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5209 Grafts 2 Sessions - Dr. Rosanelli

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I really wish people would read the entire thread before commenting.


Dabuski, I am not promoting anyone (as I already stated above). We are considering him for potential recommendation and I have posted a number of photos on his behalf. You become part of this evaluation process by posting your honest feedback on photos posted on our public discussion forum (whether or not we or the physician is doing it). Some physicians simply aren't tech savvy and it's easier for them if I post them. I do it as a courtesy, not because I am endorsing them.


That said, I feel that many forum members have been overcritical on a number of the photo albums because most are looking for the one and done "wow" result that just isn't always possible for someone with high degrees of baldness. This result may not be optimal however, a number of others look good in my opinion.



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if there is no "wow" result there is no result... unless the patient was not keen on it...

if the patient says.."i am not keen on looking good. just want some hair on my head.."

if that was the case with then this result looks good..


why would anybody spend 10000$ + a scar + few days at home after surgery + surgery incovenience + (things i missed)... for no "wow" result...

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I am going to respond to this statement generally because I think your comment is indicative of very unrealistic expectations.


It is extremely rare for someone with a high degree of baldness to get a "wow" result and virtually impossible for someone with fine hair characteristics and a more limited donor area.


The JoTronics, Bobmans, and Glock08s of the world are few and far between....I'm sorry to say.


In many cases, an illusion of hair density can be acheived, but nobody will be able to acheive a full head of hair. This is reality. What looks good in one type of lighting will appear quite thin in others.


See Will I Be Able to Restore a Full Head of Hair with Hair Transplant Surgery?


I fear that people see these rare patients and expect that everyone will be able to achieve the same type of results.




After 7550 grafts, most people would agree that I had a nice transformation, but even now, my hair can appear quite thin in certain lighting, and especially when wet. But I am quite pleased with my result having a lot more hair than I would if I was bald.

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Quote from Bill:


"I feel that many forum members have been overcritical on a number of the photo albums because they are looking for the one and done "wow" result that just isn't always possible for someone with high degrees of baldness."


You asked for some of us to have more faith in the process of recommendations on the HTN, so please have more faith in your fellow patients and contributors to this forum.


I'm certainly not expecting every HT to provide a 'wow - he's no longer bald' look, but certainly some sort of 'wow' however small it may be. It may be 'wow' - the new hairline properly frames his face and makes him look years younger, or 'wow', surprising coverage for that number of grafts, or 'wow', look at the naturalness of the work, etc. You know, some true definitive cosmetic improvement for the monetary and emotional commitment.


I get the feeling you believe we are perhaps being too hard on this doctor. Honestly, I'm still waiting for answers to questions:


(1) what was the plan for this patient. A 2nd procedure was done only 5 months after the 1st yet the 1st HT appears to be done over the entire scalp. If the plan was for a 2nd so soon after the 1st, why not break up the HT into front vs. back? Isn't it bad to transplant so soon after the 1st?


(2) why does the doctor think that 3,000+ graft procedures deliver less than optimal results or growth when it has clearly been proved otherwise and may be in the patient's best interest?


(3) why no temple work as we all know how important that is to the realism and impact of the final result?


(4) any scar photos from other patients 12-months post-op? The one that was in the clinic visit truly scared me. Honestly, it did and I called it for what it was right away.


(5) what is with the pricing fee structure? $2,500 for the first 200 grafts? $2,500 flat fee for any scar repair? This is a bit suspect, but I understand supply & demand.


(6) why not higher density in the hairline to better 'frame the face'? What better example of how 'wow' and impactful that is than Bill's and others transformation. It literally takes years off your appearance!!


(7) if this doctor is being considered for admittance, shouldn't we see LOTS of photos? Clearly, he should have plenty of great and dramatic examples but a quick survey of his website finds either models on the homepage or a handful of very small low-res before/after images.


I think that's it. icon_smile.gif


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

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just because it isnt a "wow" result to you doesnt mean the guy who has been staring at his bald head in the mirror for years doesnt think "wow" when he brushes his teeth in the morning.


just my two pence.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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It seems like in all the pictures that Dr. Rosanelli submited were cases that required covering a very large area, which I believe makes it that much more difficult. It would be nice to see cases that were not so extreme, as many other doctors post which make the final result look that much better. Just my opinion.

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I understand your concerns and appreciate your questions. I have been in contact with the clinic and expect that they will be able to answer your questions.




That's a very good point. It would be interesting to see some of his work on patients with a lesser amount of baldness.



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I would love to hear from some of the patients themselves and how they feel about the results. That would give us a better perspective, hopefully an unbiased one at that.


These patients do seem to be high norwood patients and many times we see patients from other docs with a lot lower norwoods who have fantastic results. I feel the high norwood patients are the most difficult to get those wow results that everyone talks about. It would be nice to see some lower norwood patients from this doc.


I am not overly impressed by the pics presented, but again hearing from these patients and how they feel would help. We need to remember that most of these guys were virtually bald and the illusion of coverage is probably what most of these patients were striving towards.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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