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torturing myself...

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I had a HT scheduled for dec 26...and canceled it. I have written a couple notes here taking about just wanting to keep what i have and maybe propecia was better for me, etc...


Well, Dr. Robert Leonard's office called back (somewhat trying to sell me..but also wanted to make sure i hade all my questions answered)...


I researched him on this site and found some negative reviews...talking about him using mini/micro graphs etc....


He said that they just do follicular....


One of the things that has scared me away is the pictures...omg the scabs, etc...it looks horrifying......Dr. leonards office said that after 7 days they clean u....and within 10 days, nobody will notice anything.....IS THAT WISHFUL THINKING?.....also, it seems on many procedures, the area is shaved completely.....they dont do that, they just wet down the existing hair....why the difference does it matter......



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  • Regular Member

I had a HT scheduled for dec 26...and canceled it. I have written a couple notes here taking about just wanting to keep what i have and maybe propecia was better for me, etc...


Well, Dr. Robert Leonard's office called back (somewhat trying to sell me..but also wanted to make sure i hade all my questions answered)...


I researched him on this site and found some negative reviews...talking about him using mini/micro graphs etc....


He said that they just do follicular....


One of the things that has scared me away is the pictures...omg the scabs, etc...it looks horrifying......Dr. leonards office said that after 7 days they clean u....and within 10 days, nobody will notice anything.....IS THAT WISHFUL THINKING?.....also, it seems on many procedures, the area is shaved completely.....they dont do that, they just wet down the existing hair....why the difference does it matter......



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  • Senior Member

mate do yourself a favour and stop torturing yourself ,forget the hair surgery for now and just stick with the meds ,get on propecia ,it's sometimes called proscar or finasteride ,but it's all the same drug ,other posters will proberbly tell you more about the meds .


stick with the meds for atleast a year while you research ,research ,research .....then ,and only then decide if hair surgery is for you .


good luck


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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In my opinion, it would be better for you to do a good amount of research before considering hair transplantation.


It is possible that Dr. Leonard has moved on from minigrafting to all follicular unit grafting.


However, hair restoration physician selection is extremely vital and if you have found mostly negative reviews on this community forum, it may be be best to select a physician who has a stellar online reputation with many satisfied patients who have posted their results online.


Be sure also to ask about the size of the blade/needle that Dr. Leonard uses.


Shaving the recipient area is not performed by all state of the art hair transplant physicians. There is a lot of information about the benefits of shaving and when it is not necessary on our hair restoration forum.


Scabs in the recipient area typically last between 7-10 days if you are dilligent to follow the physician's immediately postoperative instructions. Those hair transplant patients who are over-delicate will typically keep their scabs longer.


But research is the key and knowledge is opening the door. Learn as much as you can, consult again with Dr. Leonards and then compare your consultation with one of our Coalition doctors who perform state of the art hair transplantation.



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it is normal to be scared and I think over time ( see nervous Nelly) you may be able to overcome this through being informed.


I have had 3 HT's and nobody has known. It took a little strategy but it worked. I would give yourself 10 days to be sure, use concealer after that time, and leave your hair a little longer to conceal the work


That's it



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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When you read these discussion groups you find a lot of guys that are nervous prior to surgery. It is normal. The question is: have you really decided what the best solution is for you? Many HT patients do exhaustive research to find the doctor and the technique that addresses their needs. In other words, they know what they are doing and they have decided to do it. The nerves are mainly product of anticipation, not massive uncertainty.


To me, it sounds like you are not sure that you even want surgery. It sounds like you have not made a decision. Surgery is not a joke.


If you are not sure about what to do, just wait.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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for FU$$'s sake! Do yourself a favor and WAIT!!!


from my observations three things are apparent:

(i) you are not assured of your decision or lack there of.

(ii) No-one on this forum is attempting to make money off of you...

(iii) Dr. Leonards' office is...


I have never heard of Dr.L so I will not give a judgment/opinion on his work either way. *BUT* what I will say is this:


a ht is a major life altering procedure. Lets face it, its stuck on the top of your head (for better or for worse) where EVERYONE for the rest of your life will be able to see it upon a first glance of you...so it is no small potatoes.

if your in ANY way uncofterable or unsure, then WAIT!



I don't recall your personal stats (i.e. age, current loss, etc,...) but from my understanding and research undergoing a ht is a complete emotional roller coaster. You might look a LOT worse for at least 2-6 months before you look better. While it is normal to be "nervous" prior to a procedure, I think that your concerns are founded out of a lack of a full persuasion and strong conviction that not only your comfterable with your decision to undergo a ht, but just as importantly your security and confidence in your choice of a ht surgeon...These are by NO means small matters.


Whats a few more months or even another year? Research, soul study, and wait until your TOTALLY comfterable with your decision...cuz, there is NO turning back once you make it...


my thoughts anyway...

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And go to a coalition doc for gods sake if you do decide to take the plunge!



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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