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Why FU is the only way to go


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While on the West Coast the last 2 days, during dinner one night I noticed a gentleman at the bar with his wife. Very sharp and professional guy, but something didnt look natural. Upon further evaluation, I noticed he had a pretty good HT-- I was probably the only person in the restaurant the recgonized this--- it was real good exept that it looked "too perfect". The hairline was lined up with every single hair graft next to each other in a row. The only problem was he didnt have FU, it looked like he had 100% mini and micro grafts-- 2 hair micro's on front and probably 2-3-4 hair mini's behind. This caused his hair to look too "blunt"-- there wasnt a "softness" look or gradual hailine progression. The hairline did not look pluggy our anything, just very stern and sharp unlike natural hairlines that are more softer up front then denser as you go back.

This is another reason to have 100%. Some have said you can get a good HT with mini and micros-- which this guy had (it was real good) but it will not look 100% natural like 100% FU's.

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  • Senior Member

While on the West Coast the last 2 days, during dinner one night I noticed a gentleman at the bar with his wife. Very sharp and professional guy, but something didnt look natural. Upon further evaluation, I noticed he had a pretty good HT-- I was probably the only person in the restaurant the recgonized this--- it was real good exept that it looked "too perfect". The hairline was lined up with every single hair graft next to each other in a row. The only problem was he didnt have FU, it looked like he had 100% mini and micro grafts-- 2 hair micro's on front and probably 2-3-4 hair mini's behind. This caused his hair to look too "blunt"-- there wasnt a "softness" look or gradual hailine progression. The hairline did not look pluggy our anything, just very stern and sharp unlike natural hairlines that are more softer up front then denser as you go back.

This is another reason to have 100%. Some have said you can get a good HT with mini and micros-- which this guy had (it was real good) but it will not look 100% natural like 100% FU's.

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  • Senior Member

I saw a guy like that not too long ago. A couple of days after my own HT with Dr. Cooley as a matter of fact. His hair was slicked back and it looked just as you described: Too perfect. Im willing to bet that noone at all has ever noticed save for those who have scrutinized HT patient after HT patient by means of this forum and other websites. Being the curious person I am, I really wanted to walk up to this guy and ask him about it. Theres no telling how one would react to strangeres asking about such a private procedure, though, and I figured it would give him a complex about it if someone were able to tell so I didnt.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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You people have got good eyes. I look at all sorts of hairlines (and that's all!). There is a ton of variety. High, low, thin, thick.


Some of the hair transplants do look too perfect. But the thing is, if it doesn't, then many of you complain that they don't look good enough. I look at hairlines all the time. What you people call bad, is pretty common on guys who haven't had hair transplants.


Jotronic posted a picture of a 4k HT the other day and one of the comments was that it looked too thin. I see hair that looks like that all the time on guys who don't look like the type to get HTs.




I once saw a guy walking around with a thick island of hair on the top of his head and no other hair around it. That one was obvious.


Women walk around guessing whether or not other women have had implants. We look at hair. Speaking of implants, there are message boards just like this one but for breast implants. With pictures!

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HairBoy "What you people call bad, is pretty common on guys who haven't had hair transplants."


I'm with HairBoy on this, There are people (some with real light skin and real dark hair ) that look like they have had work and never have.

So you just never realy know...

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  • Senior Member


Women walk around guessing whether or not other women have had implants. We look at hair. Speaking of implants, there are message boards just like this one but for breast implants. With pictures! >>


Don't be bashful. Give us the link!

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