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I've only been to this site twice previously and I thought I'd make a post to seek a lil advice from members who know more than me.



I'm 23, taking classes part time and working. I've had a receding hairline since highschool. It's something that to be honest hasn't bothered me terribly until recently. My hairline has receded noticeably. And I've just recently become aware of hairloss/thinning on the top of my head/vertex area. I have no health insurance unfortunately. And while I'm sure the initial trip to the family doctor can be the most important step. It's one that may be costly for me as well.


At this point HT is something that I plan to hold off on for many years if possible. I keep my hair very short, I have all my life and in fact; a fresh cut, a little trickery on my part and an understanding barber. And you can barely tell that I have hairloss problems at all. So for the time being I'm more interested in halting my hairloss. Like I said I've had a receding hairline since highschool. While I highly doubt I'll ever be the proud owner of a V hairline. It's something I've grown to accept and work with. My only real issues are: 1.) Wanting to be sure that my hair loss is normal and not some dramatic health issue. I'm sure it's just plain old unlucky hairloss but rather be sure. (Better safe than sorry) It's been about 2 yeats since I've seen a doctor. I've been very blessed health wise and haven't had so much as a cold in all that time. 2.) Cost! Rogaine I can afford, but I'm wondering what a prescription of Propecia/Proscar will end up costing me. As many of you know or can recall. Most decisions I make come down to money, sadly.


And while I'm still looking through the forums and learning I'll take this time to ask a few questions.


With rogaine/minoxidl I've read that you actually loose more hair in the area before you see new growth. I was wondering if this is a noticeable loss of hair. My receding area isn't completely bald just very very thin. I'm worried what it will look like once the hair is actually gone from that area. Or whether it will come back after that. And as far as the top of my head I'm really not in a hurry to make the hair I have left fall out lol.


Propecia/proscar...I've tried to look on the internet for the side effects but all I found was studies and percentages. No actual mention of said side effects. Through browsing this site I've gained a pretty good idea of what the sexual side effects are. I was wondering if there are any others. And for anyone who has dealt with the side effects did they diminish after you stopped using propecia?


A big thank you ahead of time to anyone who takes the time to respond to this. I'm just looking for a little feedback really.


EDIT: I'm also looking into dermamatch.

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I've only been to this site twice previously and I thought I'd make a post to seek a lil advice from members who know more than me.



I'm 23, taking classes part time and working. I've had a receding hairline since highschool. It's something that to be honest hasn't bothered me terribly until recently. My hairline has receded noticeably. And I've just recently become aware of hairloss/thinning on the top of my head/vertex area. I have no health insurance unfortunately. And while I'm sure the initial trip to the family doctor can be the most important step. It's one that may be costly for me as well.


At this point HT is something that I plan to hold off on for many years if possible. I keep my hair very short, I have all my life and in fact; a fresh cut, a little trickery on my part and an understanding barber. And you can barely tell that I have hairloss problems at all. So for the time being I'm more interested in halting my hairloss. Like I said I've had a receding hairline since highschool. While I highly doubt I'll ever be the proud owner of a V hairline. It's something I've grown to accept and work with. My only real issues are: 1.) Wanting to be sure that my hair loss is normal and not some dramatic health issue. I'm sure it's just plain old unlucky hairloss but rather be sure. (Better safe than sorry) It's been about 2 yeats since I've seen a doctor. I've been very blessed health wise and haven't had so much as a cold in all that time. 2.) Cost! Rogaine I can afford, but I'm wondering what a prescription of Propecia/Proscar will end up costing me. As many of you know or can recall. Most decisions I make come down to money, sadly.


And while I'm still looking through the forums and learning I'll take this time to ask a few questions.


With rogaine/minoxidl I've read that you actually loose more hair in the area before you see new growth. I was wondering if this is a noticeable loss of hair. My receding area isn't completely bald just very very thin. I'm worried what it will look like once the hair is actually gone from that area. Or whether it will come back after that. And as far as the top of my head I'm really not in a hurry to make the hair I have left fall out lol.


Propecia/proscar...I've tried to look on the internet for the side effects but all I found was studies and percentages. No actual mention of said side effects. Through browsing this site I've gained a pretty good idea of what the sexual side effects are. I was wondering if there are any others. And for anyone who has dealt with the side effects did they diminish after you stopped using propecia?


A big thank you ahead of time to anyone who takes the time to respond to this. I'm just looking for a little feedback really.


EDIT: I'm also looking into dermamatch.

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  • Senior Member


I feel you on this one my man. Iv had a receding hairline since jr.year of height school. I also have my hair short (I shave it with a one guard). Its tough luck for us have our genes take effect so young but as you know things can be done.


It sounds like you have typical Male pattern baldness but if your worried feel free to post some pictures. Also id suggest seeing a demonologist who specializes in hair loss instead of your doctor who probably will not know quite as much.


As far as cost for propecia, proscar is much cheaper than propecia and just as effective. You simply cut the pill into the correct dosage.


1.The initial Shedding of hair us important when using Rogaine because it proves that it's working. Rogaine's job is to rid yourself of thin hairs and regrow them thicker and stronger. The shedding is usually not noticeable.


2. Many people do complain about sexual side effects in propecia but clinical testing has reported it in only about 2% of men. If you can afford it id highly suggest you get on it.


I hope iv beed helpful and feel free to ask anymore questions.

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As far as cost for propecia, proscar is much cheaper than propecia and just as effective. You simply cut the pill into the correct dosage.


1.The initial Shedding of hair us important when using Rogaine because it proves that it's working. Rogaine's job is to rid yourself of thin hairs and regrow them thicker and stronger. The shedding is usually not noticeable.


2. Many people do complain about sexual side effects in propecia but clinical testing has reported it in only about 2% of men. If you can afford it id highly suggest you get on it.


I hope iv beed helpful and feel free to ask anymore questions.




Thanks a lot giant for responding.

I guess the first thing I need to do is attempt to find a dermatlogist in my area. I may not be able to find one specializing in hairloss but I'll give it a shot. I can get a hold of the minoxidil pretty easily but if my only option is a prescription it may be a while longer before I can get on proscar.

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  • Regular Member

I would suggest proscar as well. I had a HT a few years ago and while they can provide a life changing expercience. I would suggest through that you try proscar. Once your hairloss has stablized then you can understand what your next move can be.

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Welcome to our community. Giants has already given you an excellent response to all of your questions and there is not a whole lot more I can add to it. (Well done Giants)


I think it is smart at your age to hold off considering a hair transplant. Later in the future you can consider this as an option if you still feel you want/need it. If there is anything I can do to help you, let me know.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

To be honest I don't know a whole lot about hairlosstalk as far as ordering from them. In my opinion it would be smarter to get a prescription from a doctor because you dont always know about the safety and the reliability of products purchased online

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  • Regular Member

I would suggest that you speak to your doctor first. Proscar is well tolerated and most guys have no side effects. Only 2 % of those have sexual side effects. You are doing teh right thing by waiting to see what the hairloss will be in a few years, Then you can have a good plan of attack. I had mine in 2002 and it changed my life. Wait a while to see, and go on proscar to halt any further hairloss. Keep in mind that Proscar will NOT stop frontal loss and will take 12 months or more to see results. You may shed in that 12 months but that is normal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I started using Rogaine last week. And I'm thinking I'm doing it wrong. The first time I used it I used 1ml in each area which seemed totally wrong and after reading the instructions again I see that it is.


I'm thinking I should rogain foam instead the serum form is so messy and with me having very very short hair it really just runs all over my head. After the 2nd day I was feelign good to finally be making a move to do something about my hairloss. And I kid you not it actually seemed like my hair was fuller for the first 3 days lol. That was my imagination I know but it was a good feeling. Hear I am in the 2nd week and it seems my hair is thinning out more. Hopefully this is just normal shedding, but I'm not sure if I should be expecting that this early.

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Guest wanthairs



stick with us and we'll help you as best we can....Throw in Nizoral shampoo too. When I used rogain liquid I used it in a spray bottle instead of the crappy droppers that come with it. I recently switched to the foam which is easier to work with in my humble opinion...

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  • Senior Member
Proscar will NOT stop frontal loss and will take 12 months or more to see results. You may shed in that 12 months but that is normal.


Ryan this is not all that true. First hand I have seen a sibling of mine completly stableize his hairline while on Propecia. It lowers DHT and therefore effects all your hair, including your hairline. Some claim that there is more DHT on the front of the scalp than the crown, whather that be true or not propecia will almost certainly help the hairline.

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