/clinic that meet the standards for recommendation for this community.


If you want to stay in your area I strongly suggest you consider visiting either Drs. Hasson and Wong and or Dr. Steve Gabel in Portland, Orgeon.


Best wishes, Pat

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