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Will i have enough donor?

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  • Regular Member

My first transplant is next week for 1000 grafts to temple and front area. Ive been told my laxisty and density is very good by few surgeons. If in the long run i was to progress to a norwood 6/7 would i have enough to cover the whole area to an extent that balding wasnt visable. Ive seen pictures of some patients who have had a good outcome from 8000+ grafts. I guess my question is, How can i measure how many grafts or hair are in my donor area assuming where the balding line will stop

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  • Regular Member

My first transplant is next week for 1000 grafts to temple and front area. Ive been told my laxisty and density is very good by few surgeons. If in the long run i was to progress to a norwood 6/7 would i have enough to cover the whole area to an extent that balding wasnt visable. Ive seen pictures of some patients who have had a good outcome from 8000+ grafts. I guess my question is, How can i measure how many grafts or hair are in my donor area assuming where the balding line will stop

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You ask some good questions, but some can only be answered by a surgeon who will evaluate you in person.


If you can have 8000+ grafts available in your donor and have good hair characteristics, you should be able to get excellent coverage and adequate density to create an illusion of density on a norwood 6. If you end up a norwood 7, you won't have 8000 grafts available and you will have to be a lot more realistic.


Be sure to speak to your surgeon about age appropriate placement of the grafts to plan for your long term hair restoration goals.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

One can not answer this question for you without a proper consultation to determine your goals, what you consider "Balding not visable", how big or small is your head for the recipient area. For example look at the patient below who has a large surface are to cover.



Is balding visable



If you are 22 with a head like his and will progress "in the long run" to his extent of balding, would you consider the outcome "still balding". SInce you can still see his scalp and if your expectation is not to see the scalp at all in the long run, then how far off is the long run? WHile you are very young, these are important considerations to discuss with your physician in regards to proper planning, goals and expectations and predicted future loss. The long run for you might be the next 20 years and not the next 50 years.


I replied to you earlier regarding your donor hair bank. If you look at this guys donor hair bank at his age, I am sure he had alot more when he was 22. Consequently even over time, your transplanted hairs could also thin if harvested at an early age.


Everyone on this forum can give you valid opinions. However I would take them with a grain of salt and realize nothing is valid in your case without a proper consultation, examination and frank discussion regarding your expectations and goals. This type of question can not be answered accurately on the internet. YOu might see if anyone in your family history has advanced balding to determine what there donor area looks like and see what type of pattern of loss they have. THis is still no guarantee.


There are unhappy patients that started early and did not realize or were not told about the progressive nature of hair loss and where they could end up. As long as you are aware of the risks and the potential for future loss and thinning even with transplanted hairs, then you are properly informed. However, I would seriously caution any of my patients to reconsider if they have inappropriate goals and expectations in the long run.

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