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Finasteride - Professionally or Self-prescribed


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After reading a recent post by Dr. Mike Meshkin, it got me wondering; how many people on this board actually have Finasteride prescribed by a doctor, also, if not - is your doctor aware you are taking it and what has been their response? I'm guessing not many have it prescribed, the only posters I have really seen stating they have gotten it on prescription from a doctor has been new posters or HT patients (buying it from the clinic), even in those people I'm pretty sure this professionally prescribed option is sort lived option (apart from the people who get it from Spex's doctor contact, which is somewhat different).


I myself have only received the drug twice through "the proper channels", once from Dr Farjo (this was way back before GP's could prescribe it in the UK, at least it wasn't in my GP's little book of licensed medications so mine wouldn't give me it, lol). The other time was a prescription for Propecia (1 month course), I had just moved in with my partner and didn't want to explain the reason why I was receiving medication through the post.


I've tried a few times to get Proscar on prescription from my GP with no luck, this after whole appointment times being taking up discussing and explaining my reasons for wanting it; the subject has even been brought up during the medical centre's staff meeting. I have no chance of them changing their minds.


My doctor is fully aware that I get it Finasteride off the net though he isn't happy about it, I don't think a time has gone by in recent years when I have seen him and he hasn't warned me and expressed his dissatisfaction of me self-prescribing Finasteride, even to the extent that one time he pretty much shouted at me and asked me to leave his office, after explained to him that I will stop getting it online as soon as he starts given me a prescription for it.

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  • Senior Member

Ok, Your GP is right to be concerned about you getting finasteride off the internet. You don't know what you're getting, and you have no one monitoring you whilst you're on it.


Proscar is finasteride 5mg - it is licenced for treating BPH - not hairloss. Therefore if a dr precribed it for you, his ass is on the line if something goes wrong. Drugs are only prescribed in this way if no alternatives are available and if it is for a real disease.


If you went to your doctor and asked for a private prescription (its not prescribed on the NHS)for propecia (1mg finasteride tablets) - you will probably get a better response because its licensed.


I personally get my propecia prescribed by my GP on a private prescription.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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  • Senior Member

Hey Splitting hairs,


Yeah, I fully understand that Proscar contains 5mg of Finasteride and for my doctor to prescribe it would be doing so off-licence, I do have the option of getting a private prescription for Propecia or another 1mg version, as you do but personally I feel Propecia and the other 1mg version which I have been offered is ridiculously over priced at ??40 per month (or whatever the cost is now).


I can also understand his concerns regarding purchasing medication on-line, though as I said to him - unless he starts prescribing me Proscar (which some doctors do) I will continue to use the internet or foreign pharmacies while on holiday. I personally use UnitedPharmacies and have done for years, a company which I fully trust.


I didn't make the post to slate my doctor or question his decisions, I was just curious to see how many actually get their Finasteride prescribed professionally and if not what has their doctors response has been.



Hey Hair_me_out,


My doctor will prescribe finasteride but only at a very costly 1mg dose. As a result, I prefer to purchase it outside of the UK. I could always use Spex's contact, however, for me I have other options that have always served me well.

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  • 3 years later...
  • Regular Member

I had a problem with my doctor too I kept on threatening to buy it online and he didn't care lol Goodonlinepharmacy is reputable. I never had any problems they will send it without a prescription.

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I've lived in the UK in the past, and I will say there is a certain paternalism ('I know what's best for you and I'm not going to listen to you') that can creep into physician-patient encounters rather than a more partnering for health.


I'm in the US and I just went to my PCP (GP). We talked about the advantages and potential side effects. He told me that the 1mg tablets (Propecia) were still not available as generic, but prescribed 5mg finasteride and told me to quarter them with a pill cutter and not worry too much if the pieces weren't exact.


My suggestion would be to find another GP if you can, or visit a physician privately and fill the prescription not using the NHS obviously.


I have not had to do this - but I cringe about all the people getting these drugs online - you can never know what you are getting.

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