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Dr. Rajput - dont give excuses for substandard ht


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I am amazed how low doctors can stoop.

Sahil has had a bad ht.


His doctor, Dr. Rajput charged for 2400 grafts and placed what looks like 1000. Sahil voiced his displeasure and Dr. Rajput has gone ahead and replied on this site.


Since, he is replying, I assume he is reading this post and will be gracious enough to stand up and answer.


First and foremost doctor, you should never reveal a patient's real name identity.


If you had to post your side of the story, you should have posted on Sahil's thread instead of an obscure long winded thread that has run out its life.


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I am amazed how low doctors can stoop.

Sahil has had a bad ht.


His doctor, Dr. Rajput charged for 2400 grafts and placed what looks like 1000. Sahil voiced his displeasure and Dr. Rajput has gone ahead and replied on this site.


Since, he is replying, I assume he is reading this post and will be gracious enough to stand up and answer.


First and foremost doctor, you should never reveal a patient's real name identity.


If you had to post your side of the story, you should have posted on Sahil's thread instead of an obscure long winded thread that has run out its life.


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This is what you posted Dr. Rajput, I have only obscured the patient name.




Quote -


thanks for bringing this to my notice.

1. It is essential to take medicines for 4 months before a transplat, to per condition your hair for a transplant. 2 months of medicine and rushing into a transplant with some pretex that you are leaving the place or you will not have leave again or so will coax the surgeon. I will refuse a transplant before completing 4 months of medicine.

2. You have 1,20,000 hair on your head. If you lost everything on the top, you really need large numbe tof grafts. Patients expect evrything to get covered in a small number of grafts which is not possible. They srart by saying cover my front with 1000 grafts then little more on the top and slight cover on the back also. The grafts get laid out far apart and cannot give the new dense looks desired. It does not meet the dreams of the preson.

3. No one counts the number of grafts while implanting. We count the density and the size of the strip to be harvested is decided accordingly to yeild the requiered number of grafts. While doing the surgery I am concentrating on the work I repeated querries at this time are difficult to answer. Best way to keep out of it is to say you can trust me on this issue.

4. It is essential to take the hair growth medicine after the transplant. This will support the growth of the grafts. If not post surgical shock loss is unavoidable complication which will lead to loss of your original weak hair in the area of transplant. So you loose 3000 - 5000 wewak hair instead of strengthening or growing them and grow back only 2400 in place of these. Net gain is unimpressive.

5. On reading the details it appears that this patient has opted for transplant without proper medicitions and not taken the medicines after the surgery.

6. Medicine and transplant are not replacement for one another. You cannot have a transplant because you do not want to take medicines. Both go hand in hand and complement each other for the final outcome.

However cases of shock loss are occassional, I had one student from Newzealand whom I could not see for follow up and he could not be emphasised enough to follow the medicines correctly, he had a shock loss. I sent him 4 months of medicine from India, to help him out. Otherwise I make sure this never happens to any of my cases.


- End quote

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Dr Rajput,

Do you charge by the grafts or by the hair?

You led Sahil to believe he will be getting 2400 grafts and now you are speaking of 2400 hair.


Quote -

So you loose 3000 - 5000 wewak hair instead of strengthening or growing them and grow back only 2400 in place of these. Net gain is unimpressive.



I think you are just covering up your a**.


Next, how many actual grafts did you plant for Sahil?

This is Sahil's picture. Think well before answering.

Is this 2400, 1200, 800 grafts or you just dont know?




Why do you wish to insult our intelligence by saying something like this...



No one counts the number of grafts while implanting. We count the density and the size of the strip to be harvested is decided accordingly to yeild the requiered number of grafts.



So you mean to say all the Coalition doctors telling the exact numbers of grafts are lying?




Before accepting the fee and performing the operation, do you tell the patient that the graft numbers will be too few? Or is that an afterthought!



The grafts get laid out far apart and cannot give the new dense looks desired. It does not meet the dreams of the preson.





Doctor, my honest advise to you is to own up that you performed a transplant even though you are not competent to deliver the state of the art.

Thereafter, apologize to the patient for what you have done and, if your conscience permits, return his money to him.

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Dear Friends,


First and formost I would thank all you guys for standing up for me.

My special thanx to Jolly , Thank a lot brother.

Dear Doctor ( Mr.Rajesh rajput) I was told by you that I don't require a transplant and only medicine alone will be sufficient to grow back the hair.

But after two months of medicine you told me that the only way out is a Hair Transplant . Initially you told me that only 1600 grafts ( and not 1600 hair) is required and few days before the surgery you told me that I require 2400 grafts ( and not 2400 hair).

I have paid you Rs 120000 for 2400 grafts and not for 2400 hair as mentioned by you. You also told me that each graft will have 3 hair which means 2400 grafts can give rise to 6000-7000 hair. And now you say its 2400 hairs ?????

Then why did you charge Rs 12000 for 2400 hair as quoted by you.


I am having my medicines religiously and its more than 3 months now but I find no change.


Dear doctor please remember that every patient who come to you is not filthy rich .

I come form a middle class family and it took 1 year for me to save Rs 80000 and Rs 40000 I had taken as loan which I am still repaying .

For you I might be just another patient , but remember for me you were a only source of hope.


I am here not to blame any one , May be I didn't do more research before finalizing my doctor. Well this could be a lesson to others .




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I am not his patient yet, although part of this forum for last 2 years I am not active. While going through thread I came across Sahil's thread and requested doctor to reply.


The whole issue seems to be Dr. Rajput should clarrify how many grafts/hair is transpanted on Sahil and whether Sahil got whatever money he paid for? Blaming or using bad language is not the way to ove forward, instead lets talk to doctor through forum and request him to give answer to these questions.




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Did you read the response from Rajput? He is blaming the patient for the result.

Issue is not only with the number of grafts.

First of all, Rs.1,20,000 is huge amount. This is the highest price I ever heard any doctor charging in India for 2,400 grafts. And the worst is, I can't even see a 1000 grafts there.

Look at the work. Either the grafts or incisions are big. He gave no proper shape to the crown. Grafts are placed too far apart.

The best thing the doctor can do now is to give him back the money. But looking at the doctor's attitude, expecting anything from him is useless.

Ravi Vide

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B+.. Don't loose hope. Good days are ahead. Wait for the current HT to grow, save some money and go to a good doctor.

Have you ever used Toppik? Try it and see how it works for you. It is available in Mumbai (Call to 26740022).

Ravi Vide

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Originally posted by jagdish:


B+.. Don't loose hope. Good days are ahead. Wait for the current HT to grow, save some money and go to a good doctor.

Have you ever used Toppik? Try it and see how it works for you. It is available in Mumbai (Call to 26740022).

I wish I could be more like you Jagdish. You are always so balanced and helpful. I get mad too soon.

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Originally posted by Nilesh Shah:

I feel forum should act as pressure group on doctors and this will help patients to expect greater accountibility and trasparency from doctors.


Nilesh, take care.

You have only 3 posts here, 2 of them on this thread and the doctor took liberty of using your name. Its ok that you use this name for blogging. But, for the likes of me, I dont use my real name to blog. If I mail a doctor and he posts in such irresponsible way (I am sure he did not ask you before using your name), I will be ruined.

I havent seen a single example of any other doctor behaving in such a cavalier way.


Moreover, a weekend has passed and he has not replied. Can you email him again? Tell him there are serious issues at hand and if he wishes to retain any shred of credibility he should come here and post his response.


A reply, any reply, will be better than none.

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The bottom line is...


2400 grafts is NOT enough grafts for that level of hair loss.


Will there be a cosmetic difference? Some for sure...but density will be significantly lacking.


The grafts are placed significantly far apart, and it seems that the incisions made were made with larger instrumentation.


This is clearly a substandard HT.






All you can do is wait at this point. I strongly recommend that you fly to the states or Canada to see a top notch surgeon if you consider another HT.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dr. Rajput,

You have still not replied to the questions I asked you on this thread.

I hope you will take time out of your busy schedule to answer.

You claim Sahil was given 2400 grafts.


Please rest assured that paint or photoshop will allow us to verify the actual numbers. All one needs is to zoom in and count the grafts.


Do you have any intention of returning Sahil's money straightforward or do you wish the consumer forums to intervene?


Doctors are held in high regard in my childhood. I can not imagine anytime when a doctor will do what you are doing?


Plz redeem yourself. You did a mistake. Be a man. Apologize to Sahil and return his money. Thats a fair thing to do. The least you can do.

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Originally posted by Nilesh Shah:



The whole issue seems to be Dr. Rajput should clarrify how many grafts/hair is transpanted on Sahil and whether Sahil got whatever money he paid for? Blaming or using bad language is not the way to ove forward, instead lets talk to doctor through forum and request him to give answer to these questions.





See Nilesh,

Its been almost 2 weeks and the doctor has not responded. Thats what is abominable. He took Sahil's money but when it comes to accountability he seems to have done a Harry potter vanishing trick.

I hope the plastic surgeons of India throw him out of their fraternity. my family physician was horrified when he saw this thread. His words "doctors like these are not meant to exist". he should start a LIC selling business.

Doctros, specially plastic surgeons, are supposed to make the person look lots better, not to prey on their insecurities the way this one has done.


Is there any organization of Indian plastic surgeons?

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Dear members of this forum,

i am not regularly reading your posts. I have done 2400 grafts usinf stick and place technique. This if you know pLACES GRAFTS WITH A HYPODERMIC MEEDLE AND MAKES SMALL PUNCTURES. 3 months is too lessa period to appriciate growth of the grafts. The growth will start at 3-4 months and then continue 1 to 1.5cm every months. Patients take 6-7 months to see an appriciable result. Pleae continue medicines and wait. A good result is sure to come.

Apart from all said and done, I have no aptient named Sahil. So if not on the forum you may please reveal your date of surgery and name on my personal e-mail ID drrajeshrajput@gmail.com. The area seen in the picture is not the only area to be covered in 2400 grafts. These grafts are distributed from the front to back all over the frontal, vertex and crown. I am surprised that members have immediately calculated the numbers done and are already enjoying the doctor bashing to the best of their ability. I habe always done the same number of units as promised to the patient. I also stand by my approach to count the units while harvesting. If you do not harvst the required number of units from the donor area, how will you be sure of getting a correct yeild? And once you know how many grafts are taken, you place all of them and you are sure of having delivered the correct numbers.

I am not welll versed with your trends of following one thresd or another and had no idea of doing something unusual during the earlier replies. I stand by what I have performed and the patient should wait to see a good result. Never have I implanted less and charged more. In fact as the patient mentioned, many pf these youngstes coming for a transplant have been happy to grow back all their hair only with my Cyclical Medicine program. All members please wait and see the outcome at 6-7 months. Do not start passing remarks and verdicts before knowing all details. If you are right there is no need to hide your identity or use fictious names. I replied sincerely though there was never a patient by this name, but only one of my patients had chosen to go ahead wiht the procedure without waiting for 4 months of medicine to act. Please call for pictures in all views and revise your comments.

Originally posted by Jolly:
Originally posted by Nilesh Shah:



The whole issue seems to be Dr. Rajput should clarrify how many grafts/hair is transpanted on Sahil and whether Sahil got whatever money he paid for? Blaming or using bad language is not the way to ove forward, instead lets talk to doctor through forum and request him to give answer to these questions.





See Nilesh,

Its been almost 2 weeks and the doctor has not responded. Thats what is abominable. He took Sahil's money but when it comes to accountability he seems to have done a Harry potter vanishing trick.

I hope the plastic surgeons of India throw him out of their fraternity. my family physician was horrified when he saw this thread. His words "doctors like these are not meant to exist". he should start a LIC selling business.

Doctros, specially plastic surgeons, are supposed to make the person look lots better, not to prey on their insecurities the way this one has done.


Is there any organization of Indian plastic surgeons?

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Just wait for 6-7 months till this patients ahir grows and you will see a good result. DO not jump to conclusions. If you know the real name of this patient please send me a personal mail, it will help me in giving more detail replies on the forum without disclosing his identity to the forum.

Originally posted by Dr Rajesh Rajput:

Dear members of this forum,

i am not regularly reading your posts. I have done 2400 grafts usinf stick and place technique. This if you know pLACES GRAFTS WITH A HYPODERMIC MEEDLE AND MAKES SMALL PUNCTURES. 3 months is too lessa period to appriciate growth of the grafts. The growth will start at 3-4 months and then continue 1 to 1.5cm every months. Patients take 6-7 months to see an appriciable result. Pleae continue medicines and wait. A good result is sure to come.

Apart from all said and done, I have no aptient named Sahil. So if not on the forum you may please reveal your date of surgery and name on my personal e-mail ID drrajeshrajput@gmail.com. The area seen in the picture is not the only area to be covered in 2400 grafts. These grafts are distributed from the front to back all over the frontal, vertex and crown. I am surprised that members have immediately calculated the numbers done and are already enjoying the doctor bashing to the best of their ability. I habe always done the same number of units as promised to the patient. I also stand by my approach to count the units while harvesting. If you do not harvst the required number of units from the donor area, how will you be sure of getting a correct yeild? And once you know how many grafts are taken, you place all of them and you are sure of having delivered the correct numbers.

I am not welll versed with your trends of following one thresd or another and had no idea of doing something unusual during the earlier replies. I stand by what I have performed and the patient should wait to see a good result. Never have I implanted less and charged more. In fact as the patient mentioned, many pf these youngstes coming for a transplant have been happy to grow back all their hair only with my Cyclical Medicine program. All members please wait and see the outcome at 6-7 months. Do not start passing remarks and verdicts before knowing all details. If you are right there is no need to hide your identity or use fictious names. I replied sincerely though there was never a patient by this name, but only one of my patients had chosen to go ahead wiht the procedure without waiting for 4 months of medicine to act. Please call for pictures in all views and revise your comments.

Originally posted by Jolly:
Originally posted by Nilesh Shah:



The whole issue seems to be Dr. Rajput should clarrify how many grafts/hair is transpanted on Sahil and whether Sahil got whatever money he paid for? Blaming or using bad language is not the way to ove forward, instead lets talk to doctor through forum and request him to give answer to these questions.





See Nilesh,

Its been almost 2 weeks and the doctor has not responded. Thats what is abominable. He took Sahil's money but when it comes to accountability he seems to have done a Harry potter vanishing trick.

I hope the plastic surgeons of India throw him out of their fraternity. my family physician was horrified when he saw this thread. His words "doctors like these are not meant to exist". he should start a LIC selling business.

Doctros, specially plastic surgeons, are supposed to make the person look lots better, not to prey on their insecurities the way this one has done.


Is there any organization of Indian plastic surgeons?

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I would suggest you get pictures from all angles show the frontal, crown and vertex before you attempt to count the number of grafts. You will definetly count hte correct number done. Also note that not all grafts show a black scab as i de-epithelise my grafts - or to say remove the epidermis to have faster healing.

Originally posted by Jolly:

Dr. Rajput,

You have still not replied to the questions I asked you on this thread.

I hope you will take time out of your busy schedule to answer.

You claim Sahil was given 2400 grafts.


Please rest assured that paint or photoshop will allow us to verify the actual numbers. All one needs is to zoom in and count the grafts.


Do you have any intention of returning Sahil's money straightforward or do you wish the consumer forums to intervene?


Doctors are held in high regard in my childhood. I can not imagine anytime when a doctor will do what you are doing?


Plz redeem yourself. You did a mistake. Be a man. Apologize to Sahil and return his money. Thats a fair thing to do. The least you can do.

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The Rs 1,20,000 charged includes Assistant fees, Theater charges for 6 hours, nursing charges, consumables and service tax. The entire amount is not the surgeons fees for the procedure. But you assumed this is collected by me and took the liberty to fire. It is surprising.

Originally posted by jagdish:


Did you read the response from Rajput? He is blaming the patient for the result.

Issue is not only with the number of grafts.

First of all, Rs.1,20,000 is huge amount. This is the highest price I ever heard any doctor charging in India for 2,400 grafts. And the worst is, I can't even see a 1000 grafts there.

Look at the work. Either the grafts or incisions are big. He gave no proper shape to the crown. Grafts are placed too far apart.

The best thing the doctor can do now is to give him back the money. But looking at the doctor's attitude, expecting anything from him is useless.

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Dr. Rajesh Rajput,


Whereas I believe that the final outcome of a hair transplant should not be evaluated until 12 months, it is obvious from the postoperative photos that the grafts are spaced very far apart.


For the degree of baldness on this patient - 2400 grafts will not make a significant difference in this area.


What is the size of the needle you use to make recipient incisions? The incisions appear larger than what is standardly used today by world class hair transplant physicians doing truly ultra refined follicular unit transplantation.


In addition, you have yet to address Pat's message to you:



Dr. Rajesh Rajput,


In addition to your patient care issues, I see that you have illegally copied the hair loss animations from our web community and removed all references and links to this community.


This is clear violation of US copyright law. What kind of ethics do you have or not have to blatantly copy graphics and animations from our website and then strip out the references to this community?


We offer free animations to others on the condition that the links to this community remain intact. You have intentionally removed these links and references and you are now in violation of copyright law.


If this situation is not remedied I will take action.


Patrick Hennessey, Publisher of this site.



Since it is obvious you have not remedied this situation, I will be sending a note to Pat.





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About this patient who claims to be operated by me and is not having the same number of grafts or a good growth. I suggest you form a action group of a few volunteers who can visit the hospital where I do my transplants, verify the details and present the truth. Come out of this vertual world of e-mails and pictures and abusing and face reality in this matter. I shall give my address and cell number to the members you select. Ask them to evaluate the truth.

Originally posted by Jolly:

I am amazed how low doctors can stoop.

Sahil has had a bad ht.


His doctor, Dr. Rajput charged for 2400 grafts and placed what looks like 1000. Sahil voiced his displeasure and Dr. Rajput has gone ahead and replied on this site.


Since, he is replying, I assume he is reading this post and will be gracious enough to stand up and answer.


First and foremost doctor, you should never reveal a patient's real name identity.


If you had to post your side of the story, you should have posted on Sahil's thread instead of an obscure long winded thread that has run out its life.


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All Membars,

please form a action group of few volunteers and find out the truth fron the hospital where I work in Mumbai. I shall give my cell number and address to members selected by you to look into the matter. Come out of this virtual world with no name, no date given by the patient. The picture may have been a few days later when part of the scabs have fallen off? Find the truth and these members can then tell everyone what the truth is.

Originally posted by Jolly:

Dr Rajput,

Do you charge by the grafts or by the hair?

You led Sahil to believe he will be getting 2400 grafts and now you are speaking of 2400 hair.


Quote -

So you loose 3000 - 5000 wewak hair instead of strengthening or growing them and grow back only 2400 in place of these. Net gain is unimpressive.



I think you are just covering up your a**.


Next, how many actual grafts did you plant for Sahil?

This is Sahil's picture. Think well before answering.

Is this 2400, 1200, 800 grafts or you just dont know?




Why do you wish to insult our intelligence by saying something like this...



No one counts the number of grafts while implanting. We count the density and the size of the strip to be harvested is decided accordingly to yeild the requiered number of grafts.



So you mean to say all the Coalition doctors telling the exact numbers of grafts are lying?




Before accepting the fee and performing the operation, do you tell the patient that the graft numbers will be too few? Or is that an afterthought!



The grafts get laid out far apart and cannot give the new dense looks desired. It does not meet the dreams of the preson.





Doctor, my honest advise to you is to own up that you performed a transplant even though you are not competent to deliver the state of the art.

Thereafter, apologize to the patient for what you have done and, if your conscience permits, return his money to him.

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Dear Members here are the patient's pictures taken on 10th day when he came for suture removal. Hope you will see more grafts in here. PLus there are grafts on the sides as well. Some thin single hair grafts are implanted two together for better density. The charge of 1,20,000 is a package for 2000 grafts, additional grafts were offered free. Charges can be verified from my website www.hairlossindia.com. The procedure was done in 1st week of april, hair growth begins in August and I would love to see the pictures by November. Hold on all of you until then.


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  • Regular Member

Dear Members here are the patient's pictures taken on 10th day when he came for suture removal. Hope you will see more grafts in here. Some thin single hair grafts are implanted two together for better density. The charge of 1,20,000 is a package for 2000 grafts, additional grafts were offered free. Charges can be verified from my website www.hairlossindia.com. The procedure was done in 1st week of april, hair growth begins in August and I would love to see the pictures by November. Hold on all of you until then.


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