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Rogaine has to be used at exact twice a day intervals?


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I'm curious, if Rogaine has to be used at very routine exact times twice a day to be effective? I just have a very irregular schedule, in terms of both sleep and work, so it'd be difficult to incorporate into my life using it at the exact two times every day. Has anyone used Rogaine, with effective results, that hasn't used at the most exact twice a day intervals?

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There is no rule that says that Rogaine has to be used at exactly the same time every day or very regular intervals.


In my opinion, it is probably most convenient to use it after towel drying your hair after your shower and then again right before bed. If you shower at night before bed, it's probably a good idea to use Rogaine once when you wake up and then right again before bed. It's ok if the times are different every day.


Best wishes,



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