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2nd HT question

Bill - Seemiller

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For those of you who either know or preferrably, who has had at least 2 HTs...what are the chances that if I started growth at 10 weeks post op after my first HT, that I'll start seeing growth around 10 weeks again for my second HT. Anyone have real examples of when they first started seeing growth on their first and second? Which one starts faster typically...or are they about the same? I have heard rumors that it is possible that a second HT might start a little later? Does this typically vary from patient to patient, or has their been any consistency? If people could post their experience with this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks guys !



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For those of you who either know or preferrably, who has had at least 2 HTs...what are the chances that if I started growth at 10 weeks post op after my first HT, that I'll start seeing growth around 10 weeks again for my second HT. Anyone have real examples of when they first started seeing growth on their first and second? Which one starts faster typically...or are they about the same? I have heard rumors that it is possible that a second HT might start a little later? Does this typically vary from patient to patient, or has their been any consistency? If people could post their experience with this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks guys !



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  • Regular Member


I can feel your frustration/concern--I've been there...in my experience, the hair from my first HT seemed to grow in faster than the second...keep in mind that I didn't have many hairs in the hairline at the time of the first HT so initial growth is much more evident...I also experienced shockloss after the second HT--the growth of the 2nd HT tends to be hidden by the existing hair & is sometimes difficult to see during the initial growing phase...as difficult/frustrating as it is, you have no choice but to "wait it out"...the exciting part is that I can see, from your latest picture, that your going to have a dense hairline/scalp when the hair sprouts & begins to grow...stay positive & keep us posted!



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Thanks Mike and Damo,


Well, I'm only 7 weeks post op so I don't expect to be seeing anything yet of course...but the shockloss is frustrating because I look worse than when I did 9 months post op from my first HT. In fact, looking back at 9 months post op from my first HT, I find myself actually being jealous of my own hair at that point. Strange eh?


So Mike...what kind of shockloss did you experience after your second HT? How many months post op are you from your second HT? When did your growth start to occur? Did the shockloss hairs also grow back in your situation? Is your hair more dense now than from your first HT once all started growing in?


I am definately in that "waiting it out" period...and I know I have no choice. I can even wait it out as long as I know that the second HT results will make me look BETTER than I did after the first HT. With the shockloss, I fear that I won't look any better than after the first. What should I expect 8 months from now? You know what I mean? Should I be content in knowing that I just have to "wait it out" or should I be worried that the second HT won't make me look better than after the first HT?



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Be patient. I just hit 7 months and the results are here! I am happy and ( had 1400 ) and felt the same early on



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member

It also depends on who did it, the method used, your type of scalp and so on. There is not ONE answer to your question. I had 2 completely different post-op experiences, with regards to both healing, scarring, and growing. But in both cases growth started at about 3 months.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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Hi all...sorry it took me awhile to respond:




yes, I did experience a bit of shockloss from the first HT also, and I felt pretty awful about that too. But once about 10 weeks hit, I started to see some minature growth, oh so very slightly, and by about 14 weeks, they were really coming in....and by about 6 months, I was happy with the results I was getting and all seemed worth it. so the moral of the story for me is probably...be patient....the best is coming!




It is good to know that you have experienced the same shockloss and sadness that goes along with it. I was there before too...and I should know better....but I get caught up looking in the mirror and seeing less hair than before the first HT, so that is hard.




it seems like you are one of the few who had growth start around the same time for both HTs. I was told by Dr. True, that a second HT, growth typically starts around the same as the first, but after a third or fourth HT, that may not be the case, and that it may take longer to grow. so here's hoping icon_wink.gif


I just hit 2 months now. Oh how I hope in the next month that I'll start seeing at least some kind of growth.



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