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Your thoughts on Ht's at a young age

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Hi, I'm 23 years old and losing my hair. I`ll spare you the explaining how this has affected my confidence. We all know what a raw deal going bald is. My hair loss is not that bad just a general thinning on the top of my head. No real bald spots but the hairs are just not as thick as they once were. The worst spot being on the vertex. I have been on avodart for about a year and i have not lost a hair since. But, I have not experienced any significant regrowth. My hair has thickened, but I still have to keep it short and I am limited to only one hairstyle. I was wondering what your opinions on ht's at a young age? I am aware of the risks But why should I spend youth in hiding? I've heard that a quality doctor should provide stand alone results. Does that mean as I progress with baldness the transplanted area should not apear freakish and unatural? I also have very thick hair on the back and sides and I have light brown hair. All plusses when talking about ht's, right? Also, what are your opinions on shock loss? my hair shafts are thin and it probably wouldnt take much for them to fall out. But does shock loss have more to do with the doctor then the surrounding hair?

I probably could wait to do this procedure for a few years but by then I will probably be married with kids on the way and will not be able to afford it. So all you guys give me your thoughts. I would like a collective input and there is a lot of expierence in this forum. Any of you that had ht's at a young age I would like to hear about it.

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Hi, I'm 23 years old and losing my hair. I`ll spare you the explaining how this has affected my confidence. We all know what a raw deal going bald is. My hair loss is not that bad just a general thinning on the top of my head. No real bald spots but the hairs are just not as thick as they once were. The worst spot being on the vertex. I have been on avodart for about a year and i have not lost a hair since. But, I have not experienced any significant regrowth. My hair has thickened, but I still have to keep it short and I am limited to only one hairstyle. I was wondering what your opinions on ht's at a young age? I am aware of the risks But why should I spend youth in hiding? I've heard that a quality doctor should provide stand alone results. Does that mean as I progress with baldness the transplanted area should not apear freakish and unatural? I also have very thick hair on the back and sides and I have light brown hair. All plusses when talking about ht's, right? Also, what are your opinions on shock loss? my hair shafts are thin and it probably wouldnt take much for them to fall out. But does shock loss have more to do with the doctor then the surrounding hair?

I probably could wait to do this procedure for a few years but by then I will probably be married with kids on the way and will not be able to afford it. So all you guys give me your thoughts. I would like a collective input and there is a lot of expierence in this forum. Any of you that had ht's at a young age I would like to hear about it.

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  • Regular Member

Im in the same position as you, and same thought, why should we wait and lose our youth.


Im going in dec/jan, but do your reseach and think it over.


You will lose your buzz #1 and maybe #2 in the back and sides if you go with STRIP.




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You will get varying opinionis on this, however, I believe that age isn't the PRIMARY factor in determining whether or not you should consider getting an HT, but I will say it should be a factor. Where age REALLY becomes a factor is when someone who is your age has minimal loss in the hairline for example, and then want to dense pack the hairline with 3000-5000 grafts to restore their high school hairline and density. Whereas it will look great for a short time, inevitable loss will follow and eventually you'll have a great hairline with no hair behind it looking completely ridiculous. The most important thing to remember is that your DONOR SUPPLY IS LIMITED. So that being said, I believe it's important to be conservative when getting HTs at such a young age.


I'm glad to hear you are on medication and that your hairloss has stopped/slowed down. If I were you, I'd probably do the following:


1. Stay on the medication

2. Post photos here to get some feedback

3. Consult with some of the coalition docs (at least 3)




4. Plan conservatively - This might mean waiting until your late 20s. This might also mean getting an HT, but going more for coverage, not ultra dense packing at this point. You can always go for more density later as you'll most likely have to keep up with your hairloss.


In regards to shockloss, this is always possible. Miniaturized hairs due to MPB may be permanently shocked, but that's only because they were destined to die anyway, you just speed up the process. Temporary shockloss may occur simply from trauma to the scalp, but the hair will return after several months. However, if you are transplanting hairs into a bald area, you will experience no shockloss since there is nothing to shock icon_wink.gif


I hope this gets you started.



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I think when you go into something like a hair trasplant you really need to think about things long term. I am 36 years old so I can tell you that I made a bad decision to have transplants when I was around 25. Because technology was pretty bad at the time I had about 250 corn stalk transplants around my hairline and my hair eventually started to recede beyond the transplants making it look really bad. The only thing I could think of at the time was to get a hairpiece to cover the mess up. I have been wearing a hairpiece for the past 10 years now and can honestly say I hate it but it definitely helped me cover the bad transplant job. I am currently working with Dr. Bernstein who I might add is fantastic! I just had my third session of removing and relocating my bad hair transplants about a week ago. I still have one more to go before my whole hairline is clean. Can't wait! After that I will get about two mega sessions and hopefully have a normal life again.


I know I kind of went on and on about my situation and its not the same these days because technology is much better but the moral of the story is you have to think about the long term when you make a big decision like this. My advice would be to be conservative with the hairline and worry more about the density on top because as you get older your hair will most likely recede more and more. Best of luck to you on your hair endeavors.

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